The EZ Secret Offers a Steady Diet of Living in Ease

Published: Tue, 09/18/12

Living in EZ: a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The EZiest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet
It's a Diet for Living
Volume 42
"Living EZosophy"
In This Issue...
Anne Sermons Gillis

The Speech of a Lifetime
The 10 Plan

The Speech of a Lifetime

Well, maybe it wasn't the speech of a lifetime, but the events surrounding the speech were intense. Sunday morning I arose in good spirits. I was adequately prepared for my talk on world peace. I ate a light breakfast and took a conglomeration of vitamins. As I prepared for the hour trip to Webster, TX, I had a thought, "Something is not right and something regarding my health will happen during the service." I remembered a colleague who had a similar inner warning and she had a stroke, while speaking, during a Sunday service. I was a little shaken, but I replied back to that inner knowing that it wouldn't be life-threatening and that I would just handle it as it came. I went outside and saw my husband; he had decided to stay home. I knew he should come with me, but he wasn't dressed, there wasn't time for that, and I had to get on my way. I kissed him, told him I was feeling strange, and hopped into the driver's seat. Off I go. On the hour ride over, my thoughts became gruesome and I watched them pass, thinking that all mental activity is not pleasant and this mindset would pass. Then fear visited. "Oh, what are you doing here?" I asked with curiosity. It was like a little friend was peeping in to check on me. By the time I arrived at the church, I had indigestion. I looked for baking soda. No baking soda, no soda water. I asked members if they had any digestive enzymes and the best I could find was some Gas X, which I took.

Now it's time for the service. I start to lead the congregation in meditation and break into a sweat - I tell the congregation to rest in the stillness. I sit down and take off my jacket. It's time to go back to the podium. I know I had to get up, so I stood, came to the mike, and ended meditation. By this time I was dizzy and I knew I was going to throw up. I ran down the center isle towards the bathroom. I heave, and let out a loud fart, fortunately no spewing until I reached the restroom. I heave and fart again - great - still I'm on the center isle running for my life. I arrive and throw up in the bathroom. I didn't close the door; the bathroom was close, so everyone had a front row seat to the sounds. (I didn't think about that until later. I was oblivious to everything at this point.) I am so weak I collapse on the floor only to stand up to heave again. I feel like I am dying or close to death. Familiar reference points dissolve. Finally I finish. I'm weak, but I feel much better. I'm having chills. I rinse out my mouth and walk back into the room. Someone is volunteering to deliver the message. I say "No, I want to do it; just put a chair beside the microphone and I'll speak from a seated position." And so it came to pass I delivered a talk on world peace.

I value freedom. I seek freedom from inner shame, freedom from what others think about me, and what I make up about what others might be saying about me, and in this peaceful experience of being sick and being the center of attention, I was free. I was free to be sick, I was free from concern about the service, and free of worry from what others thought about my hightailing it out to throw up. I look back into my life and remember a time where this would have thrown me, but on Sunday, I just felt free to live in the moment, placing no judgments on what happened, and going with the flow, even if the flow was not an ideal scenario. I am free to be me in sickness and in health, and even though I have many limitations, I am thrilled about the many breakthroughs. Life's a trip and I'm along for the ride.

This is the essence of the EZosophy philosophy - let go of the struggle and pain; they rob us of life. Ease is available all the time. Even though this experience was not easy, it was easier than it could have been if it were fraught with self-judgment and perfectionism. I'm living the eight word miracle mantra, "Everything can be easy or at least easier." I hope you are living it too. Let's all be EZosophist philosophists.


Anne's Schedule
If you want to hang out with me, here's where I'll be hanging.
Saturday, September 22, 9:30am - 3:00pm  Theosophical Lectures  - Free
University of St. Thomas

The Spiritual Practice of Daily Living with Michele Shields

Unfolding the Higher Consciousness with Pablo Sender

For more info please visit:
Houston Theosophical Society
Sunday, November 18 - 11:00 AM Unity of Brazosport, Brazoria, TX
Sunday, December 16 - 11 AM Unity Webster, TX "The Wisdom Of Jesus" Unity Web Site
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I've been in sales most of my life. Whether it was selling insurance or selling my services or products, sales has been an integral part of my life. I was trained in business to go for the close, ask for the sale, and to persevere, but when I started doing my own thing, I decided I could sell things my way. No pressure, no manipulation - my sales methods are based more on the law of attraction and intuition. I created an acronym for S-A-L-E-S, Sacred Attitudes Lifting Everyone's Spirits. Now you can enjoy some of these ideas in a special sales CD or download, Sacred Sales. You can hear my sales story along with sales affirmations set to a musical background. The download or CD is available in two versions - the Sales version and the Network Marketing version


Making Life EZier With the 10 Plan

As you may have noticed by now, I come up with a lot of plans. I have the 5-5-5-5 Plan, the 5 Plan, and now I want to share the 10 Plan. I've developed these plans because they calm my mind and give me a path toward getting a job done. And they make my life EZier. The 10 Ten Plan is the one I use when I want to clear and clean. Last night I had house guests coming. Even though there was no reason for anyone to go into our bedroom, I wanted it to be a little neater. I just feel better when things are straight and not askew. I am surprised at how quickly clutter amasses. All I have to do is get ready to go somewhere, try on 5 outfits, leave home, return feeling tired, and it's happened - the clutter. Too much cutter feels oppressive.

Meanwhile back to the bedroom  - I was running late and it didn't feel like I had time to straighten the bedroom. What to do? Here's my little trick. I decide to do 10 things to make the bedroom look better. I start with the biggest eye sore and go to the next biggest eye sore. Last night I started with a semi makeup of the bed, not a full makeup, but a pullover I've learned to do in a jiffy and my bed still looks spiffy. Next I put all books and papers in two neat stacks - it looks so much better than scattered reading material, then all shoes back in the closet - I think the bedroom is a repository for flip flops and sports shoes. After less than 5 minutes, the bedroom looked presentable - order was restored, and even if anyone needed to come in for any reason, the bedchambers looked respectable. Tune in next week for the 100 Plan. It is an alternative to the 10 Plan.

"Simplicity is difficult for twisted minds." ACIM

Celebrate your friends strengths and look beyond their weaknesses.

Want to read past issues of The EZ Secret?

My thanks to Charles Heineke for editing the newsletter. Charles has been a supporter for many years. Thanks Charles.
Our Little Doorways to Heaven is his website.


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  Easier Living

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