The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 06/12/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 28
"Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.

 In This Issue...
The Art of Ease
The Embodiment of Ease
....And More

 Anne Sermons Gillis

The Art of Ease

Ease is a natural part of living. It is the ever present orchestrated flow of life.  Ease nourishes and supports our activities and dreams.  In spite of this gentle kiss of life, we live with hardships and burdens. We tend to live by the four "R"s - suffering, struggle, stress and strain.  How can we live in such turmoil when ease is our constant companion?  She quietly whispers in every moment, "Let go."  

We live in struggle because we have been conditioned to see through the eyes of hardship and to feed on the chemical thrill of struggle. We live the lives of Hardaholics. Often people say they don't suffer or struggle but if we suffer over others plights (second hand suffering - like everything that goes wrong with our child's life), dread work, or feel an oppressive burden in our relationship with time, we are suffering.  Even though all suffering is not ego driven, a large part of the suffering in the west is held together by three ego driven concepts.

1.       Life is hard.

2.       You must suffer about it

3.       It will never change.

Living in ease requires a decision and the commitment  to live by that decision. It is the decision to let go of the mental dynamic that creates endless conundrums, problems, challenges and drama.

The mind takes the concept of ease and comes up with a complicated story of how ease is not applicable to life. The thoughts go like this: "Ease is boring." "I am not doing this right." "It's too hard to have it easy."  "You don't understand my situation; this really hurts, this is a big problem." The mind wants to have its way and it loves its problems.  

There is good news. EZosophy can save you from problems that don't exist! When ease becomes the foundation of our minds rather than just a concept, something radical emerges. There is a shift in life; the struggle-filled life, concocted by the mind, dissolves.  Do it now. Make this commitment to an easy or at least easier living.  This is not a way to deny what happens. This idea won't keep us from delays or so called inconsistencies, but it will keep us safe from mental abuse in the face of life's unexpected meanderings.

The Embodiment of Ease

Our bodies need relaxation.  Meditation is a great relaxer, but it isn't a complete answer. Exercise is a part of the solution, but it is not the whole answer. We face stressors all day long. Physical stress creates mental stiffness.  Tightness restricts the blood flow, the exchange of gases and the vital flow of prana (life force).

Relaxation is an art to be practiced throughout the day, not only during one or two prescribed times. An effective relaxation practice includes stretching, massage, conscious breathing, good posture, exercise and finally a good night's rest.

The following include a list of possibilities for instant easy stress relieving activities and energizers.  Practice physical  EZosophy  throughout the day. Try one activity each hour.

  • Massage each hand for  10 seconds.
  • Extend and contract your feet three times.
  • Raise your shoulders up to your ears, tense them and then release (3 times).
  • Gently rotate your head in one direction (2 times) repeat on the other side.
  • Pinch the large muscle on the top of each shoulder or pound with your fists.
  • Do a silent (or out loud if alone) "wow" really stretching your mouth 10 times. Really wakes up the face and relieves tension.
  • Massage your jaws with your knuckles.
  • Gently twist to the left, twist to the right (3 times)
  • Take three long inhales and exhales.  Breathe in to the count of three and out to the count of 5. We tend to take deeper inhales than exhales so this exercise helps balance us. Over exhalation, practiced over long periods of time, causes our cell walls to stiffen.
  • In addition blink your eyes every 5 minutes (combats eye strain).

If we are easy on our bodies, or bodies are easy on us. Go on try one now ad remember to take it easy.


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A Word From the Wise

Diane Ackerman

"The great affair, the love affair with life, is to live as variously as possible, to groom one's curiosity like a high-spirited thoroughbred,
climb aboard, and gallop over the thick, sun-struck hills every day.

Where there is no risk, the emotional terrain is flat and unyielding, and, despite all its dimensions, valleys, pinnacles, and detours, life will seem to have none of its magnificent geography, only a length.

It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery,
but what a savage and beautiful country lies in between."

You Never Go Anywhere When You Go on a Guilt Trip
Check out the latest blog entry.

We have riots, murders, war and people starve to death. There is real suffering everywhere. Is it okay to have it easy, when people are suffering and dying?

When I was growing up one critical issue was the children in Africa. Information about their plight was disseminated at mealtime. I didn't know whether the kids were actually starving or if the story was fabricated to force me to eat. Sound familiar?

Insights for Conscious Evolution

A month ago I received a call from my good friend Robin Blanc Mascari.  Robin is the kind of woman that everyone wants as a friend. If she likes you and you've got a good message, she will not only support you, she will promote you and your vision.  Every time I receive a call from her, I know it's always going to be good. She's been looking for a way to bring the wisdom to as many people as possible and I think she's discovered it.  I am honored because she has asked me to be among a group of speakers who will give their best, free of charge, to anyone. ANYONE. Wow. So what's this all about? Keep reading and I'll explain or better still, just click the link below and listen to Robin explain the program in her own words. She is adorable, feisty and engaging.

If you're like me, you've spent a lot of time and money trying to answer life's big questions...

  • How can I create a more balanced, healthy & productive life?
  • How can I identify and operate from my greatest strengths?
  • How can I access my deeper wisdom?
  • How can I support future generations to thrive?
  • How can I enhance the quality of my relationships?

For answers to these questions, for information and sign up for this free this teleseminar seminar series, click here:


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Easier Living



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If you would like Anne to speak for your group or organization you may reach her at 281-419-1775
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Anne is also available for your network marketing phone conferences. 

contact us at Anne Sermons Gillis
Phone 281-419-1775

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