The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 08/14/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living

Volume 38
"Living EZosophy"
 In This Issue...
The Mistaken Mystic
Contemplate The "Re's"
Relatively Raw Chocolate Candy
....And More
                                                                                Anne Sermons Gillis

The Mistaken Mystic

There was a young mystic who thought he was weird. He sparkled in darkness; he had a grey beard. He whispered in poems; he listened in rhymes. His life was a mystery most if the time.

Then one day his sparkling saved a girl's life; his poems made cheerful an old hermit's strife. His grey beard was playground to fingers of babes and he felt his weirdness just slipping away.

Are you the mistaken mystic? Does your life touch more people and affect more situations than you know or give yourself credit for? Is it possible to measure your life from some not so standard standards?

For those who live life from the inner realms and less from the domain of accomplishment and success, it is tempting to take a stock of one's accomplishments through the lenses of the world's standards. The world's standards have some validity, but they are not the final record of accomplishment.

I suggest you write a Record of Accomplishment for your life. Don't record what you think of as your failures. You may, however, list things you've overcome, such as recovery from alcoholism. If you've learned from a mistake, then include it in your list, because when you learn from your mistakes, it then becomes an accomplishment. Here's a list of things to include in your life's record.

  • Make a list of what you've accomplished in the physical world, such as degrees or learning to play the piano, ride a bicycle, act, math, spelling, calculus, etc. If you get creative and include things such as learning to talk and walk, you'll be surprised at your worldly accomplishments.
  • Make a list of the places you traveled. Make a list of the times you've helped others.
  • List the people who have passed through your life who left a lasting imprint on your soul. Notate how you prospered from or grew from that relationship.
  • Find your own way of measuring your emotional growth. Be kind. List the ways you have changed emotionally through the years. What things used to send you through the roof and now don't bother you. How have you detached from drama?
  • Make a list of your life skills. Have you learned to listen and give everyone time to speak? Have you learned to work for a team and not just for yourself?
  • What life-supporting things have you done for your body, such as exercise, diet, and giving yourself sufficient rest? Be specific about the lengths you have gone to support your body.

If you do these steps, and measure your life from a holistic standard, you may find that your life has been and is just the way it should be. To trash yourself using your memories of failures or your judgment of yourself is emotional terrorism. It's time to be a mistaken mystic, not a failure. Revamping your life story is just one way to make your life easier. And remember the eight word miracle mantra; "Everything can be easy or at least easier."

Contemplate the "Re"s

Reflect, Renew, Revitalize, Refresh, Regroup, Realize, Restore, and Resource. By now, if you've read my newsletter for any length of time, you discovered my fascination with the power of words and the ability to learn directly from words through contemplation. When we work with contemplative practices, we train the mind to become quieter; slowing down the mind is a training process. Could you imagine having a gold medal for mind practices? The gold medal for compassion goes to the America team. The gold medal for being the most peaceful goes to the country of India. The medal for best mediator goes to ... you get the picture.

Words have energy and presence that tie us or point to the experience of which they speak. The word "love" is not the expression and experience of love, but the word can communicate something that lies beyond the word itself.

Contemplation of any word, coupled with awareness, awakens the living meaning of the word. Ponder the "re" words in the first paragraph one by one and experience the word as it is born in you. Focus on the area in the center of your upper chest.  Imagine there is a still pond in your chest and see a drop of water falling in the pond sending out circles. See each drop as a word. See the word "reflect' drop in the pond. Go slowly. Monitor your body and continue to let go at deeper levels. Do this five times and then go to the next word.

This will take about 20 minutes. When you are complete, write down any impressions you may have about any of the words. It is astounding what bubbles up when we intentionally focus and still the mind.

A rested mind is a competent mind. When the mind is rested, it is more resourceful, it has direct access to wisdom, and it handles challenges in more creative ways. And when the mind is rested you will find that "Everything can be easy or at least easier."

Anne's Schedule
Sunday August 26 11 AM Unity of Brazosport. Lesson "Why Unity; What Led the Fillmores to this Point"
Tuesday, August 28, "EZosophy"
Location: Unitarian Church, 1501 Wirt Road, Houston, TX  7:00pm - 8:00pm Conscious Giving, Appreciated Hostess Barbara Baldwin
September 2, Unity Circle of Light, The Woodlands 10:30 AM worship Unity web site
September 16, 11 AM, Unity Webster "World Peace"  Unity web site


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Art by Lois Edgerton -joke by me.
Joke replay in case the type is too little to read. (Charles says it is too small to read.)
What did the great Mopharishi say to his disciples? "Clean up your act."

Relatively Raw Chocolate Fudge

Every cook who eats this fudge asks for the recipe. It's a dark chocolate delight. There are so many chocolate lovers and very few recipes that are not filled with sugar and other less-than-healthy ingredients.

3 cups of walnuts (soak raw walnuts 8 hours, drain, dry under fan for several hours. Do not skip the drying part or it gets too gooey. The coating is bitter so as to keep critters from eating it, but it makes the nut less digestible. You can skip washing the nuts step altogether - it just makes the candy healthier. I soak the nuts through the night. When I get up, I drain them, lay them out under the fan, and they dry in about an hour.

¼ teaspoon of salt

20 pitted Medjool dates (they are big) If the dates are little, use 40. I buy mine from Costco.

¾ c cocoa powder (I use extra dark Hershey's - it's powdered) You might be able find something better than this that's organic, fair trade, and raw.

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

¼ heaping teaspoon cayenne - This makes the flavor pop.

1 teaspoon cinnamon - I just always add cinnamon to anything chocolate I make.

1/3 cup agave nectar or 100% maple syrup

Put walnuts and salt on food processor with S blade and grind until fully ground. It makes an oily mass that looks like almond butter. Add rest of ingredients to food processor and blend until thoroughly mixed. Press out into square pan. Put in fridge. Cut in squares. Top with coconut or whatever you please. Store in fridge.

Joke replay in case the type is too little.
"What kind of tile do you put in an infant's bathroom? Infantile.

It's time for an Inner View. I think this link to my teleseminar on"Making Your Life Easier is good until Thursday AM. It's an interview by Robin Blanc Mascari

Love Drops

As I sit writing the newsletter, I catch a movement from outside. It's my husband walking with our dog Lucy to the mail box. Lucy rolls on her back and wiggles around in the grass. It's one of her favorite activities. It's stellar cuteness. My husband, clad in old jeans and a rapidly disintegrating straw hat, bends over and rubs her stomach. The sun peeps through, making them silhouettes. Are they angels? Two beings I love so much form a love drop for me; I smile from the inside out. It doesn't get any better than this.

I have a friend who had a health crisis. She's stopped drinking sodas and now she is wondering about coffee. She wrote for my advice. Want to know the scoop on coffee and soda, check out Nix on Soda and Nix on Coffee? 

Want to read past issues of The EZ Secret? The EZ Secret Archives

Thanks to Charles Heineke for editing the newsletter. Charles has been a supporter for many years. Thanks Charles.

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Easier Living



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