The Other Template Goofed Happy Valentine's Day Excuse Two Posts

Published: Tue, 02/14/12

Happy Valentine's Day
Weird? Template Drama From The EZ Secret Diet: An Easier Way of Living
Wow what a mess. The newsletter template went crazy when I sent out the other newsletter. This is a makeup newsletter. Remember when you used to have to do makeup work in school? This is my makeup work. When things don't go as you plan for them to go, don't make that wrong.  Make them right. Making things wrong causes suffering. Don't worry, be happy is the prayer of the master.
In addition, excuse me for sending two newsletters. On some of the newsletters that went out, the hearts were on top of the words. It seems as if different e-mail picker uppers display e-mail content differently.  Since I have very few psychics on my mailing list, I thought I'd send all the words.
 Here's the article on The Dance Written by my daughter's friend Kristin Phillips. Kristen wrote this for me to share with you. It's perfect for Valentine's Day

When my boyfriend and I got engaged, we immediately launched into the "business" of planning a wedding- venue selection, décor/catering choices, flower arranging, budget management, and all the other details that constitute the "production" of planning a wedding... It's easy to get lost in the details... all the little things that the two of us will likely not notice on that big day and probably never remember....

In the midst of the production, we decided our first dance needed to be profound (and a surprise to our families and friends), so we decided to take dance lessons for the 6 weeks leading up to wedding.  Ultimately, this became one of the most important things that we did together to truly prepare for our MARRIAGE- not, the 'event' of the wedding- but truly, our MARRIAGE.

Over those 6 weeks, we secretly met with a dance instructor who helped us choreograph our surprise first dance, the foxtrot.  Immediately, we realized that this was going to take more of ourselves than we realized.  Neither of us had inherent moves on the dance floor! We were certainly in over our heads.  However, through those intimate and sometimes frustrating dance lessons, we learned valuable lessons about the lifelong partnership of marriage.

There is a delineation of roles and responsibilities in dance.  My husband-to-be was supposed to be the lead and was charged with remembering the moves and carrying me through the steps.  I honestly had been 'in charge' of myself and my life until this point and I had to learn to let him lead.  I kept trying to take over!  However through dance, I learned to trust him- to allow him to take charge - and I let go.  As an independent 30-something woman, this was initially hard for me.  Once I did, however, the most beautiful thing happened...... we danced.  And we danced well.

Of course, he's human and oftentimes forgot the moves.  In those moments, he needed me to take over and get us back on track.  He learned to trust that I would help us through it and would not let us fall.  Sometimes we both forgot and simply had to wing it- amazingly; we overcame hurdles and kept dancing.  Yes, we stepped on each other's toes a lot, got turned around, and had to get back on track.  We needed the guidance of our experienced instructor every now and then. We felt the music and let it happen naturally at times and learned a few go-to moves that would carry us over the moves we forgot and keep us going.  We learned that sometimes no one is right or wrong, they just understood the movement differently.  And we kept dancing.... Quite well, I must say!

It took a lot of practice, and we were on our own at those times.  Since it was a secret to our guests, we had to find intimate and private locations to practice.  We danced in parking lots, gymnasiums, cemeteries (yes, really!), and living rooms.  We disagreed, shed a few tears, briefly quit a time or two, but made it through it.  And ultimately loved each other more deeply and with more trust and compassion as the dance started taking shape.

As is love and life.... It is frustrating and overwhelming at times. We'll step on toes, we'll hurt feelings, we'll be wrong and get off track, and we need one another through the hard times.   We must trust and respect each other.  We must communicate well.  We must develop an understanding of our roles in the relationship.  It is frustrating and fun.  It is choreographed at times and you just have to wing it other times.  But we'll make it through it and become stronger because of it. Its mutual and respectful, not submissive or overpowering- it should flow naturally over time. It's exciting and FUN!  And it is beautiful.
Join me Wed for a free teleseminar on Joy Mastery. I'm looking for some new ambassadors of joy. Wed. Feb 15 @ 2  PM CST Call Number (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 # You must have the code.

When Your Relationships Cause Pain - Write it out
sent to me by Fali Engineer
For nearly 20 years, Dr. James W. Pennebaker has been giving people an assignment: write down your deepest feelings about an emotional upheaval in your life for 15 or 20 minutes a day for four consecutive days. Many of those who followed his simple instructions have found their immune systems strengthened. Others have seen their grades improved. Sometimes entire lives have changed.

Join me Wed for a free teleseminar on Joy Mastery. I'm looking for some new Ambassadors of Joy. Wed. Feb 15 @ 2  PM CST Call Number (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 # You must have the code.

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