The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Wed, 08/01/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living

Volume 36
"Living EZosophy"
 In This Issue...
Your Fifty Feet
Causeless Joy
Teleseminar Sign Up
....And More
                                                                                Anne Sermons Gillis

What Are You Doing with Your Fifty Feet?
We all get angry, afraid - you know the human stuff. It's not wrong, it is just emotions - chemical reactions. But we don't have to stay there, mired in the drama, and when we think about it and reign ourselves in, we don't even have to go there. 
When we have strong emotions, we influence your surroundings. Emotions are like an illness, they are catching. Not only do other humans catch our vibes, the space and objects around us catch our emotional outpouring.  How far do emotions travel? The Hearthmath Institute conducted an experiment to measure the affect of human emotions on nature.  A subject sat in nature and was hooked up to a measuring device with probes that were attached to surrounding natural objects.  The findings revealed that intense emotions affect rocks, trees - anything within a fifty foot radius of the subject. Fifty feet!  Don't ask for the science, I'm not getting into the" how," just the findings. (But you might find this video interesting on singing plants. After being around music, the plants could then make tones.)singing plant video

Wow. I started thinking about my fifty feet.  When I stand up and turn around in a circle and look out, I can see my fifty-feet.  It's a gift. I have fifty foot kingdom.  It's amazing how large that can be - that's one hundred feet in diameter.  A lot of people can fit into my fifty foot space.  I can either bless or curse this space.  So I started asking these questions, "What am I doing with my fifty feet?" and "How does one take care of his or her fifty feet?"  It's easy, one can take care of his or her space by feeling love, compassion or empathy.   When my mind goes on that wild ride, whether I'm alone or with someone, I remind myself that I don't want to pollute my fifty feet. I want an energetically clean and clear space. We can all give the gift of presence in order to make our fifty feet a warm and cozy oasis, not only for others, but for ourselves as well. Who wants and angry plant on her desk?

It's a well known mystical fact that when two or more gather and ask, it is done.  Metaphysicians believe that when two people get together in mind or prayer, the cumulative effect is exponential. Two people joined intently in healing, affect fifty times fifty or a 2500 foot radius. The power of two, three and four can alter many situations.

The idea of keeping our fifty feet clean gives us an immediate mission. A few days ago, I was in Whole Foods. I connected with the cashier and when I left, I lightly touched the person packing my groceries.  I could feel our space and it was good. Those two people were with me and I was in their fifty feet sphere of influence as well.  My friend, who was with me, asked me what I was doing.  My reply, "I'm taking care of my fifty feet.

Causeless Joy

Yesterday I worked as a judge for a state election. The voters were mostly older people. Some were perky, some somber and a few were even daffy. To be fair I think there was only one daffy person. There were skinny people, larger people, tall and short people, but of all the people, two stood out.

One was a woman in her seventies; she was happy and upbeat. As it goes with emotions, they are contagious, and I caught her joy. On that steamy summer day; this brave woman left her home, crossed the street and walked to the polls.  I admit it wasn't too far, but this lady was blind. She approached us, cane in hand and joked around as she navigated her sightless life. What a heart throb this woman. Some people are attracted to physical appearances, but it was her vibrancy that made her a knockout.  She was living graciousness.

The other heart throb was blind as well. At 92, she couldn't walk and her daughter pushed her towards us in her wheelchair.  She was smiling and perky. She rummaged through her purse, found her wallet, retrieved a wad of cards and held up one up after the other asking "Is this it?" She was looking for her identification card. She didn't know who was running or who to vote for but she was going to vote. How precious.  She was only 7 years old when women finally got the right to vote. Yesterday, she honored those women who faced down their husbands and the politicians to make life a little more equitable for women. Go granny!

These two ladies know what they're doing. What happened before in their lives, who can guess? Were there childbirths or heartbreaks? Was there an illness, a loved one lost in the war or hard financial times? If so you couldn't see it on their faces. The legacy they carry is in their smiles.

 Life is full of reminders. When life gets in our hands, it is interesting what how we mold it. Yesterday these women were my role models. They were my reminder of how to live in causeless joy. Causeless joy is the joy that is born from the inner light, not as a reaction to things going our way. Thanks ladies, you light up my life.

Sign up for the Tuesday and Thursday Enlightened Networking Free Teleseminars. Amazing speakers on powerful topics. You can listen to a streaming link for up to 48 hours after the teleconference. My talk will be on Tuesday August 14 at 11 AM CST. You can listen to as many or as few talks as you want and it's all free. Sign Up or get more information.
Monday August 6 Radio interview by host Kieth Blanchard.  347-838-9142 is the call in number. The show is 8pm CST ..... The web address is but I think I will receive another direct link to my show which I don't have now. Email me if you prefer to listen on the web and I will send that link as soon as I get it.
Sunday August 26 11 AM Unity of Brazosport. Lesson "Why Unity; What Lead the Fillmores to this Point"
Tuesday August 28 "EZosophy"
Location: Unitarian Church, 1501 Wirt Road, Houston, TX  7:00pm - 8:00pm Conscious Giving Appreciated Hostess Barbara Baldwin
September 2 Unity Circle of Light the Woodlands 10:30 AM worship Unity web site
September 16 11 AM Unity Webster "World Peace"  Unity web site


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Are you incensed by the smell? (okay this is my play "saying". I know it makes not scents at all! - still being silly)

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