The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Wed, 05/16/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 25
"If you see a flaw in another person,
it's your eye that needs clearing." Old Saying
Celebrate your friend's strengths and forget their weaknesses. 


 In This Issue...
That Voice in My Head?
EZ Teleseminar Schedule

 Anne Sermons Gillis
That Voice in My Head

We all have to deal with our inner voice; sometimes the voice is wise or helpful, but at other times it is sneaky. One of the coolest tricks of our inner demon is to take what we believe about ourselves and actually think it is what others think of us, or will think about our ideas or behaviors. We project our self doubt onto them. We mentally use the voices of those we love, to deliver the bad news in our head. "I know what she will think. She thinks this is stupid." To spell this out again, we actually have negative talk in our heads using their voices. What a mental trick. Once I realized this I began to watch my mind. I would stop my negative rant by saying to myself, "I will not use (name of person) in my inner battles. I have the courage not to scapegoat them and to look at the real culprit, my self doubts and low self-esteem.

When we take back our projections and face our demons directly, we can self-correct faster. It takes a wise person to look directly at the pain, worrying or suffering without blaming others. The more we heal our wounds, the less likely we are to try to eat, drink, drug or worry our pain away.  When we clean up the interior, sooner or later, our work will reflect on the exterior.  Generally speaking, a healthy body is the reflection of a healthy mind. I say generally there are no absolutes. There are many amazing people who have extraordinary minds and hearts whose bodies are not healthy, but generally speaking, our health is reflective of our inner lives.

The bottom line in my message is not to use the people we know and love to become negative voices in our heads. Eliminating this makes our lives so much easier.

The May 11 wedding was amazing. My daughter looked stunning. Thank you for all the comments and well-wishes from my friends.
I present to you Elizabeth and Toby Wann.

Today as the sun peeped into our lives, it set in another's. My daughter's paternal grandmother died. She was one of the kindest most loving people on the planet. My daughter was given full grace by all the family members and told not to come home from her honeymoon.  Here's to you Awa, where ever you are.
Happy Pleasure Day
There's a saying "no pain, no gain." Even though we can grow from pain, pleasure can hold it's own. There was an experiment where people were hooked up to monitors and their responses were measured- it would be complicated to go into all the details but people who received a deep approving look from someone they cared about had the same kind of happy biological responses as someone who received $164,000. Looks like to me that our treasure is in our pleasure (I heard that phrase from Jean Houston).
Have you ever listened to the lyrics in Carley Simon's "Ain't Got Time for the Pain?"
"Suffering was the only thing made me feel I was alive." These words are amazing.

I haven't Got Time for the Pain ...

By Carly Simon and Jacob Brackmen

All those crazy nights when I cried myself to sleep. Now melodrama never makes me weak anymore. 'Cause I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the pain. I haven't the need for the pain, not since I've known you.

You showed me how, how to leave myself behind, how to turn down the noise in my mind.  Now I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the pain. I haven't the need for the pain, not since I've known you.

I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the pain. I haven't the need for the pain.

Suffering was the only thing made me feel I was alive.  Thought that's just how much it costs to survive in this world, 'till you showed me how, how to fill my heart with love, how to open up and drink in all that white light  pouring down from the heaven

I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the pain. I haven't the need for the pain, not since I've known you.

I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the need for pain. No I haven't the need for the pain I haven't got time no I haven't got time for the pain I said no, no no more pain no no no  no no no more pain.  I haven't got time for the pain.

We must learn from our pain, but lead from our joy.  Pain is a word, but it should never be the last word because our treasure is in our pleasure.
To promote her 1995 album "Letters Never Sent," Carly surprised travelers through Grand Central Station with this unannounced concert.

Free Teleseminar Schedule
May 23 "Teachings From India"
I will share some of the things I learned from spiritual eachers during my 5 week trip to India. It's some cool stuff - like using your eyes in a different way. Be there!
How to Access Teleseminars

Teleconference "Dealing With Emotions."Please join me Wednesday May 23 at 2 CST PM Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 #

For those who don't want to use your cell phone minutes you can use Skye for free. (If you are not familiar with Skye call me for technical assistance at 281-419-1775). If use Skype already follow these steps after you have logged into your account:
1) On the top bar menu click on "Contacts" then click "Add a contact" from the drop down menu.  This will open up a pop-up box titled Add A Contact.
2) in the field labeled "Skype Name" enter the following without the quotation marks -
"freeconfrencecallhd.2096471600" (note the period between "hd" and the number).
3) Click on the "+ Add" button. The pop up box should disappear and you should be able to see the Skype control panel you started with which now has the new contact you just added under the Contacts list.
4) to place the call click on that new contact and click on the green "Call" button.  After the call connects and you hear the operator request that you enter your access code do the following,
5) On the top bar menu click on "Call" then on the drop down menu click on "Show Dial Pad". This opens a dial pad pop-up box. Click on the following keys in sequence 539554#.  The operator should now let you know you have been accepted into the call and how many other participants are on the call.

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My Favorite Garbanzo Recipe

Curried Garbanzos

Here's the recipe that everyone wants, once they've tasted this. It comes from my favorite cookbook, "Romancing the Bean."

2/3 cup of coconut milk

1 1/3 cup of garbanzo bean juice or water

3 T. unbleached flour

½ cup of shallots (I use yellow onions if I don't have shallots

2 t. curry powder

1 t. sea salt

1 ½ cooked garbanzos

4 cups of raw spinach

Combine coconut milk, juice or water and flour - cook until thickened

Add shallots, curry and salt mix add beans - cook 10 minutes

Five minutes before serving add the lemon juice and spinach. Serve when spinach is bright green. I used green beans or celery or nothing. It's also really great with the spinach.

Serve on brown rice, quinoa or cooked grain of choice. Eat well (meaning healthy for your body). and prosper. Yum. Yum.


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Easier Living



Anne's Eggplant

Check out Anne cooking grilled eggplant. Click below.


Thinking is Optional
The topic of the following video.
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If you would like Anne to speak for your group or organization you may reach her at 281-419-1775
or by email Contact Anne
Anne is also available for your network marketing phone conferences. 

Don't start out your day with a Hard Attack or the Hardaholic mantra.  Remember the eight word miracle mantra, "Everything can be easy or at least easier."



contact us at Anne Sermons Gillis
Phone 281-419-1775

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