The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 02/28/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret: EZosophy With Anne Sermons Gillis

Volume 13
"If there's only one path, it's probably the one to take" ASG

In This Issue...
Today's Holiday Appreciate and Take the Stairs Holiday
EZosophy Seminar Schedule 
Theosophical Society Centenary
Thoughts to Ponder


I was surprised when I heard my ex-husband  voice on the phone. Jerry had not called for years, not since our daughter was younger. (He lived in Memphis and I lived in Spring, Texas.) He didn't sound alarmed, so I relaxed. We exchanged greetings then he said, "I met Barbara Taylor today." I flipped, "You mean my childhood friend from Greenville." "Yes." He replied. Then he told the story. He and his wife attended a neighborhood meeting and afterwards they went to a nearby restaurant. They spotted a couple who attended the same meeting and found themselves in line beside them. My ex is very social so he invited them to join them for dinner. The couple accepted and they were seated.
Jerry began the normal social small talk and asked the woman, where she was from. She told him Greenville, N.C. He was taken aback given he spent four years there in college. They began exchanging Greenville stories.  Then he told her he married a girl from Greenville. She asked who and when he said "Anne Sermons," she was visibly affected. "Anne was one of my best friends growing up. She lived beside me. She was my friend, mentor and teacher." ...Wow, the odds of them now being neighbors. Jerry wanted to include her husband, John, in the conversation (he told me he just asked to be polite; he felt guilty about hogging the conversation) so he inquired about his hometown. John replied, "I'm from Greenwood, MS." This time Jerry's wife reacted, "I married a man from Greenwood, MS." "No, way what was his name?" "I married King Shurtleff." Next comes the kicker. John replied, "He was one of my best friends. We even went to college together."

So weird huh?   John and Barbara turn out to childhood friends with my ex-husband and his wife's former spouses. I contacted Barbara and on my next visit to Memphis; we had a wonderful reunion. It had been 40 years since we'd seen each other.

Carl Jung coined the term, "Synchronicity." He defined the word as meaningful coincidence. We are connected. Most people can easily wrap their heads around this, but synchronicity is like a universal expletive - life is not a random event.

My teleseminar next week is on synchronicity. Join me March 8 at 2 PM CST. Call Number (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 #

Appreciate and Take the Stairs Holiday 

I have chosen to make everyday a holiday. Instead of a citizen's arrest, I make a citizen's attest. Today is the "Appreciate and Take the Stairs" National Holiday. I hereby recognize and declare it so.  Everyone knows that we get more exercise when we take the stairs. Would more people take the stairs if it were fun? To honor all the stairs in our lives and what they do by getting us from one level to the other, take the stairs whenever you can today. If you have a two story home make an extra nonproductive trip up and down the stairs to salute all humble and thankless years of service rendered.

I remember the stairs in the home of my youth. My sister and I used to slide down them on our butts or construct a magic carpet, made by an area rug; we'd hop on and rush down the stairs. What fun. Even though we sold the family home in Greenville, NC, I still ride by from time to time when I'm in the area. I know the stairs are still standing and hope some cute little kid is getting butt rub on those stairs. Happy National Appreciate and Take the Stairs Day.
Check out this amazing video on how to get people to exercise more through fun.
News on EZosophy  Wednesday Seminars.

Call (209) 647-1600 Conference Call Number Access Code 539554 # You must have the access code to get into the call.
February 29 "Radical Presence: Nonduality"
March 8 "Synchronicity"
I am a member of the Houston Theological Society. We've been around for 100 years. Help us celebrate. 

The Houston Lodge of the
Theosophical Society
Celebration March 16-17, 2012
 Houston, TX. 

Join us as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary
of the founding of

The Houston Lodge of the
Houston Theosophical Society
Fri., Mar. 16th

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Dr. Jill Carroll
will speak on
Theosophy in America -
Facing the Future
with Ancient Wisdom

Rice University, Sewall Hall, Room #309

Social begins at 6:30pm 
For Map & Parking info contact me

Sat., Mar. 17th  

10:00am - 4:00pm

Tim Boyd
President of the

Theosophical Society

in America
will lead a Full-Day Workshop on   

Desirelessness -
The Difficult Qualification

St. Thomas University, Crooker Center,  

Council of Clubs Rm.

For Map & Parking info click Here

To REGISTER for one or both
of these events click

Thoughts to Ponder
"We play a deadly game with ourselves of emotional terrorism. We shoot with our thoughts. Our minds become unstable. Like an atomic bomb, the cloud is beautiful, but the fallout is hell." ASG
"The end of the struggle is always here." Laura Wrenn
"What you resist persists. By now, everyone's received the memo. Another way to say the same and give that thought another name, "Resistance bears fruit. It gives you more of what you don't want. Resistance is frutile." Idea sent in by Jo Lenhart
Got a great original quote or good idea, send it in for the EZ Secret EZosophy newsletter. 




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for Easier Living
If you missed last weeks seminar you can purchase the download on the link above. Go to bottom of page for teleseminar download:
The EZ Secret: Living in Ease 
Also here's a link on how to find the products page from the home page. Don't even ask why I have this video, on well, if you insist - my friend Don Wells called and made it for me.

See video below and join Anne February 29 at 2 PM CST for a free teleseminar on "Radical Presence: Nondualism"  

In 1997 my mind jumped from its familiar space, being identified with my personhood, to a space of being something much more. All my wants, needs and desires left. There was nothing more to do because I felt complete satisfaction and peace in my life. Coming back to the day to day life was strange, because all that I had been doing before the change, was preparing for the possibility of satisfaction in life. Once the satisfaction , came, then what. In 1998, I closed my church, published my first book and moved to Houston, Texas. For 15 years I've been integrating the vastness of this realization into my life. Today I share that journey.

Some call this nonduality. I call it Radical Presence.


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