The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 07/10/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living

Volume 33
  "What do you really want to say?"
 In This Issue...
Feel Good Formulas
House Plants
Roasted Flax Seeds
Teleseminar Sign Up
....And More
                                                                                 Anne Sermons Gillis



Do you ever judge yourself or others harshly? Have you thought that others are ignorant? The word ignorant is mostly used in eastern literature. When I first read articles suggesting my ignorance, I was offended. I'm not ignorant, I protested, but as I've matured, I've reassessed and surely, in many areas, I am ignorant.

Gangaji put a new light on the word when she asked us to look at the root word in ignorant, ignore. If we ignore something, we are ignorant. That works. I do things that are against my best interests and ignore my better knowing.

Wisdom was the topic of our Saturday Theosophical Society Meeting. After each program, our president, Fali Engineer, makes a few comments. He is bursting with wisdom and he is one of the reasons I attend. I am quick to challenge or add to some of his teachings; he is gracious in the midst of a challenge.  He invites deep questioning on any topic. I greatly admire and respect him.  Fali was formerly the head of Transcendental Meditation in Pakistan and he continues to teach his own brand of meditation today. We celebrated his 85th birthday on Saturday. You can count me in as a Fali fan. 

Fali put a new take on the subject of ignorance. The word ignorant is a competitive word. If you think you are smarter than someone, you put them below yourself - they are ignorant. If you think someone else is smarter than you, you think of yourself as ignorant. If you think of yourself and others as incomplete, then you level the playing field.  When you plant a fruit bearing tree, you don't think the plant is a failure or ignorant because it doesn't bear fruit immediately, you wait patiently until it produces fruit.  At six months old, the plant is incomplete, not ignorant. What a relief it is to think of others, regardless of what they think, say are do, as incomplete. With the word incomplete, we exonerate ourselves and others from judgment.

Remember in school when you could get an incomplete in a course, complete your work later and avoid a failing grade. Maybe it's time for us to hand out some incompletes in our lives. We can afford to lighten up and to be the bearers of grace not of distaste. Life is so much easier when we stop handing out "F's." Take it easy, make it easy and have an easy day.

Sign up for the Tuesday and Thursday Enlightened Networking Free Teleseminars. Amazing speakers on powerful topics. You can listen to a streaming link for up to 48 hours after the teleconference. Sign Up or get more information.

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Do you know yet what you really want to say and to whom you want to say it? If you don't know yet then maybe you haven't heard it yet. It takes quite listening to hear a truth worth repeating.
But, I figured it out - what everyone wants to say and wants to hear - "I love you."" Say it freely; say it often. After that you are on your own. Figure out - what else you really want to say.


Don't condemn the present moment; just experience it. 

Short Video 
Confused on the paradox of spiritual living. Check out two minute video. The Opposite is True


     Feel Good Formulas

Have you ever tried essential oils? They work magic. Citrus based oils such as orange, lemon and tangerine, uplift our spirits. They are  sniffable antidepressants. Buy your favorite fragrance, carry the bottle around with you and grab a sniff when you think about. Works wonders. I'm not kidding. But don't leave the bottle in the car; the oils are heat sensitive.
House Plants
House plants provide beauty, comfort and air purification. It's time to get some plants. If you can't grow plants then snake plants are for you. I got a free snake plant when I moved into my dorm. I put it under my bed and forgot about it. A month later when I found it, it was still alive.
The inside of homes get stale and sometimes toxic. If you live in a place where they spray for pests, you are at risk. Best not to have pets in those places and certainly don't let your child crawl on the floor. be sure to have plenty of house plants so you can breath with confidence that you've cleaned up your air.
Roasted Golden
Flax Seeds
Trader Joe's recently opened in my neighborhood. I snoop around the aisles as if I'm trying to solve a mystery. My husband and I come up with excuses to go shopping there. We are officially a part of the Trader Joe's cult. Organic bananas are $.29 a pound and Whole Foods is about 35 miles from where we live. Get the picture.
The other day I had a buying accident. I purchased whole golden roasted flax seeds instead of raw ones. I opened to package before I read the label - too late so I decided to taste them. SNACK CRACK. The taste is addictive. They are crunchy and nutty tasting. You've got to try them. We're talking paradigm shifting food here.
If you can't find roasted flax in your grocery store don't fret. Take one cup of raw flax seeds. Put them in a preheated medium hot iron skillet and stir for 3 to 5 minutes. Take then out and cool. taste and enjoy. I use a spoon to eat them as well as use them as salad and vegetable toppings. 
You can roast sesame seeds and pumpkins seeds this way too. I love to top my carrot soup with a hand full of roasted pumpkin seeds. I know they are healthier raw, but I love the flavor it adds to the dish. Yum, yum. Eat well and prosper.



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Easier Living



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