Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 06/09/2020 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 06/09/20

The Anne Report brings you up to date on Anne’s latest activities. The Main Article, Breathless?, suggests that the frantic frenzy stimulated by today’s chaotic events can be EZier to process when we slow down and move our attention inward, to the priorities within us which lead us back to a place of balance and peace. In the Anne Talk, The Best Way to Handle Today, Anne suggests an EZier way to handle our daily upsets. Click to see Anne’s Art. The Dr. Money Talk, Second Hand Affirmations, encourages us to replace what we think others might think of us with how we choose to be. Click to see the Quotes. The Featured Product This Month highlights Anne’s fourth book, Words Make a Difference. Click to learn about EZosophy. Click to learn about Anne’s Abundance Affirmations. Click for Shareables From Anne. Click to learn about Anne’s Schedule. Click to Schedule Anne. Click to learn about Anne’s Services.

Happy Father’s Day to All Fathers.

Anne’s 8 Word Miracle Mantra: “Everything can be EZ or at least EZier.  Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter
      “Read What You Can, When You Can”

Living EZosophy, June 9, 2020
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue

In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
The Anne Report Anne Talk
Main Article Anne’s Art
Quotes Dr. Money Talk
Featured Product This Month Abundance Affirmations
What is EZosophy? Shareables From Anne

Anne’s Schedule

Anne’s Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 713.922.0242

Anne’s Websites

                        to see Anne's Products.
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                        visit the EZosophy Blog.
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                        view this issue online. Click to Email This Issue to a Friend.
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  The Anne Report

The Anne Report

Dear ,

If you’ve been reading my body saga for the past few weeks, you’ll know that I was in a head on car collision and that during my visit to the ER, a tumor was discovered in my left kidney. After moving my insurance from Houston to here and getting medical records sent, I scheduled a doctor’s appointment. The doctor was cool and had a good bedside manner. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, he could not read the CT scan from the Georgia hospital. Now I have to go in for an MRI in a couple of weeks. I am hoping to dissolve this thing by then. That is why I am happy to wait until June 18 to see what is going on. Everything points to renal cell carcinoma, but I know there is a law beyond the physical, another dimension from which pure health emanates. That is where I am going mentally – to the source of health. Please join me in my prayers by seeing a perfect outcome and perfect health. I’ll let you know.

Though my health issues are taking me on an unexpected adventure, it seems like our country is dealing with its own brand of illness. The effects of systemic racism are being felt by all. I am saddened and outraged by the number of webcam arrests now surfacing in which officers commit heinous crimes when they arrest blacks. The constitution was not written to make all men equal. Blacks and indigenous people were not considered human and women had little to no rights. As white men stood starry-eyed about their new experiment called democracy, they did so standing on the backs of others. The constitution was written for white male landowners. It looks like the constitution is still working for a privileged class. Women can still be raped and there is little or no justice. Blacks can be murdered with little or no consequences to those who kill them. Native Americans are still fighting for the vote. While they may have the vote in theory, voter suppression is alive and well in the communities of Native Americans and other people of color. What a system of privilege.

This may be the time in history when we need compassion more than ever. We must do what it takes to create a safe and just society: act; vote people out of office; hold our justice systems accountable; oppose the movement that preserves an American racial hierarchy and white supremacy. And we also need to hold a heart space large enough for everyone. If we turn others into enemies, we are the ones who suffer. The greatest divide in our country stems from fear. We are so acculturated to fear that we do not know how to function without it. It is time we rise in love and create the arc of justice that bends the right way. MLK would have crapped in his pants if he could see how much a moral universe is misbehaving in contemporary society. Even though there seems to be little progression toward the light, we cannot give up. No one can lift us up. We must be the children of light who do not turn their faces from that which is wrong while holding a vision that gives everyone justice and equality. While you may not have expected or even wanted my two cents on the matter, you have it anyway. And that is it for the Anne Report.

  Main Article


Today’s world is upside down. Unfortunately, if we were to turn things in the opposite direction, they would still be upside down. Right side up does not exist because we are spinning so fast that there is no up or down. Everything is up for grabs. People do not like this topsy turvy life. We want things clarified and rectified immediately. We have the attention span of a gnat. We are so used to immediate gratification that waiting, or not knowing, feels like a personal blow.

Remember those hunters and gatherers. Life was a process and getting food was an art. People learned how to look and where to look for food. They did not eat every day. One good meal was a treat. They could go for days without eating. We think we invented intermittent fasting. Our ancestors were the original intermittent fasters! No wonder intermittent fasting works so well. Our bodies are designed to handle long periods of time without food. Today, if we have to wait a few minutes for food, whether it be at a fast food joint, a restaurant, or in the grocery store, we think we are having a bad day. The idea of going a day without food sends most people into a panic. “Impossible.” In the 1940’s Mahatma Gandhi went 21 days without food; he only took sips of water during the day. I met a man online who only eats two days a week. While I am not advocating any kind of food or no food program, I am suggesting that learning how to do without food, might teach us some valuable lessons. We need slow food, not fast food.

