The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 06/19/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 31
"Be free to discover who you are as you live. You are not a set point."

 In This Issue...
Developing Trust
Special Offer Enlightened Teleseminars

Wake Up


 Anne Sermons Gillis
Developing Trust
The foundation for living an easier life rests in trust.  Without trust in life itself, in ourselves and in other trustworthy people, life wanes. So what is trust?

  •     Trust is the faith that life is an open love affair and not a dead end experience.
  •     Trust is being willing to sit still and remain silent without trying to run your friend's, families' and your acquaintances' lives. When we trust life, we let go of others.
  •     Trust is also being willing to jump in full throttle knowing the universe will stand behind you in your outrageous passion providing resources, support, ideas and chance encounters that bring your contributions into full expression.
  •     Trust is being able to let go of the personal mind and its chatter and depending on a the greater mind that runs the universe with ease.
  •     Trust knows there is a guidance system moving through all things, especially our lives, and the belief that this force is benevolent.
  •     Trust involves looking beyond circumstances and appearances into the very center of well-being.
  •     The fruits of trust include relaxation; when one trusts, the need to control dissipates, leaving the body supple and calm.
  •     Trust releases us from feelings of urgency.
  •     Trust creates feelings of belonging.

  • To gain others trust we must do what we say we are going to do and do it on a consistent basis. Even though we cannot trust our behaviors to be perfect or that we will always be congruent, we can trust that who we are is perfect, consistent and congruent. People will trust us even if we slip up from time to time, but when we make a habit of not keeping our agreements with our elves and others, trust dissolves. When we live as our word, people trust us and we trust ourselves.

    Steven Covey told a story today (on our Enlightened Networking teleseminar call) about a collection agency that changed it tactics. The payment rate for the average intimidation type collection agency is 50%. One agency decided to trust that the people they called wanted to pay back their debt.  They trusted that most people want to do the right thing. The agency did not automatically expect them to squirm out of their commitments. The calls went something like this. "Hello Mrs. Smythe, we know that you've been in the hospital and things have been pretty tough for you.  We are sure you would like to pay your hospital bill, but I bet things are really tight. Is it possible that we set up some kind of plan to allow to you to start paying your debt, even if it is just a small monthly amount?" The payment rate for this agency now averages 97%.

    Trusting life does not preclude using good sense. Some situations and people do not deserve our trust. I once had a friend lament because her purse was stolen. Upon further investigation I found she had left her purse in the front seat of an unlocked car. She thought it was safe because she was parked in front of a church!  She said she was trying to trust life more. All I could think was "PLEASE, use some sense."
    Until we can trust ourselves we do not have the ability to distinguish between what we can and cannot trust.  Trust is a living skill required for physical inhabitants. If you have trust issues, your life lacks the framework of vibrant living. You have to be hyper vigilant, try to control everything and everyone around you, and to be on the lookout for the next disaster that lurks around the corner. Living life without trust is hard. It drains inspiration and fuels desperation.   You must, you must, develop your trust. Trust me on that.

    The following affirmations are offered to help you develop your ability to trust. If the affirmations seem too far- fetched or out of reach for you, then add a qualifier. A qualifier makes the affirmation something you can believe. For example, if the affirmation is "I can trust" and that does not feel right for you, add a qualifier. "I am beginning to believe it may be safe to trust."  "It's safe to" is a master qualifier. You can add this qualifier to any affirmation to make it more believable. "It is safe to trust." When I hear the affirmation, "I can trust.", it still is not right for me. I have to add more. My best thought about trust would is,  "I can trust that which is trustworthy." Affirmations are supposed to be soul-soothing words, but it's really up to you to put the idea or intent behind the affirmation to make it work for you.

    I trust myself to love and cherish me.
    I trust me to do the best for me.
    I trust myself to be realistic about my shortcomings.
    I meet more and more trustworthy people.
    I am willing to meet more and more trustworthy people.
    I trust the universal pattern of well-being knowing that the plan for my good resounds in my life and in my affairs.
    I trust life.
    I trust that what life brings is for my highest good.

    Please join the Enlightened Seminars crew on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 AM CST for our free teleseminars on conscious evolution, life and change. You may sign up or check out the seminars at

    After you register, keep an eye out for Robin's email for specific details on accessing the interviews.

    Also, be sure to click on the Bonus Gifts link in Robin's email to receive your Bonus Gifts. They're all yours just for enrolling in this free series.

    The interviews will be recorded and available at no charge after each show for a limited time so you won't miss a thing. We'll send you the web address of each replay recording as soon as it's posted on our website. Sign up right now, while it's fresh on your mind...

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            Wake up
    Early morning is a great time to innervate your face and to set a tone for an easier day. These EZ exercises invigorate you inside and out.
    Your Face - Say wow 20 times. Really stretch that mouth. After your 20 wows, be aware of your face. Doesn't it feel more alive?+
    I'll bet most people can use a little more wowing in their lives!
    Your Eyes -  Tap your fingertips together 200 times. This activates the eye meridians on the fingers.
    Your Whole Body -  Throw up your arms and hands into the air and say "YES" three times. Opens the chest and gets the energy moving. 
    Your skin - gently rib your body from head to toe touching as much skin as possible. Great to do this while still in bed. This activates a relaxation response in the muscles. 
    Your Mind - Start the day out expecting ease. Visualize a 3 foot circle/ column in front of you. Imagine that it is full of everything you need to have an easy day. This magic circle contains wisdom, the ability to keep ones cool, patience, creativity and the essential essence of ease. Now step into that circle. Take a second to feel the support. Go about your day, but when you feel out of sorts, frustrated, defeated, impatient, stumped or afraid - stop, take a deep breath in and out, then step into the Circle of Ease. This lifts you from the downward cycle of the Hardaholic.*
    * The Hardaholic makes life hard, suffers about it and believes that it can never change.

    Anne speaks at Unity Church on 

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    Easier Living



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    Anne is also available for your network marketing phone conferences. 

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