The EZ Secret Offers a Steady Diet of Living in Ease

Published: Tue, 09/11/12

Living in EZ: a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The EZiest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet
It's a Diet for Living
Volume 42
"Living EZosophy"
In This Issue...
Anne Sermons Gillis

The Magic Oasis
I Am Okay, I am Lovable, I am Peaceful, I am Safe
Do Be Do
The 5 Plan

The Magic Oasis
This morning I talked with a friend who is thinking of titles for her second book. She changes the working title from time to time and we joked about writing a book of book titles. I've been talking about writing a book of titles for years. As an author I'm always coming up all kind of creative possibilities. I rattled off some of the titles I'd like to put in the book, such as: The Power of Prosperous Thinking, The Uncontrolled Control, the Dark Night of the Soldier, or AT EZ, Soldier: Taking the Struggle Out of the Military."
I like the book title, "The Magic Oasis." The thought came without content.  What would be the content if I wrote about a magic oasis? Images of an oasis float though my mind. I can see a sandy desert and a pool of water surrounded by palm trees. Travelers lie beside the cool water, for a brief sojourn.  Everyone sees the oasis as the prize, but as I view the inner picture, the desert comes alive. The desert is vast and the oasis is small in comparison. The oasis is something we seek, but the deserts of life are always here.
My husband and I spent one day and night wilderness camping in the desert. The night was filled with nocturnal creatures scampering around. The stars were so clear and vivid; it was like I could reach up and pluck one. We encountered a freak storm during the day, one of those once in a hundred year lightning storms. We huddled in our tent as torrents of rain came our way. The sky was ignited with a lightning show for the gods. The thunder roared again and again. My husband feared for our lives, but I was so amazed by the show of nature, that my reaction was mostly one of reverence. The finale was the spectacular rainbow that stretched across the desert floor.
If writing a book about the magic oasis, the message might be that whether we are in the desert of life or at the oasis, the magic is present. That's the secret; it's never not here. Just as the sand on the desert floor underlies and supports the oasis, the deep stillness of our source is infinitely present. There is no spot where magic is not.  And how would the book end? - And we lived happily ever after. Back up - no, no. And we live happily, awake, and in awe. We live in full awareness of our foibles, mistakes, and triumphs.  We risk, we fear, and we break through. We live in the moment. All of these we do fully in the presence of magic. The end.

Anne's Schedule

Sunday, September 16, 11 AM - Unity Webster "World Peace"  Unity web site
If you want to hang out with me, here's where I'll be hanging.
Saturday, September 22, 9:30am - 3:00pm  Theosophical Lectures  - Free
University of St. Thomas

The Spiritual Practice of Daily Living with Michele Shields

Unfolding the Higher Consciousness with Pablo Sender

For more info please visit:
Houston Theosophical Society
Sunday, November 18 - 11:00 AM Unity of Brazosport, Brazoria, TX
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I Am Okay, I Am Peaceful, I am Lovable, I Am Safe

The path to enlightenment takes a thousand winding turns. Do we stand and outstretch our arms to the heavens or do we get on our knees and humble ourselves to the source? Our needs differ depending on our circumstances and sense of self. Some aspects of the journey require we drop our personal stories, restore humility, and come crawling to the ground of being. We pick ourselves up and strengthen our identities, only to surrender and, once again, let go. The medicine for each part of the journey differs and there's no one prescription. Even more paradoxical - the road leads nowhere because we are already at the place we seek.

When we become more conscious of our mental and emotional inner workings and start to feel better about ourselves, a funny thing happens, all the self-hatred, guilt, and fear we've been suppressing, ascends. Irony occurs as we heal and more fully confront our inner brokenness. We appear more fragile than ever before when we garner the strength to face our shadow elements. Looking at our shadows often seems like back sliding, but it's these inner confrontations and realizations that build the foundation of our ascent into peace. We take the mud, mold it into bricks, then we build our stairway to heaven.

Along the way, everyone deals with self-esteem issues. Affirmations are great for healing conscious and subconscious messages of low self-worth. Affirmations are not the way;  they are fallible but effective tools of change. Some people love them; others distain them, and some find use for them at different times in their lives. If you are in the place where you would like to listen to self-supporting phrases, you can purchase the "I Am Affirmations" download at Purchase I Am Download

Do Be Do
Find the balance between the wisdom of being and the wisdom of doing. 

Smile. It stimulates the thymus gland. Smiling is a body energizer and it makes your face look 10 years younger!

The 5 Plan

I have written about my 5-5-5-5 plan and received great feedback. For those who want an even easier plan to get going on those projects you keep putting off, try the 5 plan. Do five minutes' work on one project each day until you complete the task. Keep doing the easiest part of the task next. If you get started and don't want to stop, continue, but don't get trapped into making the task a burden. 5-5-5-5 Plan

Don't cast your pearls before swine. There's nothing wrong with swine and there's nothing wrong with pearls, but swine just don't look good in pearls!

Relax. Check out web page with relaxing videos. Just expand to full screen.

Want to read past issues of The EZ Secret?

My thanks to Charles Heineke for editing the newsletter. Charles has been a supporter for many years. Thanks Charles.
Our Little Doorways to Heaven is his website.


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  Easier Living

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