The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 03/13/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 15

Use your beliefs to get you what you need and where you want to go; use them, don't believe them.

 In This Issue...
Money Madness or Money  Gladness?
Make Every Day a Holiday - Happy Compassion Day
EZ Teleseminar Schedule
Theosophical Society Centenary Celebration

 Anne Sermons Gillis

Money Madness or Money Gladness

We live in a world that dangles the prospect of more money. This offer promises that money will fix our lives. While it is true that money can solve some problems, there are many problems money cannot resolve. 

 People, who face losing services such as electricity or water, do not expect the same things from money as a person who spends endless hours shopping. If you are chronically financially strapped or can't buy the designer purse you desire, the economy and your account balance may not be the problem. Money drama is addictive.  My friend told me that she was dropping money drama one day at the time. She understands the allure of drama.

Fortunately, it is possible to relate to money and one's financial life with more passion and less pain. Strangely enough, in our country, people who have plenty of money still suffer about money.  We suffer from abundance abuse. We were trained not to experience the gracious nature of life and to feel as if we will never have enough.

Money is neutral, but it lends itself to all kinds of process addictions. Spending on unnecessary items or excessive bargain shopping are examples of process addictions. Process addictions are about getting high from an action as opposed to putting chemicals in the body. Learning how to be an adult and take care of ourselves involves having a good relationship with money. Money wisdom is an integral part of self-care. We need to be able to budget, to say "no" to frequent impulse buying, and to see our identities as independent of our bank account balances. Inserting ourselves into someone else's life and becoming their financial benefactor can foster dependency. Even though helping highs feel good, all giving is not beneficial. Giving can be innocent and quite beautiful, but when it comes to money and altruism, things can get slimy quickly.  My mother had a giving addiction and one time she gave away all her money. This left her without the ability to pay her bills. She was a financial anorexic. Fortunately when my sister contacted these organizations, and told them the problem, most of them returned the money.

I spoke to a woman whose life was financially out of control. Her suffering wasn't about the amount of money she needed to pay her bills; she had enough for the present, her suffering was about the possibility of future lack. She was not in anguish, however worry is a form of suffering and she really worried. After our conversation I wrote the following letter:

If you want to make a lasting change in your relationship with money, it takes willingness - willingness to make daily changes in your mind and heart. It took many years to develop your current relationship with money. Good news. It is possible to make an immediate breakthrough in your money case. Temporary changes are easy, but sustainable comprehensive change requires lifestyle and emotional changes. If you have a tooth abscess, your dentist can relieve the pain and fix your tooth, but to think that is all you must do to keep your teeth healthy would be naive. You need good dental hygiene for healthy teeth. Good money mental hygiene is necessary for a healthy financial life. Our culture supports money panic. In order to go against the tide of consciousness we must surround our minds with thoughts of beauty, appreciation, love and abundance.

Here's an example of some of the work you can do to help unravel your money disease. And it is a disease. We catch it from our parents. Make a list of 20 benefits you receive from having only enough money to barely squeak by. One payoff might be that you never have to grow up and you can always get someone to rescue you. This payoff is formulated in getting the attention you never received from a parent. Pay attention as you make your list. See if you can root out the secondary gains your subconscious mind has for wanting things you to live with money scarcity or financial pain. It's hard to believe, but the amount of money you have is the amount your subconscious mind thinks is best for you. In some ways your mind thinks it's doing you a favor, but the medicine of its twisted protection is worse than the protection itself. This process helps you to find hidden motivations for you current financial situation and emotional drama.

Attachment will not get you what you want. Hanging on will not get you what you want. Contemplate the words abundance and prosperity in meditation and see if you can directly experience their essence. Enthusiasm and excitement get you what you want because the enthusiasm itself is fulfilling. It is okay to want when it brings you more in contact with your sacred self. Most wanting takes away from life; it does not add - understand your desires and see if they have true value.  The word enthusiasm means being filled with God. The gift in this situation is for you to live life from the inside out. You are being given the opportunity to learn to want, hope and dream in a powerful way that feeds your soul. The journey begins now. The moment of abundance is only now and the door to everything is inside.

I send abundance and love and know that you have more than enough of everything necessary to prosper in every way. Your destiny is perfect happiness now. Accept it. Don't hang onto the drama.  All manifestations of poverty are only signposts to guide you gently into the resplendent world of your Self. Let go of your poverty and rest in your prosperity.

I hope my letter to her addresses some of your needs.

The EZosophy split brain learning Easy Money CD or download is designed to heal your money drama. It is an inexpensive and effective way of dealing with money issues. You can purchase it at (scroll down page to middle).

Have a great day. Turn your mind from money madness to money gladness. Everything can be easy or at least easier.

Happy Compassion Day

As many of you know by now I am making everyday a holiday. I declare today Compassion Day. Compassion is very different than sympathy. Compassion is empathy with heart. Sympathy is a word we use when someone dies, yet sympathy is more removed than compassion. Compassion occurs when we can put ourselves in the other person's shoes and feel what they feel. Compassion is the thing that allows a mother to love her child when s/he screams "I hate you." It is the salve than helps us understand and not seek retribution for acts of anger or revenge. Compassion keeps our hearts open and helps heal past wounds.

Kuan Yin is known as the goddess of compassion. Her vow to , called the vow of the Bodhisattva, was to be present in human form until all suffering ceased. Many tales depict Kuan Yin as offering deep love and compassion towards those who did her great harm. Even though we might not have the compassion of Kuan Yin, we all have the ability to identify with others' pain. May we meet today with a harmless attitude as we face traffic, thoughtlessness from others and thoughtless actions we do not understand.
Teleseminar Schedule
March 14 "Alive, Awake, Aware" What does it feel like to be fully alive? What happened to the zest we had when we were young? It's time to be fully Alive, Awake, and Aware.  Join Anne Sermons Gillis for the AAA teleseminar on Wed. March 14 @ 2 PM CST Call Number (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 # Check out the details in this one minute video.
March 21 "Living in Ease"
March 28 "Intuition"
Theosophical Society
Centenary Celebration :: March 16-17, 2012
Join us as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the founding of The Houston Lodge of the Theosophical Society

Friday, March 16, 2012 6:30pm - 8:30pm Dr. Jill Carroll, expert on comparative world religions will lecture on Theosophy in America - Facing the Future with Ancient Wisdom Rice University, Sewall Hall, Room #309 Social begins at 6:30pm

Saturday, March 17, 2012 10:00am to 4:00pm
Tim Boyd, President of the Theosophical Society in America will lead a Full-Day Workshop on Desirelessness - The Difficult Qualification
St. Thomas University, Crooker Center, Council of Clubs Rm. Lunch included in registration
Both the lecture and the workshop are open to the public.
T.S. Members & Students Non-Members
Dr. Jill Carroll Lecture. Fri., Mar. 16 $ 7 members $10
Tim Boyd Workshop Sat. Mar. 17 $12*members $15* Both Lecture & Workshop members $15* $20* * Your donation includes all snacks and boxed lunch for workshop.

Please visit our website for info, maps and parking

Seats are limited for these very special events. To guarantee your space, please register early on our website

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Use your beliefs to negotiate life, just don't believe them. Free reality from your beliefs.


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