The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 11/13/2012

Published: Tue, 11/13/12

The EZ Secret Newsletter
Volume 50: "Living EZosophy"

In This Issue...

Speed is Our Nemesis
Your Letter From God
Sock it to Me
Anne's Schedule
Anne Art
Mushroom Talk

Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information

Phone: 281-419-1775

Anne's Websites:

Speed is Our Nemesis

Speed is our nemesis. Slowliness is holiness. Consider using this phrase as an antidote to the habitual “hurry up” of life: “Take your time.”

Pleasure Cures

Our ability to experience physical pleasure is narrow. Our bodies purr when we eat something we love, we go giddy with alcohol or drugs, and we love the pleasure of sex. Our body's capacity for pleasure is infinite, bliss is actually our natural state, but few expand to that level of pleasure.

This exercise helps to penetrate our rigid layers of habit. Start sounding the letter “E” while gently rubbing your face with your fingertips. Continue to make the sound and go over your eyes, ears, hair, and down the neck. Think of your fingertips as making love to the muscles, bones, connective tissue. Move down the neck, then caress the arms, front of body, and back of body. Move down the hips and thighs. The sound “E” helps relax the body. Practice this every day for 30 days and you will find your body almost humming with life.

We have 50 trillion cells in our bodies. When we bring awareness and movement (in the form of sound) to these cells, we open to rejuvenation and restoration that is sourced from beyond what we normally think of as physical. The world of speed and electronics has benefits, but it also cuts us off from our biointelligence. We can take an active role in restoring our minds to our body wisdom while moving into deeper states of physical pleasure and bliss. We can access our natural vitality through awareness and practice.

Your Letter From God

I once read an adventure story in which the hero received a letter written by a mentor. He was to open the letter when he felt confused, needed direction, or needed inspiration. What a great idea. Suppose God wrote a letter for me to read when I was down. I wanted to write a letter to inspire people who were at low points. So, I wrote this letter from God. I made copies, placed each one in a red envelope, and sent them to friends and family members.

The results were phenomenal. One of my friends said that the letter had greatly impacted her life. I asked her at what point she had chosen to read it, and she replied that she had not read it yet. "Just knowing that I have the letter is comforting. Every time I have a problem and think of the letter, I feel better. I think that this problem is not so bad that I need the letter. I will save it for when I am in greater need." Other friends opened them when in distress and found much comfort. My daughter didn't even wait; she just opened the letter and put it on her refrigerator. Some friends sent copies to their friends. Regardless of whether you are in a crisis or in a great place at this time, this letter is for you.

Precious One,

I am with you. Resist the temptation to think that any condition in the outer world can rival my plans for your higher good. Even this thing you face now has no power to destroy your inner reality. It is here you dwell, here I dwell. We are one in the innermost regions of thought and feeling. You were created from an indestructible good that can never be altered, destroyed or harmed. I am your sword and your shield. I protect you from all the lethal thoughts that drag you down and follow you from moment to moment. Ask not that I be with you during this time of need, but steadfastly affirm and give thanks that I am with you and that my power through you gives you strength, courage and calmness.

I have prepared the way for your good. Receive ye now the Spirit of Life and know that as you read these words I am with you. My faith in you shall make you whole and this burden shall be lifted.

With Great Love to You,

        I Am Unconditional Love

Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic, by Anne Sermons GillisExcerpted Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic, First printing 1997, Easy Times Press, Anne Sermons Gillis

Related article: Click here to read Hannah Brencher's article: Lesson Learned from Writing Love Letters to Strangers

Sock it to Me

These are my favorite wool socks. They are worn out in the heels. I wear a thin pair of same color socks under them so the worn heel look disappears and the socks continue to keep me toasty.

My fvorite socks

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Anne's Schedule

Sunday, Nov. 18 - 11:00 AM
"Love is Bigger Than you Think"
Unity of Brazosport
Brazoria, TX
Unity Web Site

Sunday, Dec. 16 - 11 AM
Unity Webster, TX
"The Wisdom Of Jesus"
Unity Web Site

If you would like Anne to speak to your group or organization, you may reach her at 281-419-1775 or contact Anne by email. Anne is also available for your network marketing telephone conferences.

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Contact Anne by email or click here to view information on her One Year Seminar.


May everyone you see be blessed by you.
May they be blessed by your eyes.
May they be blessed by your smile.
May they be blessed by your touch.
May they be blessed by your presence.
May your life and light be the one that raises the resonant field of intelligence between you and others.

Anne Sermons Gillis


Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? T. S. Elliot

Wisdom does not inspect; it beholds. Henry David Thoreau

Wisdom leads to humility, never to vanity. David Bruce

Anne Art

Photo of a large mushroom, by Anne Sermons Gillis
Photo by Anne Sermons Gillis

Mushroom Talk

Click image view the Mushroom Talk
Click image view the Mushroom Talk

I’ve had an increasing interest in mushrooms for years. I like to eat them and take their pictures. In 2008 I heard a lecture at the Bioneers Conference that elevated the status of mushrooms to divinity. If you need some hope for the future of the planet, energy solutions, or radioactive cleanup, you’ll find it here. It’s well worth 10 minutes of your time.


If you are interested in learning to meditate, we have an amazing meditation teacher in Houston. He is Fali Engineer. He is the president of the Houston Theosophical Society. He teaches anyone regardless of their financial condition. He was formally the director of TM for Pakistan and was the TM World Coordinator, handpicked by Maharishi, to teach the Advanced mediation course. Fali is truly  a wise man. He full of vitality, but I would go to him sooner rather than later since he is in his 80’s. Who knows, he might retire! He teaches in person or on the phone. You can contact Fali Engineer at:

Products for Easier Living

Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway