The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 03/06/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - Diet for Living
Volume 14

"If you are in a lighted room, you don't need your flashlight, but if you love your flashlight more than the light, you probably won't let it go."

 In This Issue...
Diet Tip for the Mind - It's A Set up
Diet Tip for the Body - Carb Up Carb Down
Make Every Day a Holiday - Happy Love a Lover Day
EZ Teleseminar Schedule
Theosophical Society Centenary Celebration
Template Gremlins
 Anne Sermons Gillis
It's A Setup

A year or so ago I saw a YouTube of Josh Bell, one of the world's most famous violists, playing in the DC metro. The perfectly executed piece attracted only a momentary pause from a few listeners. He played for several hours and collected $32 in tips.

As reported by Gene Weingarten "A onetime child prodigy, at 39 Joshua Bell arrived as an internationally acclaimed virtuoso. Three days before he appeared at the Metro station, Bell had filled the house at Boston's stately Symphony Hall, where merely pretty good seats went for $100. Two weeks later, at the Music Center at Strathmore, in North Bethesda, he would play to a standing-room-only audience so respectful of his artistry that they stifled their coughs until the silence between movements. But on that Friday in January, Joshua Bell was just another mendicant, competing for the attention of busy people on their way to work."

There are many lessons in this fable: 1) We are so busy, we don't even stop to hear music - music delivered in perfection. 2) The message points to how it feels to do a great job and receive no acknowledgement.  No one clapped. No one took note as to when Bell started or completed playing a piece.  This shook him.  We can do great works, give it our all, but if our music falls on deaf ears,  our inspiration recedes. 3) The final lesson:  if our talents are not showcased properly, no one will notice. We can be the best at what we do, but without setup and promotion, we are setup to be unnoticed. If the event had been advertised on posters in the areas surrounding popular music venues in DC, the place would have been packed. If he had a sign over his head saying "Grammy award winning child prodigy Josh Bell, gives back to his country in this free concert" - people would have stopped.

The moral of this story - if you are waiting to be discovered, the wait might be long and unfruitful. None of us like to promote our ideas, products, events or services, but unless we hire someone to promote for us, we have to do it ourselves.

Don't hesitate to pass out your business cards, flyers and event notices. The more we step out, the easier it becomes. Once I went walking in a public park. At the time I was coordinating an event held at the Martin Luther King Memorial Museum. I passed out flyers as I walked. I had a great time conversing with the people about the details of the event. The conversations often seemed celebratory. It felt like Miracle on 34th Street as I reached out. I recognized at least two people from the park at the event Eventually I found myself running into these people all over town.

Sales can be thought of as Sacred Attitudes Lifting Everyone's Spirits (SALES). Sales is not a numbers game, it is a people game. Be present, be respectful and sell to the need. We do not want to manipulate or outsmart people. We want o serve them.  If you are interested in getting support in seeing sales though a different light, check out my Sacred Sales affirmation CDs for regular sales or network marketing sales. Sacred Sales Affirmations Once you are on the products page, click on self affirming CD tab.

We all have sales careers. Mothers have to sale their children on healthier food. Coaches have to sell their teams on working as a team. Some of us sell products and ask for money. Whatever we are selling, remember that if we don't set up the pitch in a way that honors everyone involved, we all lose.
Carb Up Carb Down
Last night I went an event that featured, at least in my mind, birthday cake. I ate two pieces. I know a secret. I went home took two probiotic tablets. This keeps the yeast from feeding. Sugar feeds the unhealthy yeast present in most of our bodies. That means it multiplies. Next I mixed 1 teaspoon of whole psyllium husk in a glass of water. I waited until it gelled and I drank it. Cake is almost all carbs, but when I add the fiber, the fiber carb ratio changes and the sugar will take less of a toll than if it's out there on it own - stalking my insulin. It's best to skip desserts, but if you don't, try my little secret.
waste vacuum cleaner for the body. Watch out for your green mustache! I have one when I drink green.
Today is "Love A Lover Day"
Happy "Love a Lover" Holiday. We wait to love. We try to get love from others. Today think of everyone as loving you. Even if they don't display love to you, imbue them with the quality of loving you.  See everything they do as loving you. See their anger as a call for a deeper kind of unconditional love from you. Then take a bold step  and love everyone first. This is the most powerful secret in all relationships. Be the love and be the lover first. We hear in the old song by Doris Day a call to love, "Everybody loves a lover." Remember: "Who's the most popular personality? I can't help but thinking it's no one else but me."
Don't forget to make everyday a holiday.
EZ Teleseminar Schedule
Join me on Wednesdays at 2 PM CST Call Number (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 #
March 7 Synchronicity 

Have you ever thought of someone you haven't seen in a long time only to find an e-mail from them the next time you open your e-mails? Have you needed a certain weird item and someone gives it to you out of the blue? It's all synchronicity and it's fun.  Join me Wed. for a free teleseminar on Synchronicity.  Check out the details in this 3 minute video.

March 14 Alive, Awake, Aware
March 21 Living in Ease
March 28 Intuition

The Houston Lodge of the
Theosophical Society

March 16-17, 2012
 Houston, TX. 

Join us as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary
of the founding of
The Houston Lodge of the Theosophical Society  
   Fri., Mar. 16th

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Dr. Jill Carroll
will speak on
Theosophy in America -
Facing the Future
with Ancient Wisdom

Rice University, Sewall Hall, Room #309

Social begins at 6:30pm 


Sat., Mar. 17th  

10:00am - 4:00pm

Tim Boyd
President of the

Theosophical Society

in America
will lead a Full-Day Workshop on   

Desirelessness -
The Difficult Qualification

St. Thomas University, Crooker Center,  

Council of Clubs Rm.
More Information Click here
Template Gremlins
I like the paranormal. I even invite it, but when those darn gremlins get in my template, I'm not happy. I format this, do a preview and it all looks great. I send it out and between the send newsletter act and when you receive this, the gremlins strike. I do make mistakes, but the formatting mistakes are courtesy of the gremlins. I don't know what I'd do with out them. Would you believe be saner? I am waiting to go sane.

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Easier Living

If you missed last weeks seminar you can purchase the download on the link above. Go to bottom of page for teleseminar download:

The EZ Secret: Living in Ease  



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