Once I went on a 21-day fast. I only ate grapes. Do not laugh. Okay, I admit; it is funny. Grapes! I went to a workshop held by a tooth healer. He claimed that he could turn silver amalgam fillings into gold. And I kid you not, the fillings he worked with did change colors. This whole show was enough to convince me to set out on a 21-day grape fast. I only made it two weeks. I may be slow when it comes to fasting, really understanding it, but I had a dream that convinced me that I had better knock it off. And I did. I may be idealistic when it comes to food healing all, but I still have a bit of common sense. I have done a three-day water fast on several occasions. I discovered how to not eat all the time. I could go without food and still be okay. What a surprise. I realized how much of my life was wrapped around food. I grasped the unhealthy food practices that shape our daily lives. I realized that I kept too much food in my pantry. I bought more than I needed. I was food hoarding. I used food as a drug. My comfort food was my drug. I had to turn my relationship with food around. I needed a healthy relationship with food, not an addictive one.

Ken Keyes wrote a powerful book, The Handbook to Higher Consciousness. Keyes made distinctions between needs, wants, and addictive demands. He declared that addictions were emotion-backed demands. I was astounded when I realized that my life was mired in addictive demands.

George Floyd murmured, “I can’t breathe.” The world is affected by a pandemic that shuts down our lungs; we cannot breathe. Mother earth is enveloped in pollution. She cannot breathe. Our world is breathless. We are breathless. We insist on immediate answers, an instant and non-ending supply of food, alcohol, drugs, and an emotional bandwagon. We live in an instant, face-paced life, but that does not mean that life itself is fast. We can live on the speeding train or we can live in the calm countryside that the train passes though. Haidakhan Babaji declared that “Slowliness is holiness.” He knew that we needed to slow down. When we run through life, hurry, scurry, we get winded. We cannot breathe. Some call the pandemic, “The Great Pause.” Maybe the Universe is giving us a message: “Slow down. If you do not do it, I will shut things down.” And She did.

The profound is discovered in the stillness of life, not in the fast lane. We will never be spiritually fed by driving ourselves through the tasks of life. Hurrying is addictive drama. When we slow down and live in the meadow, rather than on the train, we can be sure that life will become EZier and EZier, and then, finally, we can catch our breath. Yes, let’s take a deep breath.


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Click image above to see it larger.

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Click image above to see it larger.

  Featured Product This Month

Click to learn about Anne's new book, Words Make A Difference.

“Books are waiting to be written. Thus, it was my privilege to bring this book to the world. It brought with it such grace and love. Words Make a Difference sparkles with aliveness and blessing and delivers the perfect information under perfect timing. We are called not only to heal ourselves and those around us, we are destined to hold a vision for the world. This book commands us to be architects of a brave new future and lights a path for us to follow.” Anne Sermons Gillis

Order Words Make a Difference from the website or call me at 713.922.0242 to order directly from me. The price is $16.95 plus $3.99 shipping, for a total of $20.94.

Click for the Kindle version on Amazon for $5.99.

Click here to learn about ALL of Anne’s books.

  What is EZosophy?

What is  EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the image above to learn more about EZosophy.

NOTE: If viewing this on a cell phone, scroll right to see the other column.

  Anne Talk

The Best Way to Handle Today

Click image to watch Anne's EZosophy video.
Click image above to watch the video.

In The Anne Talk, The Best Way to Handle Today, Anne suggests an EZier way to handle our daily upsets. Time: 2:43

  Anne’s Art

Click image to see it larger.
Click image above to see it larger.

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Click image above to see it larger.

  Dr. Money Talk

Second Hand Affirmations

Click image to watch Anne’s prosperity video.
Click image above to watch the video.

The Dr. Money Talk, Second Hand Affirmations, encourages us to replace what we think others might think of us with how we choose to be. 3:53

  Abundance Affirmations

Click to Join Anne's Abundance Affirmations Facebook Group.
Join Anne’s Facebook Group

This group is a place to post uplifting affirmations and thoughts about prosperity and abundant living. Let’s create a right relationship with money so that we feel comfortable about money. Let’s use money as it’s meant to be used, and not as a way to accumulate power or to fill a void. We don’t need money to buy more stuff. We need it to create a world that works for everyone. We want to cast off old beliefs of lack and reclaim our natural state of abundance. Anne, AKA Dr. Money, posts a nightly goodnight video for the prosperity team, and everyone who watches those videos becomes a part of the prosperity team.

You too can join the Prosperity Team by watching Anne’s Dr. Money channel.

  Shareables From Anne

Download and Share these links.

The World’s Best Weight Loss Secret

Thought Freedom

40 Days to Abundance

The EZosophy Vows

Vows of Seriousness

Anne’s Conscious Carols

  Anne’s Schedule

All times are Central Time
unless otherwise specified.

No scheduled activities at this time.

  Schedule Anne

Call or Email Anne Now to Schedule Her for Your Meeting.

You may reach Anne by phone at 713.922.0242. Click here to email Anne. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Contact Anne to book your event:
713.922.0242 or

  Anne’s Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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Anne Sermons Gillis
574 Chimney Bluff Dr.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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Edited and published weekly for Anne Sermons Gillis by Charles David Heineke. Visit Anne at