The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 02/21/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret: EZosophy With Anne Sermons Gillis

Volume 12
"A truly good person does nothing,
yet leaves nothing undone. A foolish person 
is always doing, yet much remains to be done."
 The Tao Te Ching
Anne Sermons Gillis

In This Issue...
The Tooth Will Set You Free
Today's Holiday "The Green Holiday"
EZosophy Seminar Schedule 

The Tooth Will Set You Free

The Tooth Will Set You Free

Well maybe not. I had a small space between two of my lower teeth. I went to the dentist Friday AM and asked if he could close the gap. He responded affirmatively and then closed it with some kind of composite.  My bottom teeth look great. So how can there be any problem with this story?

The problem - My tongue was not happy. I had no idea how many times I ran my tongue into the little space between my teeth. It must have been my favorite hidden sport. My tongue was manic. It ran back and forth back like scared rabbit searching for that hole. I felt uneasy also, like something essential was missing. Who would have even thought I'd miss a gap. Really a gap is nothing.

I thought about all the changes I've made in my life, the habits I've changed or tried to change. I wonder how much of the subconscious discomfort of change has sent me spinning back into old unwanted behaviors or activities. With the tooth, there was no choice. I had to get used to it and I have. After four days my tongue has settled in and is no longer getting raw from looking for a gap that no longer exists. I am freed from my habit.

Consider three things when making a change. The first step to consider is the change behavior, taking the unfamiliar action or to changing ones reaction. Second is the resistance to the change and the third and closing act is to persist in the making the change even when it feels uncomfortable. This is not a motivational method one uses to keep asking for the sale  - not that kind of change, it is the making-a-change that is for the highest good such as getting off sugar or to stop acting out in some harmful way. It is the change to get us off our buts/butts and into our vision. When the discomfort comes in step two and it probably will, stay with the discomfort. Go into it. Sense how it feels in your body; directly experience the sensations.  When one can stay with the feelings and sensations that accompany change, they can overcome them and move into making the change for a better life.

Now we're moving in the right direction, but there's more. More important than making a change is the motivation behind the change. If we make a change to avoid fear, to please others or to make us better people, then the change will take us around in circles. There's always more to do and the mind will never be satisfied. Change when motivated by fear is like emotional terrorism. When we play with our thoughts, our minds become unstable. They are like an atomic bomb, the cloud is beautiful, but the fallout is hell.

When changes are inspired by love and self- nurturing, then change is responsible and enriching. Change is inevitable. It is important to be on the leading edge of change and when that leading comes from the heart our lives become easier and easier.   
The Green Holiday is Today
I've decided to  make every day a holiday. I'm using the color green as a reminder to stop, look and be aware. I can't believe how many green things I've found in my office, outside my window and on my morning walk. There are also many  usages of the word green.
Green - environmental sustainability
Greenjeans - Capt. Kangaroo's playmate
Greenhorn - Newbie
The Grass is greener on the other side. 
Green Party
Green Bay Packers
But Maybe my favorite green reference for the day comes from Kermit the Frog - It's Not Easy Being Green Check it out.
News on EZosophy  Wednesday Seminars.

Call (209) 647-1600 Conference Call Number Access Code 539554 # You must have the access code to get into the call.
February 22 "Do What You Love"

February 29 "Radical Presence"

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Easier Living
If you missed last weeks seminar you can purchase the download on the link above. Go to bottom of page for teleseminar download:
The EZ Secret: Living in Ease 
Also here's a link on how to find the products page from the home page. Don't even ask why I have this video, on well, if you insist - my friend Don Wells called and made it for me.

See video below and join Anne February 22 at 2 PM CST for a free teleseminar on "Do What You Love"  


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