The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 07/17/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living

Volume 34
"We vent our frustrations with the agony of circumstances on others through blame and irritability." Gangaji
 In This Issue...
Emotional Emancipation
Food for Thought
Thymus Thump
Teleseminar Sign Up
....And More
                                                                                 Anne Sermons Gillis

Emotional Emancipation
Freedom from emotional reactivity is true liberation. Whether it is a reaction to what others say or think or something as simple as constant complaining about the weather, living life as a reaction causes suffering.
Questions help us move from unconscious behavior to choice. When we ask ourselves internal questions, the door to freedom is unlocked.
The following questions can be valuable in stopping the familiar ego rant that constructs the inner prison system.
  • What is my favorite bad feeling?
  • Where do I always end up emotionally?
  • Is this what I really want?
  • Can I drop the story I'm telling myself about this situation - the story that will lead me to my expected reaction?
  • Is this worn out reaction the one I really want? What do I want in my life?
  • Do I look for what I want in life or am I continuously delayed by trying to see what others are doing to me and how I can blame them for my reactions? 
  • Do I focus on how I disagree with others?
Good questions move our minds from stress to awareness. Relationships and circumstances only give us fleeting glimpses of freedom and fulfillment. It is only the moment to moment awareness of our predictable emotions that frees us to live our lives as we chose, rather than as we are programmed to do. Take a look see what's going on in and see how you are feeling before you react -hold those cars and letters folks until you can act from your values, not from a distillation of the reactions of your early caregivers. It's time to break the chains that bind you to the past. A blast from the past is great when it's a well-loved tune, but when it's the repeat of emotional pattern, it's time for the blast to go. One, two three, blast off.
Food for Thought
What is your relationship with food? Do you break up and binge, then make up and vow to eat healthier?
It's tough when someone tells us our life styles are self-destructive. Yet deep inside we know when we at war with ourselves. We participate in food wars (aka known as eating junk), wars with friends and others and wars that attack our self-worth. Still, when it comes to eating, unless we are drunk, drugged or out of touch with reality, we have inklings of what kind of foods are good to us and for us. Our food problems tend to be more about staying on track than about amassing more information.
Given the mounting evidence of how physically liberating it can be to eat fresh unprocessed foods (see you  knew that didn't you) wouldn't it be great if there was a thought that would help you stay on track with your eating? Happy days. There is a thought. This amazing thought can help you stay slim, eat well, and help you maintain your perfect relationship with food. Okay, maybe that is a little over the top, but - it really is a fabulous thought. Drum roll - "My health is more important than my appetite." Isn't that a powerful thought to have when ordering food, milling around at a party or grocery shopping? This is a reminder to us that we value our health.
If you had to rate your relationship with food, would you get a good rating? There used to be a restaurant report on TV and the host would give "The Slime Report." The term referred to slime in the ice box. Some food inspector would come unannounced to check out the cleanliness of the restaurant. The reporter took the filthiest restaurants and gave their health scores. It was gruesome. You are your health inspector. Don't let you relationship with food be a slime report; make it a health fair. Keep this thought in a special place where it is easily accessible, "My health is more important than my appetite." I'm counting of you, to eat good food - you know you want to and I hope this thought can reinforce your choice for healthier living. Yum, yum. Eat well and prosper and may the fork be with you.

Sign up for the Tuesday and Thursday Enlightened Networking Free Teleseminars. Amazing speakers on powerful topics. You can listen to a streaming link for up to 48 hours after the teleconference. Sign Up or get more information.

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If something is "needless to say," then don't say it.


The world is seldom what it seems; to those who dimly see, realities appear as dreams, and dreams realities. "
Thomas Moore 1779-1852

Short Video 
My husband and I decided to do a dance at the end of our wedding ceremony. I hope you'll dance too. Check out this two minute video. Shall We Dance?


     Thymus Thump

The thymus gland  works with your immune system. It is one of the first glands to be affected by stress. As we get older the thymus gland gets smaller. The word thymus comes from the Greek word 'thymos' which means "life energy." If you feel like you are getting a cold, you can activate your immune system by thumping that thymus. It's located in the center of the chest - you can use one hand to thump or do the Tarzan beating on your chest. Well maybe not beating. This point is also called the happiness point. Thump lightly for about 20 seconds or until you feel a very subtle feeling of well-being. If you are prone to panic attacks, use the thymus thump several times throughout the day. Make this a daily practice to boost your physical and emotional health. Happy thumping.


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Easier Living



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