The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 09/04/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living

Volume 41
"Living EZosophy"
 In This Issue...
I Had a Flat Tire
International Worry Certificate
St Francis Prayer Updated
The Greatest Prosperity Affirmation
                                                                                Anne Sermons Gillis

I Had a Flat Tire

One perfect spring day, I loaded my car and headed for a spiritual gathering in Ohio. It was a ten-hour drive from Memphis.

Mystical journeys often come with hurdles; mine came in the form of a flat tire. Fortunately, when my tire gave way, I was close to an auto shop. The owner was straight with me, "Little lady, your tire cannot be fixed and your other tire is about to go. You need two new tires." The tires were rough. Only a month away from the end of my car lease, I had not wanted to buy new tires. He was right. The car needed new tires, which were not in stock, so I had to wait for their delivery. This was going to take a while.

Undaunted by the delay, I took stock of my surroundings. The shop was orderly and everything sparkled. Rather than read a magazine, I met the owners and workers, explored, and asked questions. The shop opened its doors two weeks ago. This place was special. It was someone's dream come true.

We talked of business and babies and serving others. They glowed with a sense of pride. It felt as if I was talking to our country's founding fathers. Each worker had a story, a family, and big dreams.

When I left, six men stood waving and wishing me luck, "Come back; don't forget us." My interest in them flowed back to me. I felt inspired, cherished, and loved.  Life incorporated the inconvenience and made it an integral part of my journey.  What a trip.

Ordinary sacred moments continue to outshine my planned special events. The Ohio spiritual gathering was expansive. I walked on fire, and studied with indigenous elders, but when people asked about my trip, I answered "Well, I had a flat tire." 

Published in The Science of Mind Magazine June 2009


The International Worry Center

Certificate of Release

Congratulations! You have been selected because of the tremendous contributions you make to the international worry community. Your incredible ability to enter the minds of others and experience their pain and suffering for them has guaranteed your place in the annals of worry history.

Because of the heavy worry load you have so valiantly carried, we have to designate a five person committee to handle your work. This karma committee is pleased to transform your worries into spiritual bliss as a part of their karma cleansing course. Should you decide to worry on your own, you will be putting five people out of work. Remember, worry is a prayer for what you don't want.

In the future, please forward all worries immediately to your personal karma committee for transformation into fertilizer.
Congratulations once again! * 1998 Mark Weiss, PhD - Chairman of the Board, The International Worry Center

St Francis Prayer Updated


Make me a channel of infinite love.

Where there is greed, let there be compassion.

Where there is falsehood, let there be truth.

Where there is a sense of entitlement, let there be humble appreciation.

Where there is the need to be right, let there be the need to understand.

Where there is rigidity, let there be malleability.

Where there is intolerance, bigotry, and fanaticism, let there be new sense of empathy.

Where there is fear, let there be a deep rooted sense of safety.

Where there is suffering, let there be joy.

Where there are hardships, let there be ease.

Where there is injustice, let there be fairness.

Where there is stinginess, let there be a sense of enoughness so that we might freely share.

Where there is angry righteousness, let there be peace.

May hypocrisy be replaced with the adherence to one's true sense of self and values.

May we understand that we stand as one body and what is done unto others we do to ourselves.

Some people need a hand up and others need a kick in the butt. Let us be able to distinguish the difference and act accordingly.

Let there be a new sense of harmony that pervades the minds and hearts of people everywhere.

May peace replace our inner battles so that war becomes obsolete.

May our sense of ever-present abundance overshadow our need to do more, be more and get more.

May the love that is inherent in every moment be the guiding grace in our personal and collective world.



Anne's Schedule
Wednesday, September 5 - 2 PM CST Conversations with Anne Sermons Gillis by Dennis Tardan  Listen to Show

Sunday, September 16, 11 AM - Unity Webster "World Peace"  Unity web site
If you want to hang out with me. Here's where I'll be hanging.
Saturday, September 22, 9:30am - 3:00pm  Theosophical Lectures  - Free
University of St. Thomas

The Spiritual Practice of Daily Living with Michele Shields
Unfolding the Higher Consciousness with Pablo Sender
Sunday, November 18 - 11:00 AM Unity of Brazosport, Brazoria, TX
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Quantum K
This is a amazing process that uses affirmative thought along with sound to produce healing at all levels. Use this video program when you have about 23 minutes of uninterrupted time. Believe me, you want to do this. FYI, the sound doesn't come on right away. 
If you have certain spiritual beliefs that conflict with the thoughts offered in the last section of spiritual healing video, skip that section. The section will be labeled "Spiritual Healing."it is the  last section of the video.
This process is very thorough. Click the link below, read the instructions and set your screen to full screen. Happy Healing. Quantum Healing Thank you to Charles Rubio for bringing this site to my attention.

Business Declaration
My intuitive guidance provides a day to day plan that serves the planet, blesses me with financial abundance and allows spontaneous and creative expression.

 I am not here to save myself, for I am not lost nor am I forsaken.  I am here to live the love I AM. Living love is the promise of my being.

  • Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Forget this and attaining Enlightenment will be the least of your problems.
  • The Torah says, Love your neighbor as yourself.  The Buddha says, There is no self.  So ... maybe we're off the hook?
Sayings from The Jewish Buddha

The Greatest Prosperity Affirmation

This morning I pictured what I thought would be a better world for my friends, family, humankind, and all life. Next I took my daily walk with my husband. He usually talks about politics. One of his favorite topics is getting the money out of politics. Today in regards to this ineffective use of money, we kept asking the question, "What do people really want?", and going deeper into the answer. We know that people want more money and power, but as we keep stripping the surface answers away, we come to the conclusion that everyone wants the same thing, to experience love.

 "I love you" is possibly the most powerful sentence in any language. When we feel loved and cherished and when we love and cherish, we embody the essence of abundance. If we all felt the sense of love, the greed and injustice in the world would begin to subside. "I love you" is the greatest prosperity affirmation.  Use these three words lavishly in your mind and express it to others often. Become an Ambassador of Love.

I had the idea to make an "I Love You" CD for ten years before I finally did it. Eventually I followed through. If you would like to luxuriate in these three words, check out my "I Love You" CD or download available on the products page. You will hear my husband and I speaking and there's a relaxing musical background. You can play it in the background when you work, use it as a basis for meditation, or put it on your mp3 player. If you currently do not have the means to pay for this, and would like this download, contact me and I will provide you with a link to download for it for free.

"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that enhances and respects the freedom of others."
Nelson Mandela - This quote appears on outside the wall of the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, South Africa

Inner View
Dennis Tardan interviews Anne Sermons Gillis
Tomorrow - Wednesday, 2 PM CST 9/5/2012
You can also listen by phone at 818-739-8827

Worrying about what others think of me is the fast track to hell.

Want to read past issues of The EZ Secret? The EZ Secret Archives

Thanks to Charles Heineke for editing the newsletter. Charles has been a supporter for many years. Thanks Charles.

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Easier Living



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contact us at Anne Sermons Gillis
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