Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 10/27/2020 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 10/27/20

The Anne Report brings you up to date on Anne’s latest activities. The Main Article, What If The Sign Resigns? reminds us of the importance of affirming our beliefs whether or not we have a sign in the current situation. In the Anne Talk, Have You Had Your Susan Boyle Moment Today?, reminds us to surprise our friends with how great we are today. Click to see Anne’s Art. In the Dr. Money Talk, Money Affirmations and Money Visions, Anne provides some affirmations and mental visualizations we can use to keep ourselves in alignment with our prosperity. Click to see the Quotes. The Featured Product This Month highlights Anne’s second book, EZosophy: The Art and Wisdom of EZ or At Least EZier Living. Click to learn about EZosophy. Click to learn about Anne’s Abundance Affirmations. Click for Shareables From Anne. Click to learn about Anne’s Schedule. Click to Schedule Anne. Click to learn about Anne’s Services.

Anne’s 8 Word Miracle Mantra: “Everything can be EZ or at least EZier.  Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter
“Read What You Can, When You Can”

Living EZosophy, October 27, 2020
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue

In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
The Anne Report Anne Talk
Main Article Anne’s Art
Quotes Dr. Money Talk
Featured Product This Month Abundance Affirmations
What is EZosophy? Shareables From Anne

Anne’s Schedule

Anne’s Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 713.922.0242

Anne’s Websites

                        to see Anne's Products.
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  The Anne Report

The Anne Report

Dear ,

What a wonderful week. Our grandchildren spent the night in our new house, for the first time. The only little hitch was that they would not come without their mama. We picked them up at 10:15 AM on Friday; it is a short school day. They spent the day with us and Elizabeth came later, at 5 PM. Alas, my daughter and Toby had to forgo their date night. Having the grands is like having a hurricane, a circus, and a zoo simultaneously. I was glad my daughter was here.

The next day, as soon as they packed up, we received a call from our dear friends from Houston, John and Dawn, who were traveling through the area. They came over for the evening. We ate and reminisced and had a video call with our mutual friends who now live in Norman, OK. It was a treat for the six of us to see each other, even if it was partly virtual. We gave them a house tour, masks in place, and ate on the back porch, where we could social distance and socialize without wearing masks. It was our first time to entertain in our new home and wonderful to have old friends visit. We had homemade pimento cheese with crackers for starters, then lima beans, cornbread, and salad. The meal was completed with a key lime pie. It was a true southern meal. We had a wonderful evening. We so miss our social life in Houston and were happy to have a taste of it for the evening.

Click image to see it larger.
Click image to see it larger.

Boxes still abound, but they are in the garage and all the essentials are in place. We love our new home, and that’s it for the Anne Report.

  Main Article

What If The Sign Resigns?

We each have moments of doubt and bewilderment. During such times we seek comfort and often send out a request to the Powers That Be: “Please send a sign!”

My friend connected to the quantum field. He was awed by his new relationship with the Infinite, yet he wanted reassurance that his discoveries were not imaginary or just wishful thinking. “If there’s something to this, help me loosen this screw.” He had been working on a screw, but it was rusty, stuck, and would not budge. He imagined the screw turning, repeated his request, then turned the screw with his fingers, and, to his delight and surprise, it easily moved.” This was his sign. It marked a turning point in his life. He opened to a deeper level of trust. He was not alone, and he was not powerless.

Dr. Joe Dispenza tells the story of a woman who wanted to know she was special, valued. She asked for an irrefutable sign that could not be missed. Later, she was driving with her car windows open and a bald eagle flew into her car. She pulled over. The eagle looked at her, momentarily held eye contact, then flew out the back window. This incident was not only inspiring and life-affirming; this story will be told over and over and help others rekindle that sense of wonder.

While I love the eagle story, being a practical mystic, I might have a wreck if an eagle flew into my car. I would be good with a parakeet or, better still, a butterfly; just saying. When I am out of sorts, it may take something as big as an eagle, but I don’t think the Universe is trying to kill me, so, to the Powers That Be, let’s go with a butterfly if this type situation comes up. As for my advice, maybe it would be safer to ask for a regular sign, rather than an irrefutable sign.

I have received signs, but most often I am left with the task of pulling myself out of my slump, and, if there’s a sign, I can’t read it. It is a wacky situation. When I am in the flow, signs are everywhere, but when I am in chaos, the signs have resigned. It makes sense. When I am cut off from flow, I do not see as clearly and, if signs are present, I am likely to miss them.

