The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 04/17/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 21

Joy is contagious. Catch it.


 In This Issue...
What Can I Do to Make a Difference?
EZ Teleseminar Schedule

 Anne Sermons Gillis
 What Can I Do To Make A Difference?

In the spring of 1992, I attended a preparatory meeting for The Global Forum, a parallel event to the Earth Summit.  Global Heart, in Tucson, Arizona hosted our gathering.  Each participant was wide-eyed at the prospect of attending the largest gathering of world leaders in recorded history.  The possibilities loomed, as we believed this to be our chance to make a difference.

 We were an odd mixture of humankind, but our belief in the human spirit made our differences dissolve.  Together, we would forge a plan that might touch the lives of others and contribute to planetary restoration. Our meeting opened with great hopes, and then harsh realities settled in. We learned the plight of the street children.  Word had it that Rio de Janeiro was being cleaned up so that when the politicians, diplomats, ambassadors and leaders of Non-Governmental-Organizations arrived, there would be no trouble. The streets were being "cleaned up" by hunting down and shooting the street children.  As members of various delegations, we knew we were the ones going to Rio. We were the ones protected.  Our first task was issuing a statement pleading to the Brazilian government for protection for the children.  Certainly, if we were to support basic human rights, the killing of humans without just cause was a crime. We never received a reply, nor knew whether our voice made any difference. We do know that children died in the name of our safety.

When we arrived in Rio, armed soldiers protected us.   Chain-link fences surrounded all conference sights and only those proper credentials passed through. How odd!  We were there to share in human spirit, but we became a part of the very system that alienates the human heart. 

December 10 marked the 63st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  It is difficult to believe that in 2012, denial of basic human rights occurs.  In a world where technology brings affluence and exciting new relationships with other countries, starvation, genocide and environmental destruction continue. In the face of the interminable problems facing the human and animal races, and our earth, the question seems even more important.  "What can I do to make a difference?" The question really means, "How can I serve?"  When we are fully engaged in life, it becomes imperative to serve.  Service is the heart's call to join with our global family in the joys and sorrows.

The Arizona planning meeting included brainstorming sessions to clarify our mission and discover the vision. We not only wanted to assist the process of planetary healing through UN dialogues, we wanted to serve the community.  I wondered if we could possibly identify with the effects of systemic poverty.  None of us had known hunger, poverty or homelessness. We were all members of the "have" group.  I raised a question to the group of well- educated, upper-middle-class people. "How many of you have been hungry for an extended period of time?"  I expected no one to respond.  To my astonishment, over half of the people in the room raised their hands. They began to share their stories about hunger. 

One woman was in graduate school.  She could barely pay her tuition and living expenses.  She was embarrassed about not having any money.  She couldn't tell anyone.  Her family could have easily afforded to help her out.  In shame, she created the pretense of having it all together. She talked with us about getting catsup and sugar from fast-food restaurants for her meals.  One day a homeless man approached asking for money.  She recognized him as someone she had given money to on several occasions.  "I have given you a nickel or dime every time you have asked for money.  Today, I have no money to share.   I am hungry and need money."  He instantly pulled out ten dollars and thrust it toward her.  She wasn't too proud to receive and his gesture made them members of the same family.

The session was a turning point for me.  I realized how close the threads of life bind us together.  How could I have guessed that so many people in our group had known poverty and hunger? 

I went to Rio for three weeks and subsequently attended other international conferences aimed at saving our planet and our lives.  In my zeal to serve, I thought, I had to take on global issues.  I had to do big things in order to make a difference.

One sun warmed day I walked in the park. My pace was the same as that of a fellow traveler and our synchronized step gave rise to conversation. She was a restroom attendant at a local country club.  A chance encounter, two days in a row, allowed our barriers to soften.  We became sisters as we spoke of our children, loves, hopes and dreams.  Magic happened; and who we were together made a difference.

I thought of the effort that I have made to alleviate spiritual, emotional and planetary suffering.  Here, with no effort, I entered the healing dance.  The sacred walk, was taken by two, who met unexpectedly on life's journey.  The encounter made me realize that the question, "How can I make a difference?" would better serve me if I asked, "How can I make a difference today, right where I am?"

Dharma, the path of righteousness, is about living in right action.  This does not mean doing the right thing all the time; it means doing what makes us feel the deepest connection to our spirits.  Dharma holds us accountable to the moment. What attitudes do we need hold? Will we be present and fully alive?  Will we let others into our hearts today? How will we treat the bank teller or the grocery checkout person? Will we reach out? Will we have communion with them or will they become another check on our "to do" list? 

 Maybe the only difference we can make is to respond to each moment as if it is a gift and then to share that gift with others. It is easy to make a difference, if it is hard, we might not do it.  We don't need any more burdens, we need more joys.  Making a difference can be a joy and can be Easier and Easier...

Teleseminar Schedule
 May 2 "Healing Patterns in Relationships" A pattern is repetitive unconscious behavior. Our patterns lock us in and make us choiceless clones of our parents and other authority figures from our youth.Time to reverse our patterns so we can have easier relationships.
May 23 "Teachings From India"
I will share some of the things I learned from gurus during my 5 week trip to India. It's some cool stuff. Be there!

April 18, 25 May 9, 16 "No Seminar"
I'll be with my daughter working on wedding plans, going to a wedding shower then the wedding itself on May 11. Actually I'm writing this from Charleston. We went to the seamstress last night for alterations to her wedding dress. The dress is stunning and only fades in the beauty if my precious daughter. We bought it in December and it came in on Friday.
The shower is at a trendy bar. Men and women go to the showers these days. The wedding is at an old My Pleasant church and the reception is at the Citadel Beach House. My daughter received her Master's Degree from the Citadel. It's a lovely facility on the SC beach for the reception. 
We've been talking about her wedding since she was 18 and now at 38, it's dream come true.
It is wonderful that we continue the customs of our ancestors, gathering our families and celebrating the transitions in live.
Festivals, parities and holiday celebrations tend to make stronger and more peaceful societies. Start your own family and community rituals and feel the bonds as they form, the ones that serve as a safety net when the unknown strikes. We suffer from the disease of not belonging. As illuminated beings, we can contribute to creating the structure in our lives of belonging. 


How to Access Teleseminars

Teleconference "Dealing With Emotions."Please join me Wednesday April 9 at 2 CST PM Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 # Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 #

For those who don't want to use your cell phone minutes you can use Skye for free. (If you are not familiar with Skye call me for technical assistance at 281-419-1775). If use Skype already follow these steps after you have logged into your account: 1) On the top bar menu click on "Contacts" then click "Add a contact" from the drop down menu.  This will open up a pop-up box titled Add A Contact. 2) in the field labeled "Skype Name" enter the following without the quotation marks -

"freeconfrencecallhd.2096471600" (note the period between "hd" and the number). 3) Click on the "+ Add" button. The pop up box should disappear and you should be able to see the Skype control panel you started with which now has the new contact you just added under the Contacts list. 4) to place the call click on that new contact and click on the green "Call" button.  After the call connects and you hear the operator request that you enter your access code do the following, 5) On the top bar menu click on "Call" then on the drop down menu click on "Show Dial Pad". This opens a dial pad pop-up box. Click on the following keys in sequence 539554#.  The operator should now let you know you have been accepted into the call and how many other participants are on the call.

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