The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 01/10/12


Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet
In This Issue...
Emotional Diet -Tip to deal With Anxiety or Depression
Spiritual Diet - Tip to Live in the Now

Volume 5
I'm not on the goal standard. My cause is a because.
I'm just not a goal digger.
 Anne Sermons Gillis

Tip for Anxiety and Depression

Sometimes I'm anxious, at others, I experience depression.  Fortunately those times occur rarely now. In the past I was a star in the hibee jibbe review. I analyzed my emotions, observed them, exercised vigorously, took supplements, and changed my diet. Menopause voided life as I had known it. Why honey, I have had hot flashes for 15 years!  I'm 63 and if you to hold me in bed at 5 AM, you could feel the heat. Of course three in bed might crowd things a little.  My husband stands 6 ' 4".

For me, integrating the jitters is the only game in town.  All the activities mentioned above help me live a more peaceful life.  Yet I still have some of those trying moments.

Tennis Balls. Do you have a couple of tennis balls? Why would I ask? Because I've been using them for years and they are magic. They move me from stress to de-stressed.  They deliver a deep tissue massage.

How? I lie on the floor. I put a ball or both balls between my back and the floor.  I apply pressure by leaning downward on the ball or balls to relieve the muscles. Yesterday that anxiety started brewing and so I just stopped my work. I did some manual labor and attended a dinner engagement. When I returned home I still had that edge. So I got out my balls. Yes two balls. Each one is tenderly placed in a sock. I placed them in hot spots on my back and rubbed and moved around for about 10 minutes. I am always amazed at how well this works. I felt as if I had been washed from the inside out.

If you decide to use this method, be sure you don't press too hard and knock your back out of whack. The purpose is to get the balls into the muscles and have them relax.  I use the weight of the back to provide the pressure. Now you too can have a home massage anytime you'd like. Try it; you'll like it. And, I hope you have a ball.

Spiritual Tip Now, Now

Everyone is talking about now. Now has become popular. Back in the 1970's, I read the book Be Here Now and found it to be fascinating--totally refreshing. I showed a copy to my daughter years later. Her comment? "Mom, that guy was on drugs." And of course he was. The book emerged from the now-ness of the author's mind during his tripping days.

But now is now mainstream. An obscure idea of the 70's counterculture is now a where it's at philosophy. In popular magazines and at local community centers, descriptions and classes exploring awareness practices, breathing disciplines, and yoga abound. Each form offers a key to the door of now.

With all the enlightening publicity, more and more people recognize the true culprit of the No Now movement. The leader of the No Now movement is the mind. The mind, in its zeal to control our experiences, actually takes us far from now. The mind wanders non-stop between the not yet and into the gone, wondering about memories and dreams in every next moment. What's the solution? Become a member of the Now-Now movement.

Live the Now-Now principles and vows:

  1. I believe in the now as a fulfilling space of enoughness and grace.
  2.  I trust the now to deliver all I need to lead me into the next now.
  3.  I recognize that the essential now is beyond time and space.
  4. Now is enough.
  5. All things perceived in the Now are the way they are supposed to be.
  6. Now is sacred.
  7. There is no separation in the Now--only oneness.

N - Notice         N - No

O - overt          O - One

W - well-being   W - Waiting

Now Now

Now is here don't hesitate

Be here now and celebrate

Now is here, where life is at

Now is where our dreams are met.

The past is gone it is not real

Forget it now it's no big deal

The future is a not yet thing

Get rid of it and do your thing.

Now is more than mind can know

An opening to the cosmic show

Where love and light and ease persist

It's the only place where we exist.

So set your sights for your true light and you will find yourself in the now.  Be here now and you will find the present. And of course, everyone likes presents!

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