The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 08/28/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living

Volume 40
"Living EZosophy"
 In This Issue...
Drama Rama
Let Your Imagination Soar
Three Weddings and Three Funerals
                                                                                Anne Sermons Gillis


"Cameras capture the panorama; minds capture the dramarama."

We often go to great lengths to create and participate in drama. "That's crazy," you may think. Why would anyone do that? Did I mention we are all somewhat insane? Don't fight it; just know that when we make crazy choices, that supersede our best interests, we are a little nuts. Fortunately, we do have the ability to go sane. Asking pertinent questions, which bring us into the present, makes a great contribution to our peace of mind and well-being. The questions serve as a call to consciousness. This process is called inquiry.

Ask these questions throughout the day and see the effects of a calmer perception creep in. "What is the focal point for my drama right now and do I want or need the drama?" These questions don't require an answer; the inquiry is about stopping the mind it its tracks. Remember, the situation can be difficult, but it is that way because of our thoughts, our feelings, and our need to dramatize, rather than because of reality. Events are neutral. Thoughts are either helpful or destructive. I was in a car accident and it was all quite beautiful. I wasn't injured but I saw the car sliding towards me on the ice; there was nothing I could do. The cars collided. There was no fear. My mind was so riveted in the present that even in the face of danger, there was a mental clarity and peace. There were no destructive thoughts around - just total acceptance of reality as it was.

Next ask, "If this were easier, how would I be doing this or seeing this?" Listen deeply for insights and answers.

We identify with our drama. We want recognition for our pain or dilemma. Just for today, consider getting out of the dramarama and making your life easier. Question your upsets; don't let your mind get away with murder. Drama is the death of well-being. Ease is honorable. Suffering is out! Become an EZosophist and just for today, squeeze ease into your life.
Let Your Imagination Soar

I like to daydream. When I think of the enormity of creation, I am reminded of infinite possibility. If I'm going to dream, I'm going to dream big. Life is my magic kingdom and in my kingdom I let my imagination run wild. Check out one of my dreams. I think it is worthy of sharing. Feel free to make it yours. If it's to be, it's up to "we." We are the visionary architects of life. Whatever we pretend, we begin to bring form to life. You might say we are PRE - formers of life.

Decree of Good

There is a power that operates in all events, under all circumstances, and in all experiences. This power is good and it governs my mind and world. It radiates though all beings. Through the power invested in me by the Source that flows through me and as an incarnation of unlimited good, I decree the following:

1. The earth is in harmony and balance.

2. All beings on earth awaken to their true spiritual identities.

3. Goodness flourishes in the minds and hearts of all.

4. There is a great awakening to the nature of true abundance, health, compassion, and well-being.

5. Humans live in harmony with the earth, air, fire, water, and mental elements of creation.

Our minds are the canvases of the future.

Anne's Schedule
Tuesday, August 28, "EZosophy"Location: Unitarian Church, 1501 Wirt Road, Houston, TX  7:00pm - 8:00pm Conscious Giving  Appreciated, Hostess: Barbara Baldwin
Wednesday, August 29 Leon Hutchison Funeral service. 2 Pm  Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Home. Nacagdoches, TX 

September 2, Unity Circle of Light, The Woodlands, 10:30 AM, worship Unity web site

September 16, 11 AM, Unity Webster "World Peace"  Unity web site



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Interested in New Thought - check out this guy - Henry Wood. Henry Wood New Thought movement is the belief that we can heal our bodies by changing our beliefs and that God (Infinite Intelligence) is everywhere.

The "to do" list often seems like an albatross. The ego is relentless in its need to provide more tasks than we can possibly accomplish.  Add the complicity of endless choices in our moment to moment lives and it becomes easy to have a Hard Attack....Read more of "Nix the "to do" List.

"Most people are busy being who they think they are." Ram Dass
Just found my notes from a 1882 Ram Dass lecture I attended. So interesting. I had him sign my notes. 


Often we experience others through one agenda. "Meet my needs." We pay attention to or ignore people to the degree that we believe they can fulfill our delusions. It's delusion confusion.

Three Weddings and
Three Funerals

This must be a time in my life for beginnings and endings as well as for losses and gains.  From the marriage of my daughter in May, my step mom's death, two nephew's marriages, and our neighbors' moving, to the death of my best friend's father, it has been a season of change. Wednesday we travel to Nacogdoches to bury Leon Hutchison. He was a great man, a person you could count on - at least Mary, his daughter, and I could count on him.

Years ago Mary and I would plan for imaginary scenarios. There was an earthquake predicted in Memphis where we lived. Our plan was: "If the earthquake hits, we will head to Texas for refuge." We thought about various eschatological scenarios and we would always say, "We can go to Nacogdoches. We could grow food on the ranch and survive." Regardless of our fantasies, we would always end up mentally heading for her parent's home. It was a haven we could count on. At any moment, they would take us in. Fortunately we grew up and never needed the assistance, but just knowing there was a haven in the background, provided just the psychological boost we needed.

His health declined over the past ten years and with heart attacks and other problems, dementia had taken over much of his mind. Still, he went with the family to the races Friday, bought roses for his wife on Saturday morning, and passed away Saturday evening. What a way to go - just in time to get everything in, leave nothing out; it was his time.

My husband, Lucy (the traveling dog - our roads scholar), and I hit the highway again on Wednesday to bid farewell to a great man, father substitute, and good friend. Leon Hutchison. Good bye, Hutch. Be well wherever you are. 


Some people's door to freedom can be another's door to hell. Be on your own path, not someone else's. 

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Thanks to Charles Heineke for editing the newsletter. Charles has been a supporter for many years. Thanks Charles.

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Easier Living



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