The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 03/20/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 16

Do Your Best When You Have Time, But When Time is Limited, Actually Doing Something Might be More Valuable. Don't Get Stuck Thinking What You Offer is Not Enough,Then Never Offer It. Get Out There and Give Your Good - Now. No Apologies. Shine On.

 In This Issue...
Easy Street Values: Easy Does It?
Make Every Day a Holiday - Happy Vernal Equinox Day
EZ Teleseminar Schedule

 Anne Sermons Gillis

Easy Street Values

Just as Olympians practice their sports or skills, we must practice making life easier. "
How do we make our lives Easier? The following are suggestions to help you walk the easy path:

1. While in bed, pause a few moments. Start the day with ease on your mind. Set the tone for the day. Do not think about what you have to do. Let those thoughts come later. Set your intention for the day: "Today is an easy day. I release all need for suffering and drama, and I choose ease along the way. Today is filled with expectancy for good. I open to unexpected delights and ease-filled moments of deep revelation."

2. When listening to others, adopt an easy attitude. Don't listen with the intent of fixing his/her problem. Most people need emotional support, not problem solving. If they are complaining about you, give up defense and just listen to them. If you know you have wronged someone, admit your thoughtlessness and say you are sorry. If you know he/she is looking at things through insecurities, reply: "I know you feel bad. I love (I respect / support / etc.) you. I don't see it that way, but I can see that you are upset, and I'm here for you."

3. Think of pleasurable experiences and feelings. Intentionally focus on the things you like and want and what you would like to do.

4. Quit expecting people to know what you want. Ask for what you need and want. Be willing to hear and accept "yes" or "no".

5.  Give up blaming and being cynical.

7. Don't give feedback unless asked. Unsolicited feedback is often more about pointing out flaws, needing to be needed or showing up as brilliant, rather than offering constructive alternatives. Feedback is a trigger to unhealed shame‑based feelings. Feedback will get you in trouble. Trust me. When someone asks me if I'm open to feedback, I cringe.

8. Practice Allowing. Let go. Surrender. Quit thinking about the problem.

Easy Does It

Struggle, pain and drama, too,

Keep the mind in quite a stew.

Stress and worry don't do well;

They make your life a living hell.

Easy does it is the way

To feel good throughout the day.

Ease will make your burdens light,

Heal your wounds and bring delight.

Have a great day and remember the eight word miracle mantra. "Everything can be easy or at least easier"

Vernal Equinox Day
Today our nights and days are equal. It is a day of natural balance and nature calls us into that balance. Can you hear her call? It's in our intuition, that draw we have to do or un-do something a little out of the ordinary.

If you tend to play and never get important tasks completed, then get out that "to do" list and balance your resting and productivity quotients. The typical western mind set tends to run on productivity. We spend hours doing useless activity rather than resting in a state we call being unproductive.  We think we have to earn our right to exist. When we allow our minds to go deep into that which lies beyond doing and undoing, we find that our ability to discern what needs to be left off and what needs to be accomplished is fortified by an intuitive wisdom.

Hardaholics make life hard and suffer about it. The difficulties are accomplished through mental magic, and it's black magic. Balance brings harmony and takes us off the wheel of endless doing. So take a break, doodle, buy some flowers, sniff some essential oils, yet also pay homage to the things that need to be done - things that make your lives easier. Balance is a call to sanity. Today everything in life supports balance. Tune in, now and don't forget the eight word miracle mantra, "Everything can be easy or even easier."Join the EZosophist Movement.
Teleseminar Schedule
March 21 "Living in Ease"
In 1989 Anne Sermons Gillis founded the EZosophy Movement. Since then Gillis has been a leading voice in undoing the misery of the ego driven life style of accomplishment and speed.  Join Anne Sermons Gillis for the Living In Ease teleseminar on Wed. March 21 @ 2 PM CST Call Number (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 # Check out the details in this one minute video.  Video For EZ teleseminar
March 28 "Intuition"
March 29 "We Are responsible for Our Thinking"Unity Church Link  Unity Church of Practical Christianity Webster, TX 11 AM

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Easier Living

You can purchase most teleseminars at the website. Click on the link above. Go to bottom of page for teleseminar download:

The EZ Secret: Living in Ease   


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