The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 01/17/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret: EZosophy With Anne Sermons Gillis

Volume 7
Now doesn't have any wiggle room. It's not then, it's not was, it's now. And it is always now. 
Anne Sermons Gillis

In This Issue...
Don't Go on a Mind trip; Go on an ET (Easy Trip)
I planned to send one newsletter a week but this week I'm sending two. Sometimes I may not send any. I like to have a plan while also maintaining a flexible routine so I can play, travel or chill out when I want to. This is the core message of EZosophy. A Hardaholic makes life hard and suffers about it. Time to let that go and to stand directly in life. When? Now. Why? Why not? How? Keep reading. Attend teleseminars. Make it easier. 
News on EZosophy -I will be doing a series of Wednesday Seminars. The dates for upcoming seminars are January 25, Feb. 1st and 8th at 2 PM CST. The topics are Easy Relationships, Easy Money and Easy Body.

Don't go on a Mind Trip, Go on an ET - Easy Trip

We are a mobile society. We fly, drive cars, ride trains, go on luxury cruises, see the Grand Canyon by helicopter and travel in space ships. Great. Our technology makes going from place to place easy. And here comes that word - but, what about  before the going?

Is preparing for a trip easy or do you have a hard attack before your trip... what to wear, details, what to take, finishing up at work or home. Is your pre-trip behavior a drag or a joy?

Travelling is a privilege. Unfortunately drama is a drug and most people are addicted to travel drama. If you find yourself "innocently" (I use this term instead of guilty because, guilty is a hard word to bear) engaged in travel trauma/ drama/ suffering, here are a few tips to turn your experience towards ease.

1.       Play a game with yourself. Pretend someone says; "I will give you a trip around the world starting tomorrow with $20,000.00 spending money. All airfare and hotels will be paid for. Everything first class. Here's the catch; you have to prepare for your trip in ease. There will be a camera crew filming the preparation. If you have a hard attack about anything, you lose the trip. Can you do it?" Most people would say yes and most people could do this. If we can make anything easy because of a mental switch, then we've had the ability to make it easy all along. We are such martyrs. We think we have the right to suffer when we pack to go on vacation. It's okay regardless of how we chose but remember - it is a choice. Making life hard has become such a routine that we forget to question it.

2.       When packing for the trip, focus on why you are going, what you plan to do and how much fun you plan to have. Imagine meeting new and interesting people.  Use your packing time to dream of having a wonderful easy trip where there is perfect timing and perfect order.

3.       Consider a blessing for your trip.

Airplane Blessing

I bless this airplane. I bless all the mechanical workings on this plane and the plane's mechanics. I bless the fuel, that it might be efficient. I send feelings of well-being, alertness and competency to the pilots. May the flight attendants live in compassion and grace that their service serves a higher purpose. I bless all the people who ride on this plane today. I see them immersed in love and enfolded in the arms of safety. May this flight be more than a trip from place to place but a journey into a place of wholeness. As we fly, we fly on the wings of angels. This plane is divinely protected in every way. AMEM

Car Blessing and Dedication

Thank you for my wonderful car. I am willing for my car to be a traveling temple. I am grateful for the constant, safe and reliable transportation it provides for me. I understand that my car seems lifeless, but because of your presence within every molecule of my car, it takes on a unique expression of light. Wherever my car travels, my vibration leaves a trail of love that blesses our earth. All who pass through this love trail are changed for the better.

I understand that my thoughts (while driving) affect its mechanical performance; therefore I maintain thoughts of peace and harmony when I drive my car. I bless the fuel, that it might be efficient.  I will treat my car with respect and dignity.

My car appreciates regular maintenance and cleaning, so I keep it clean and give it what it needs to function at its best. I will honor and cherish this car as long as it is in my possession and then I will bless and release it to a new owner. AMEN.

Ideal Trip

I have an extraordinary trip. Everything involving my trip is flows with ease. I travel lightly; have wonderful accommodations and plenty of healthy food and exercise. My travel is interesting and I meet warm and interesting people on my trip. Wonderful unexpected surprises meet me where ever I go and I return from my trip rested, healthy and enthusiastic.   

I hope you can join me Wednesday Jan. 18 at 2 PM CST for The EZ Secret Diet of Living Seminar - best to be a couple of minutes early.
Call (209) 647-1600 Conference Call Number Access Code 539554 # You must have the access code to get into the call.
See the one minute for more information.
Eat well and prosper. A good diet supports a calm healthy body. A calm healthy body supports a calmer emotional body, a calmer emotional body supports a focused mind. A focused mind allows us to go beyond the body, emotions and mind.


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Easier Living

See video with wrong date and join Anne January 18 at 2 PM CST for a free teleseminar on "The EZ Secret: Living Life in EZ With  Anne Sermons Gillis 


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