The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Mon, 06/04/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 28

 In This Issue...
Don't Miss Your Bliss
Happy Pleasure Day
More Weddings and Food for Travel
....And More

 Anne Sermons Gillis
Don't Miss Your Bliss

We look for happiness in people and circumstances.  We track down seminars and therapists to relieve pain and hopefully to bring in the joy. Sometimes what we think is our finest hour, is our greatest mistake. In the endless looking, we engage in a mentalness that keeps joyful bliss behind clouds. Happiness, joy and bliss are now.

Bliss is life. Freedom comes when we stop looking for others to change or for the world to catch on or wise up.  Even if our mate changes, and treats us like royalty, we will not experience bliss. We will fabricate another story.  The job becomes like a robber baron,  or our breaking down aging bodies dominate our mindscapes. Maybe we'll wrap ourselves with second hand drama, such as our mate's or kids lives.  In most lives, story time lasts forever.  It's time to stop, even for just a moment. If we don't, we miss our bliss.

People tell you to follow your bliss. If you have to go anywhere other than now, you will be going away from the immediacy of life's bliss. Don't tell me about your life, how bad things are. I'm not talking about your life. Your real life is covered with the tale of your emotional and physical history. Take away the "my" story and you have life. And life is good. Life is Source.

Your bliss is really not even your bliss. Bliss is just bliss and it shines in everything just as the sun shines down on the planet. One doesn't get up and say, "Is my sun going to shine today?" It's everyone's sun and really no one's sun because ownership doesn't apply.

Don't think you can't experience bliss, that it's reserved for mystics, gurus, masters and holy people. Bliss for you and it is for you now. You don't  have to clean up your act before you experience bliss. Bliss is not a future possible event. Can you imagine getting up in the morning and saying, "I shouted at my friend yesterday, I don't deserve for the sun to shine on me." Or "Due to my family history, my past, my unresolved anger, my lack of self esteem, or my inability to sustain healthy relationships, I will be deprived and the sun will no longer shine on me." Thinking that bliss is not available  now is a story so strong that it obscures our ability to experience what is here and now. Remember the fish who went looking for the ocean and when told he was in the ocean he replied, "Oh this is just water. It can't be the ocean. I'm going to look somewhere else."

We love our thoughts, nothing's wrong with them but if we just listen to the sound of words rattling around in our heads all the time, we lose life. Have you ever been with someone who talks nonstop? It's draining. Yet that's what our minds do, they go nonstop. Please stop, just for a moment and look deeply into life, the life that is here and rest in that.  Don't effort to do it, just look whenever it crosses your mind. Make it easy. Do it as an experiment and see what happens. Watch your mind trails, where do they go? Most of the trails are old and worn. They form the trance. Wake up. Just do it. NOW -  just for a second. Don't miss the bliss. It's now.

Happy Pleasure Day

 There's a saying "no pain, no gain." Certainly we can learn form our pain, but we must lead from our joy. There was an experiment where people were hooked up to monitors and their responses were measured- it would be complicated to go into all the details but people who received a deep approving look from someone they cared about had the same kind of happy biological responses as someone who received $164,000. Looks like our treasure is in our pleasure (that phrase is from Jean Houston).

Have you ever listened to the lyrics in Carley Simon's "Ain't Got Time for the Pain?" "Suffering was the only thing made me feel I was alive." These words are amazing.

I haven't Got Time for the Pain ...

By Carly Simon and Jacob Brackmen

All those crazy nights when I cried myself to sleep. Now melodrama never makes me weak anymore. 'Cause I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the pain. I haven't the need for the pain, not since I've known you.

You showed me how, how to leave myself behind, how to turn down the noise in my mind.  Now I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the pain. I haven't the need for the pain, not since I've known you.

I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the pain. I haven't the need for the pain.

Suffering was the only thing made me feel I was alive.  Thought that's just how much it costs to survive in this world, 'till you showed me how, how to fill my heart with love, how to open up and drink in all that white light  pouring down from the heaven

I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the pain. I haven't the need for the pain, not since I've known you.

I haven't got time for the pain. I haven't got room for the need for pain. No I haven't the need for the pain I haven't got time no I haven't got time for the pain I said no, no no more pain no no no  no no no more pain.  I haven't got time for the pain.

We must learn from our pain, but lead from our joy.  Pain is a word, but it should never be the last word because our treasure is in our pleasure.

To hear the song, watch Carley's surprise concert at Grand central Station.