When we are in chaos and there is no clear path, what can we do? Here is what works for me. I do the next thing on my to do list or do the next thing that comes to mind. It might just be washing the car or writing in my journal, but I do something. I listen to a favorite song. I remind myself that all the things I have known to be true have not stopped being true just because I cannot currently connect with them in a meaningful way. I take my mishaps as a momentary lapse. I know that the situation or anxious feelings came to pass; they did not come to stay. Bad moods are basically chemical reactions, and I will not let a few chemicals get me down indefinitely.

When we cannot feel or discern our guidance, when there are no signs, we still need to trust that we are not alone. No need to give up our basic life assumptions of well-being when the moment does not measure up to our standards. When we live with a clean heart and have good intentions, we can trust that everything will turn out okay. We get too hung up on making the right choice. We dissect life and grope for guidance when it does not matter what we chose. Each choice brings its lessons, woes, and blessings. When we take love with us and live in compassion and humility, we are covered. Our choices become insignificant. We need to use our best judgment to decide on a plan of action, and then act. We have a Universal Life Insurance Policy that ensures that the essence of harmony organizes, directs, and corrects each step we take. Sometimes we step in doggy do, but each step, whether we hop, walk, slosh, or dance, takes us in the right direction.

We are going Godward, and, just as the wave cannot operate independently of the ocean, we cannot operate independently of the Source. Let us relax. We are not waves; we are oceans, and even though you may not have asked for a sign today, you’re going to get one. And it is not a stop sign; it is a go sign. Here’s your personal sign: “It’s okay; you’re going to be fine. Actually, you already are fine, and that is my final prophecy.”


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  Featured Product This Month

The reprint of EZosophy: The Art of EZ or at Least EZier Living, is out. If you've been wanting an EZier life, this book provides a clear path toward EZ.

Click to learn about Anne's reprinted version of EZosophy.

Anne’s second book, EZosophy:The Art and Wisdom of EZ or At Least EZier Living, is a simple philosophy that radically changes lives. It is a book for the spiritually-based reader who no longer values the ego driven struggle of contemporary life.

Click here to learn more about Anne’s book, EZosophy.

Click to get the Kindle version.

Click here to learn about ALL of Anne’s books.

  What is EZosophy?

What is  EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the image above to learn more about EZosophy.

If viewing on a phone, scroll right to see the other column.

  Anne Talk

Have You Had Your Susan Boyle Moment Today?

Click image to watch Anne's EZosophy video.
Click image above to watch the video.

This Anne Talk, Have You Had Your Susan Boyle Moment Today?, reminds us to surprise our friends with how great we are today. Time: 1:50

You can join Anne’s EZosophy team by watching her EZosophy channel.

  Anne’s Art

Click image to see it larger.
Click image above to see it larger.

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Click image above to see it larger.

  Dr. Money Talk

Money Affirmations and Money Visions

Click image to watch Anne’s prosperity video.
Click image above to watch the video.

In the Dr. Money Talk, Money Affirmations and Money Visions, Anne provides some affirmations and mental visualizations we can use to keep ourselves in alignment with our prosperity. 4:50

You can join the Prosperity Team by watching Anne’s Dr. Money channel.

  Abundance Affirmations

Click to Join Anne's Abundance Affirmations Facebook Group.
Join Anne’s Facebook Group

This group is a place to post uplifting affirmations and thoughts about prosperity and abundant living. Let’s create a right relationship with money so that we feel comfortable about money. Let’s use money as it’s meant to be used, and not as a way to accumulate power or to fill a void. We don’t need money to buy more stuff. We need it to create a world that works for everyone. We want to cast off old beliefs of lack and reclaim our natural state of abundance. Anne, AKA Dr. Money, posts a nightly goodnight video for the prosperity team, and everyone who watches those videos becomes a part of the prosperity team.

  Shareables From Anne

Download and Share these links.

The World’s Best Weight Loss Secret

Thought Freedom

40 Days to Abundance

The EZosophy Vows

Vows of Seriousness

Anne’s Conscious Carols

  Anne’s Schedule

All times here are Eastern Time
unless otherwise specified.

No scheduled activities at this time.

  Schedule Anne

Call or Email Anne Now to Schedule Her for Your Virtual Meeting.

You may reach Anne by phone at 713.922.0242. Click here to email Anne. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Contact Anne to book your event:
713.922.0242 or

  Anne’s Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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Anne Sermons Gillis
574 Chimney Bluff Dr.
Mt. Pleasant SC 29464

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Edited and published weekly for Anne Sermons Gillis by Charles David Heineke. Visit Anne at