The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Wed, 07/25/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living

Volume 35
"We are here to live a cause, not to promote a cause."
 In This Issue...
Notes From an Exhausted Conference Attendee
Teleseminar Sign Up
....And More
                                                                                 Anne Sermons Gillis

Notes From an Exhausted Conference Attendee
I returned last night from the 126th National Convention for the Theosophical Society. Amidst the theories, the new friends, the amazing meals, stood truths that made my head spin and my heart open. When a quantum physicist and an international expert on heart rate variability get together - all heaven breaks loose.  A taste of the conference follows.
Quantum activist, Dr. Amit Goswami  asserts that scientific materialism, based on Newtonian physics, presupposes that evolution is based on the idea that everything is matter, but the quantum activist postulates, that we don't evolve, we are the result of the impulses of consciousness - we come into being as a result of a nonlocal field that creates. Some call it God.  The bottom line, both the fundamentalist Christians and the scientists are wrong. They may have a few good points but mutations are not generally beneficial so natural selection doesn't work. And really, an anthropomorphic God should have disappeared many years ago.
Even though Dr. Goswami  is a scientist, he deals with the practical as well. For him, if it's not useful, why bother? As humans, we are not fully developed. Humans developed the survival emotions of fear, sadness and anger. These emotional come automatically - when needed. When the bear chases us, we don't have to choose to feel fear, fear arises naturally. These emotional are circuits are wired into our brains, but there's more to the story of these circuits - there's a missing link. Our development was arrested and the human species is stuck - we are incomplete until we develop natural circuits of love, harmony, joy, appreciation and peace. It is really up to us as individuals to develop these circuits, not just for our personal use, but for the betterment of humankind. As we chose to love, forgive and stop reacting from our lower animal nature, the whole of human kind develops these new circuits and in a few generations, these circuits will be developed in all of humankind. Just imagine, 5 lives from now, someone treats you poorly and your natural response is compassion, forgiveness and empathy. We will be able to let things roll off our backs and can respond effectively in situations, rather than reactively. We will self-regulate from more intelligent reference points. It's up to us so let's get to the loving.
Dr. Rollin McCarty, a founding member of the Heart Math Institute, spoke about the heart as an intelligent heart. The heart has its own independent complex nervous system known as "the brain in the heart." 95% of the information exchanged between the brain and the heart comes from the heart. Who would have guessed that the heart secrets hormones and puts out a magnetic field?  Wow, maybe that accounts for attraction. You can even tell how someone is feeling by their heart rate.
We have this belief that we are completely at choice in our lives, but not so, we are influenced by the earth's magnetic field. Earth Monitoring  The earth even has the same magnetic field as humans. Get out of here.
Hearth Math Institute has global coherence monitoring systems around the world to measure solar flares and storms. "Increased solar activity can have effects on human health and behavior, leading to increased violence, homicide, suicide, heart attacks, strokes, depression, fatigue and irritability. This all has been documented in scientific literature. Not only was there research showing that individuals are affected, but also that solar activity seems to drive an increase in social unrest, revolutions and wars. This was first discovered by the Russian scientist Tchijevsky in 1916."
The heart makes its own decisions and provides us with information and intuition. When we say" listen to our hearts rather than our heads," we are not speaking metaphorically.
After 5 days at the conference and way too little sleep, I hope I'm making some sense. I don't even think I can edit this much less come up with a conclusion.  Enough is enough. What I want to say from my heart is that it is amazing to join with others in discovering infinite openings in life and new possibilities for loving, healing and living. And those others I am writing about are phenomenal human beings. I got to be with new friends, get hugs galore, be inspired and learn. It doesn't get any better that.

Sign up for the Tuesday and Thursday Enlightened Networking Free Teleseminars. Amazing speakers on powerful topics. You can listen to a streaming link for up to 48 hours after the teleconference. Sign Up or get more information.

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"The gospel of optimism is merely the duller reflection of the bright truth that one's inescapable ultimate fate is spiritual happiness." Paul Branton


Which one are you? "The intellectual argues; the sage announces."
Okay, maybe this is not a fair question, but it points to the wisdom of the sage. Are you a wise one or a wise a-- whoa, I better leave it at that!

 This is long, but so creative on how the hymn "Leaning on The Everlasting Arms" would sound if it were written during other time periods starting from the 50's. Be sure watch the costume changes. A must for you musicians.

     Water the root, don't just eat the fruit.

 Why do we always try to find reasons for the emotions, but not for the intellect?

We need to be alone and together. It's not an either or situation. Meditate and congregate.


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