The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 04/03/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 19

Life is good all the time. Perceptions Vary.

 In This Issue...
It's a Home Dinger
Make Every Day a Holiday - Happy Imagination Day
EZ Teleseminar Schedule
Sugar - What Does it Do?

 Anne Sermons Gillis

It's a Home Dinger

Does your home smell good? Does your home feel good? Can you truly say: "There's no place like home?"

In past times, people had elaborate ceremonies to bless their homes. These days we have house warmings. Regardless of what we call it, putting warmth and sacredness into our homes makes our lives easier. Look around. What are you saying with the furniture, lighting, and decorations placed in your home? What are you saying with clutter? Your home reflects your soul. Throw away things you no longer need. Organize the things you have. Be sure to have some artwork, perhaps a few plants. Homes need energy movement: without this vibrancy, the home feels dead. Energy moves with sound, color and shapes. We all need a space that supports us and fortifies us prior to our journeys into the world.

I suggest blessing your house or apartment, even if you've been there twenty years. It's never too late to warm it up. Use the following or make one up for yourself. If you want to do it up big, have a party and ask your friends to help you with your home ritual. If you have a house with land, dedicate the land and give thanks that you are the earth steward for this time.

Home Blessing and Dedication

I dedicate my home and the earth beneath to (fill in your words). Infinite love blesses everything in my home. My home is my kingdom. I take pride in my home. Every leaf, tree, and blade of grass that surrounds my home is full of peace and beauty.

Stepping into my home is a blessing for me and others. When I arrive home, I immediately feel embraced by my familiar friend. I honor and respect my home. I bless my furniture, dishes, plants, clothing and appliances.

I offer daily gratitude for this magnificent home. I am so fortunate to have a home. I sense an invisible force of protection surrounding my home. My home is comfortable, safe and reflects goodness.

I am at rest in my sanctuary. My home is in order. My home radiates a vital rejuvenating energy. It is my restoration station. I wake up each morning feeling energized and refreshed. I feel deep contentment when I am at home. I honor and bless this space for as long as I live here. YES!
Prayer excerpted from"Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic"

Happy Imagination Day

Happy Imagination Day. Imagination is the seed thought of creation. I can remember when I was a teenager. I would fall asleep imagining being married. I would see a wedding ring on my finger. I would feel it on my skin. I would see myself getting on an airplane. In these days our society was not as mobile as it is today. Going on a trip was a big deal. Subsequently did marry and I enjoyed travelling around the world.

As I grew older, I began to imagine in different ways. I would imagine being happy, having good relationships and being free from my ego. Wherever our attention goes, our life flows. What seeds do you want to plant with your imagination?

If we wake up in the morning and imagine a hard day, we will find that to be our truth. Our mind interprets life to be as we believe it to be. Life as we see it is a compilation of our imagination. If this is true, and I believe it is, then maybe we might want to nurture a boundless enthusiastic imagination. Do that today. Imagine your life to be full of what you want. Imagine yourself as fulfilled, happy, and supported by life. Imagine your work as being easy and yourself as being efficient and effective.

My friend Don Wells made a video of my imagining going to Hawaii. He took the voice segment form a CD made in 2003. Check it out, can you feel the power of imagination? Happy Imagination Day. And don't forget to eat well, think responsibly and make life easier every day. Click for video of Anne using imagination. Video Imagine
Teleseminar Schedule
April 4 

"What Are You Thinking? The Nature of Thought and the Mind" Please join me Wednesday April 4 at 2 CST PM Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 # Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 #

You can call free on Skype - just add new contact to your Skype account.The Skype Name is  freeconferencecallhd.2096471600 (there is a dot between hd and 209) send request and it takes a few seconds to confirm. When you call in for the call you will need the access code 539554# View video on teleseminar.
April 11 "Beyond Emotions-Dealing With Anger, Fear and Sadness"
April 18 and 25 "No Seminar" I'll be with my daughter working on wedding plans and going to a shower.
Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of sugar, the equivalent of two- and-a-half 12-ounce cans of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by 40 percent. The immune-suppressing effect of sugar starts less than thirty minutes after ingestion and may last for five hours. In contrast, the ingestion of complex carbohydrates, or starches, has no effect on the immune system. Source Article By Dr. Sears

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A friend asked me about relationships - This was my e-mail reply. "About relationships - they are the major teaching tool of incarnation. Relationships are school. Sometimes school is fun, sometimes hard, sometimes there is recess and then there is lab work which takes up twice as much time as the regular class"



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