Try it, make every day a holiday.

Free Teleseminar Schedule
Starting in June, I will be a part of a speaker series of 24 amazing  teleseminars. I will send you the information on how to sign up and access them. You receive a valuable free gift for every teleseminar you attend. They will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Stay tuned for a special newsletter on June 5 with more information.
More Weddings and Food for Travel
My daughter is married and home from her honeymoon. My husband and I have two more weddings to attend. My nephew and his nephew are getting married on two consecutive weekends. Thankfully they are in the same state. Thursday, Jim, Lucy and I will load up and head for North Carolina. We love Lucy and she loves to travel so we take a lot of car trips as opposed to jet travel.
While traveling in the car, we used to try to find restaurants that had acceptable food, but the choices are limited and there is rarely a healthy choice. Now we carry a loaf of EZekiel bread, organic greens, tomatoes, bananas, carrots, sunflower seed butter, raw food bars and sometimes homemade egg salad (free range from my friend's back yard hen house). We eat at roadside parks, get a nice outside break from the road and feel good about what we eat. I think my life became a lot easier when I decided to bring healthier food for the road.

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A Word From the Wise
"Live life from authenticity and simplicity. " Bettina Sparkles
F - false
I - ideas and
B - beliefs
Acronym from Bettina. 
Don't live your fib. I may have to invest in a de fib rillator. I know, this is over the edge. It is indeed corny. Don't panic. I still have my day job and the newsletter is free. 

How Does My Breath Smell?
Want to know how your breath smells to others? Lick your wrist. Let it dry 3 seconds. Now sniff.

 Freedom From Tyranny
Check out the latest blog entry for a tool for inner release.
This method knocks our beliefs off their collective reign of terror. It has quick, amazing effects. Using this idea is like emotional magic.  It is astonishing when something that hurts so badly turns around quickly. When you turn the light on the lie, it disappears.  It's like it wasn't ever there. It is not only possible to get out of our emotional addictions; it is easier that you may think.  

Short Video 
See the power in others, don't take care of them. Two minute video on Sympathy VS Compassion Move mouse around on page to pull up the play button.
I did a series of these short videos with Bobby Lee Messer. Thanks Bob for doing such a great job. If you need a great videographer, I can turn you on to Bob. He's also a producer, can edit and he can do anything else you would need in a film. We worked on a short video together on Single Payer Health Care and won first place. Bob resides in the Salt Lake City area.


Get Back in Shape Formula

 I love magic. Whether it exists or not is immaterial because in my mind, magic has a lot of clout. Here's a magical formula that stimulates the body for toning up and detox.

6 OZ avocado oil (or any good carrier oil, olive apricot)

10 drops of lemongrass essential oil (induces detox)

14 drops of fennel oil (tone muscle)

14 drops of grapefruit oil. (detox)

Fill bottle with oil. Brown vitamin bottles work well or a reused small brown bottle with a dropper. I save stevia bottles for my oil mixes. Add oil drops and roll the bottle to mix. No shaking. Do not use when breast feeding. I have forgotten the reasoning behind this - just don't do it.  Apply before workout. The
fragrance is enough to make you think something is going on.

Pity Party Cancelled

The 8th annual pity party is cancelled due to internal committee conflicts. You are advised to suck it up until next year and enjoy your life. All pitying is suspended until arrangements are made for the proper venue and timing.
Timing is everything and your time will come.  We will inform you when it is your time. You are further instructed to cease all griping, worry and judgments. No bitchcraft is allowed on the premises.

Just a moment, we are receiving a transmission from headquarters. I can't believe it! The transmission is being relayed to you in real time. "In lieu of this year's pity party, your ship has been approved and NOW is your time.  So look in the harbor because your ship has come in. Until further notice celebrate everything."


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Easier Living



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If you would like Anne to speak for your group or organization you may reach her at 281-419-1775
or by email Contact Anne
Anne is also available for your network marketing phone conferences. 

(Disclaimers are for professionals)
All words that are supposed to be here, but aren't, are in my head, but they never make it to the paper. All weird things written in the newsletter, both omissions and commissions of error, are due to mistakes. I take all the responsibility for the mistakes, but none of the blame. I am not a professional. Professionalism creates pressure to get everything right and perfect. I am an EZosophist. In that spirit. Please enjoy this unprofessional newsletter.
PS Why is it that when I put this in the template, it looks so different, including the fact that it had a light blue background?


contact us at Anne Sermons Gillis
Phone 281-419-1775

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