The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 01/31/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret: EZosophy With Anne Sermons Gillis

Volume 9

The upper mind is bossy, reactive, controlling - below is the expanded mind - wise, expansive intelligence. Look there - look now - look often.

Anne Sermons Gillis

In This Issue...
When Are Pain And Suffering Optional?
"I Forgive You Mom and Dad" by Ken West
Breath Mantra

News on EZosophy -I will be doing a series of Wednesday Seminars. The dates for upcoming seminars are  Feb. 1st and 8th at 2 PM CST. The topics are Easy Money and Easy Body.
When Are Pain and Suffering Optional? 

The newsletter is not filled with facts. It is filled with truth. There is no such book as the Martyr Suffering League Manual. Even so, the manual does exist. It is an unwritten, often unspoken set of beliefs that keeps our egos jumping and our guilt intact. Even though the Martyr Suffering League is not existent, but the nonexistent organization has members. The EZosophy Manual is another nonentity, but when you read the would-be text mentioned below, watch it strike a chord. Don't take this seriously. Take it lightly. It is a humorous attempt to peg the ego and its drama.

Is your life as easy as you want it to be? Do you have more pain and suffering (P & S) than necessary? Is P & S expendable? Is all P & S necessary? Is any part of P & S optional? For the answer to this and other questions concerning P & S, consult that Martyr Suffering League Manual (MSLM). The MSLM has unequivocally stated that all P & S is necessary. The Martyr Suffering League (MSL) campaign slogan -- "no pain, no gain" -- is gathering momentum. MSL members deify suffering. They constantly crusade for members. They hold their best meetings on Sunday mornings. The MSLM contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1        "Shame and Blame for All: The Easy Way to Stomp out Innocence."

Chapter 2          "Practical Suffering for the Inner 2-Year-Old."

Chapter 3       " I Was a Pain in All Seasons. "

Chapter 4        "Spontaneous P & S for the Elderly."

Chapter 5        "P & S for All Holidays, with a Special Section on Christmas and Easter."

Chapter 6        "Creative Suffering for All Ages"

Chapter 7        "Body Tales: From Rocking to Rotting."

Chapter 8         "Where Should You Draw the Line When You Whine?"

There are over 70 chapters in the manual. Every copy I see is well worn and dog‑eared. I question the wisdom of the whole MSL movement and their championed slogan.

EZosophists know that much of our P & S is optional. The EZosophist Movement is actually a growing grass roots movement that counters the insatiable need that the MSL members have to suffer and promote P & S. The MSL has been very successful. Many of its leaders do not know that they are members. P & S are "cunning and baffling." People, who think of themselves as positive, live in deep denial. P & S is found in the young, old, rich and poor. Unless the disease of P & S goes into recovery, its victims' lives end in death or insanity. We live in a culture that values unnecessary P & S. I call unnecessary suffering Ego Driven Suffering (EDS). EDS is a set of behaviors we learn as kids from our families. The school, the work place and our religious institutions reinforce the beliefs and behaviors of the Hardaholic. The following are a set of behaviors taken from the EZosophist Manual (EZM) which identify EDS:

1.      Washing Suffering includes dreading to do and complaining about washing the

a) windows b) clothes c) floors d) kids e) dog f) boat bottom g) swimming pool walls.

2.      Cleaning Suffering includes dreading to do and complaining about cleaning the

a) closet b) desk at the office c) inside of house including vacuuming, making up beds, dusting d) fish tanks e) storage room f) under the lawn mower.

3.      IRS Tax Preparation Suffering and Panic.

4.      Shopping Suffering includes suffering and mental cruelty around shopping for

a) major appliances b) groceries c) cell phones and minute packages d) wedding, Christmas, birthday, anniversary presents.

5.      Letter Suffering includes suffering and hardship about writing

a) business letters b) thank you letters c) complaint letters d) seasonal cards.

6.      Maintenance Suffering is suffering about doing things that must be done to keep things working. We include freaking out about

a) routine annual check up (dentist or doctor) b) changing car oil c) mowing grass or suffering about hiring someone to mow the grass (I should do it myself to save money or I need the exercise) d) backing up hard disk e) weeding the flower bed.

If you can identify with any of these behaviors, you may be a member of the MSL. If you whine a lot, you can be sure you are a member. The EZM carefully outlines ways to move from being a major league sufferer towards Easy Discipleship.
A few of the suggestions you may want to consider are:

1. Cut out complaining. It's okay to share honest emotions, but suffering about doing things is not emotional honesty.

2. Do not spend your conversations reciting your "to do" list.

3. Just do it now. Instead of putting it off, just jump in and do it now.

4. If you can't do all of it now, do part of it now. Celebrate your progress, and do the rest later. Do not beat up on yourself for not completing the task.

5. If you put off doing something, just put it off. Do not "get" yourself if you don't do it. Don't suffer and feel guilty about not doing what you are not doing.

6. Don't mentally create your future then ruin the present by suffering about the projection. Live "one day at a time."

The manual doesn't really exist except in our minds and behavior. I wrote about the MSLM  before and someone wanted to order it. Take it easy and drop the seriousness.

Once, during a lecture, I emphasized the importance of forgiving your parents.  My friend met me afterward with this little ditty. Ken has passed on now, but I always like to share his wacky humor and wisdom.       

I Forgive You

I forgive you Mom and Dad,


For the childhood that I had.

Please don't think that I'm ungrateful,

That I'm just post natal hateful,

But you let me grow up all alone...

And now I'm anti-social prone!

I'm convinced nobody likes me.

Or, at least, that's how it strikes me.                                                                                                                                                 

Maybe I need a brand new tactic,

More sincere, less didactic.

Should I be more intellectual?

Is my mouthwash ineffectual?

Am I too tall, too short, too thin?

I'll gladly change the shape I'm in.

Can somebody out there give me a clue?

Just what do you think I ought to do?

Mom and Dad I know you tried,

But then you just up and died.

That's okay. I forgive you!

 © 1991 EZ-isms author Ken West

Breath Mantra
This is a relaxing and detoxing breath mantra because the exhale is longer than the inhale.  Breathe in to the count of 1. Breathe out to the count of 2. Breathe in 2, exhale 3, inhale 3, exhale 4, inhale 4, exhale 5, inhale 5, exhale 6 and continue until you reach 10, then start again. This can be done anywhere and no one will notice or it can be the main activity during a sit down meditation. Using a breath mantra is easier for me than a word mantra meditation because the breath tethers the mind faster that the word mantra. Breath mantra meditation and is great for beginning meditators. There is no rule here. TM teaches mantra meditation as do many disciplines I've adhered to. I hear many people complain about the difficulty of keeping thier minds still so this is an offering for you. 

I hope you can join me Wednesday February 1 at 2 PM CST for The EZ Secret Easy Money Seminar - best to be a couple of minutes early.
Call (209) 647-1600 Conference Call Number Access Code 539554 # You must have the access code to get into the call.
See the one minute for more information.
Eat well and prosper. A good diet supports a calm healthy body. A calm healthy body supports a calmer emotional body, a calmer emotional body supports a focused mind. A focused mind allows us to go beyond the body, emotions and mind.

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Easier Living

See video with wrong date and join Anne Feb. at 2 PM CST for a free teleseminar on "The EZ Secret: EZ Money With  Anne Sermons Gillis 


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