The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 08/21/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living

Volume 39
"Living EZosophy"
 In This Issue...
Ten Steps to Focus Your Activities
Pledge Allegiance to Your Health
                                                                                Anne Sermons Gillis

10 Steps to Focus Your Activities*

1.  Write down everything you would like to achieve. Include small and large things as well as emotional and psychological goals. Spend time on this. Add to the list from time to time. I suggest you put all your work in one spiral notebook or a three ring binder. Do all your work on this in the same place. Organize it. I suggest you make a cover for your book that excites you or reflects your values. I have a picture of a large four leaf clover on the front of my book with the words "Luck is everywhere." Quote by Gangaji

2. Choose 12 things you want now. What things are most important to you? Write them down. Put each one on a separate piece of paper.

3. Be open to change. Every day, ask Gus** "What must I change about myself in order to manifest these things in my life?" Ask this question for each one of the 12 goals. Listen and record what you hear on that goal's page.

4. Put a date with each goal. This gives the subconscious mind and GUS time to get things together on your behalf. We have timelines for almost everything in our lives. For example, you will cook your dinner for tonight by a certain time; you will buy that special outfit prior to the special occasion.

5. Read over the list three times in the morning. Read it out loud at least one time a day, if feasible.

6. Develop a consciousness for the desired result. Picture yourself having the desired results. Hear it. Imagine yourself telling your best friend "Wow, my papers are in such great order." Or "It's so great to be vital and alive. I wake up every morning excited, knowing what I want to do and flowing into a miraculous activity." Feel the feelings you would have when you have this thing or achieve this state. Picture it as so.

7. Take positive action toward your goals. Just pick one thing and do something toward that goal.

8. Don't tell everyone about your goals so as to not dilute the process. Be sure not to mention anything to those that you know are skeptical about life. They will bleed their attitudes on your projects. Only share with those who join with you in your success. It's fine to not tell anyone. Just don't be secretive about them. That sets an unhealthy dynamic also. The bottom line: use discretion when sharing your goals.

9. Check your goal page when you achieve the goal and keep the page so as to remind you how awesome this process really is. Add a new page to replace the accomplished goal.

10. The highest law is love. It operates on your behalf 24 hours a day. You can trust it in all of your affairs. Because love guards you and looks after you and ultimately brings you the best, you reside in infinite safety. Remember this when things are goings counter to your desires. Nothing, no person, place or situation can stand in the way of your highest good.

*Adapted from Edwene Gaines' 10 Steps to Successful Achievement

Adapted by Anne Sermons Gillis     

**G/U/S God/Universe/Spirit


Napping during work hours used to be a crime; now some companies encourage their employees to nap. The idea of napping is indulgent to the "Type A" personality, but a twenty four minute nap can actually increase your creativity and problem solving skills.

Google, Nike, and Jawa provide napping pods for their employees. Other companies have opted to outsource their daytime sleeping solutions. Yelo, a napping spa in midtown Manhattan, has provided its services to Hearst, Newsweek, and Time Warner. It offers naps in a "cocoon-like" treatment room in which clients can adjust aromatherapy, sound, and lighting. A 20-minute nap goes for $15.

The Washington Post of February 13, 2007 reports at length on studies in Greece that indicate that those who nap have less risk of heart attack.

Napping is practiced in Serbia, Slovenia, Philippines, Spain (Siestas), South Asia, Taiwan, and Japan. Islam recommends napping.

I used to have judgments about naps. I thought I was lazy if I snoozed a bit during my workday, but as I matured, I have learned to listen to my body's needs. Less is really more when it comes to pushing ourselves to be on top of things and to be productive. One good inspired idea is worth much more than a hundred tepid tries for excellence. I think I'm feeling sleepy. Snzzzzz.

Anne's Schedule

Sunday August 26, 11 AM, Unity of Brazosport. Lesson "Why Unity; What Led the Fillmores to this Point"

Unity Web Site

Tuesday, August 28, "EZosophy"

Location: Unitarian Church, 1501 Wirt Road, Houston, TX  7:00pm - 8:00pm Conscious Giving  Appreciated, Hostess: Barbara Baldwin

September 2, Unity Circle of Light, The Woodlands, 10:30 AM, worship Unity web site

September 16, 11 AM, Unity Webster "World Peace"  Unity web site



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"From religion to invention, the contemplation of possibilities ushered the things we often now take for granted into reality." John Gilmore.

I am constantly moving towards a deeper awareness of the presence that lives within.

Control is the illusion that the mind can fix things.

and getting are not the same. 

Pledge Allegiance
to Your Health

The purpose of the newsletter is to provide information and inspiration about living an easier and more fulfilled life. Many spiritual teachers focus on particular aspects of healing and well-being, but I can't do that.  Of course, I can't really say I am a teacher; I'm a sharer, at best. We have choices and chances in our lives, but we seem to get so involved with correcting our errors and speeding toward the HIGH way, that we forget to do the simple acts of maintaining life. Not only are we responsible for our individual life streams, we are responsible for life itself. We are caretakers on the earth, the air, and the water. We are responsible for keeping our bodies fit and we are responsible for the vibes we send out. Each week I bang out a few words and shoot them in one direction, hoping they will hit the heart mark - hoping they will wake us up to the realization of our connection and our dependency on each other. We are not alone; we are one being expressing in many forms. Each word is an arrow pointing toward infinite ever-present life.

The greatest obstacle to enlightenment is the belief that it happened to someone in the past or it will happen to you in the future. Wake up. Now is the time. We are already free. Theologians study the sacred; mystics experience it.

Next comes the paradox - one of many on the path; it seems like mystics are quick to jump the boat of taking care of our bodies. You might think that one, who has touched the divine, would have it more together. Yet many people, who rise over and over in wisdom, fail to take care of the physical plane. People eat junk and affirm that "Everything I eat turns into health and well-being." It's a beautiful sentiment, yet it is often a form of denial. We can't skip the part about taking care of our bodies and expect life to be hunky-dory. I received specific guidance last year to include information about taking care of our bodies in the things I share. That's why I include recipes not only for an easier life; I include recipes for a healthier body.

Ultimately everything is okay. We are not our bodies and even if we writhe in pain or parts of our bodies are diseased, who we really are is untouched by imperfection.  Still it is within our abilities to take action to make our bodies healthier.

I suggest you pledge allegiance to your personal health and well-being by making more and more choices for health.


I pledge allegiance to my health, to the united states of wellness that depend on my taking care of my body. I pledge to take time to learn about food and to find foods that support my aliveness and health. Regardless of my physical state, I pledge to find the exercises that I can do and to do them. I pledge to take action every day on my behalf by making healthier and healthier choices. I will move more, make better food choices, and appreciate my body and all its parts, regardless of its size, age, or shape. I am not my body, but my body is my most valuable possession. My health is more important than my appetite, and I pledge to be supportive of my health. Yes. Yes. Yes.

The old saying, "If it's to be, it's up to me." applies here. Whether we are masters, mystics, or misfits, when we ignore our bodies, our lives get harder. No Hard Attacks for me; I am willing to be healthier. Eat well and prosper. Yum Yum.


Want to read past issues of The EZ Secret? The EZ Secret Archives

Thanks to Charles Heineke for editing the newsletter. Charles has been a supporter for many years. Thanks Charles.

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Easier Living



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