The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 05/22/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 27
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift; the rational mind is a faithful servant. Our society honors the servant and forgets the gift." Einstein
"You are innocent if you don't read this newsletter. I know how much you have to do. I will never know if you don't read it. But if you do find time, I appreciate you spending some of it with me."
 In This Issue...
The Principles of Ease
Do You get Enough Sleep?
EZ Teleseminar Schedule

 Anne Sermons Gillis

The Principles of Ease

  • The easy path is spirit centered - Self centered.

  • Ease is always present and instantly available to everyone.

  • Everything we do or perceive can be easier.

  • Ease is more powerful than struggle.

  • Ease is appropriate to everything we do.

  • Easy thoughts produce easy or at least easier results.

  • Ease is easy; everything we need for ease is readily available.

  • No person, circumstance or situation can obliterate ease.

  • Ease is. We do not have to manufacture ease. Our part is to tune into the ease that is present.

  • Ease is our natural state of being.

  • Acceptance is one of the keys to ease.

  • Ease is nondual.  No Right/wrong    good/bad. Where ease exists there is no opposite.

We are not better people because we work hard or suffer. It is honorable to live in ease. The outside may not be so easy, but the essence of ease is an inner state.

This information was send in by Donna Mosher (who is one of my best friends yeah Donna) and who helped our local farmer, Hans, organize his coop. 
I know many of you are interested in food democracy and being sure that organic means organic. 

"An in-depth investigation by The Cornucopia Institute has found a number of gimmicky, unproven, and even dangerous synthetic additives in organic food. This watchdog "organic champion" organization is fighting back - and you can help!"

"The nation's leading organic farming watchdog, The Cornucopia Institute, is challenging what it calls a "conspiracy" between corporate agribusiness interests and the USDA that has increasingly facilitated the use of questionable synthetic additives and even dangerous chemicals in organic foods. In its new white paper, The Organic Watergate, Cornucopia details violations of federal law, ignoring congressional intent, that has created a climate of regulatory abuse and corporate exploitation."

Read more here:

Just a Thought - Not a Prescription - Do You Get Enough Sleep?

Charles was meditation teacher for years. He is still an avid meditator. A couple of years ago he joined hundreds of dedicated people who sat in meditation for world peace. That's not such a great feat, peace vigils occur regularly, but he stayed a year. Everyday a group of dedicated people sat in stillness with an intention of peace. That is if they weren't sleeping. Many of the people who came were so sleep deprived that they sleep all day every day for a week. Marharishi used to tell teachers to let the people who fell asleep while attempting to meditate sleep. They needed it.

Another friend who teaches meditation in the corporate world told me the same thing - after the postures, when it comes to relaxation time, everyone sleeps.

There are three things we need for good health: good food, exercise and enough rest.

The National Sleep Foundation reported last year that 63% of our population (US) said they did not get enough rest during the week.

Do you get enough sleep? And if not are you doing things that keep you from sleeping? This piece is not to tell you how to get more sleep, it's really about asking you to survey your sleep habits and make the changes you need to make.

Here are some things that help me and they may or may not apply to you.

1. Wear a sleep mask. That keeps out any light. Our body clock thinks it time to wake up when lights are on. A lot of my neighbors have flood lights on at night and the sleep mask really helps me.

2. Get in bed by 10:30 PM. I am not good at this, but I love it when I do.

3. Take 500 mg of calcium at bedtime.

4. Read in bed. This seems to knock me out.

5. Don't panic when I can't sleep.  Life goes on and no need to add upset to about anything.

6. Practice breathing exercises when I can't sleep.

I have friends who take sleep aids. They just can't deal with the mind chatter all night. Who wouldn't understand? But - you know that word-  if you have not tried any natural alternatives first, then you may want to try those before taking the pills. It's not wrong to take sleeping pills, it's just that sooner or later someone finds out the negative health effects and the product faces lawsuits and it's often taken off the market. I am not the smartest person in the world, but I do think it takes only a tad of good sense to see that synthetic substances in the body aren't what's needed.

If you are interested the National Sleep Foundations has some good recommendations for sleeping the natural way.

Free Teleseminar Schedule
May 23 "Teachings From India"
I will share some of the things I learned from spiritual teachers during my 5 week trip to India. It's some cool stuff - like using your eyes in a different way. Be there!
Starting in June, I will be a part of a speaker series of 24 amazing  teleseminars. I will send you the information on how to sign up and access them. You receive a valuable free gift for every teleseminar you attend. They will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Stay tuned for more information.
How to Access Teleseminars

Teleconference "Dealing With Emotions."Please join me Wednesday May 23 at 2 CST PM Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 #

For those who don't want to use your cell phone minutes you can use Skye for free. (If you are not familiar with Skye call me for technical assistance at 281-419-1775). If use Skype already follow these steps after you have logged into your account:
1) On the top bar menu click on "Contacts" then click "Add a contact" from the drop down menu.  This will open up a pop-up box titled Add A Contact.
2) in the field labeled "Skype Name" enter the following without the quotation marks -
"freeconfrencecallhd.2096471600" (note the period between "hd" and the number).
3) Click on the "+ Add" button. The pop up box should disappear and you should be able to see the Skype control panel you started with which now has the new contact you just added under the Contacts list.
4) to place the call click on that new contact and click on the green "Call" button.  After the call connects and you hear the operator request that you enter your access code do the following,
5) On the top bar menu click on "Call" then on the drop down menu click on "Show Dial Pad". This opens a dial pad pop-up box. Click on the following keys in sequence 539554#.  The operator should now let you know you have been accepted into the call and how many other participants are on the call.

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"We've got to be bigger than our stuff. Our message has to get out there." Robin Blanc Mascari 
The above message is for you. You know who you are. 
Fali Engineer Quotes
Fali is the president of or local Theosophical Society. He's the best. 
"The diet of the personality is power, control and recognition. It wants to eat every day."
"The brain is a tool of the mind. The mind is the tool of the personality."
"The higher mind uses processes.  The lower mind uses projects. Life is to be experienced, not solved."
"Building without ethics has no lifespan."
You can check out the Theosophical Society at Houston Lodge
"A thousand things went right today and will again tomorrow." Tim Bayes




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Easier Living



Blog Post
Definitions of Love

Thanks to Leonard Orr for these definitions.


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If you would like Anne to speak for your group or organization you may reach her at 281-419-1775
or by email Contact Anne
Anne is also available for your network marketing phone conferences. 

  Do you know Egor the Ego?


contact us at Anne Sermons Gillis
Phone 281-419-1775

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