The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 12/11/2012

Published: Tue, 12/11/12

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The EZ Secret Newsletter
Volume 54: "Living EZosophy"

In This Issue...

All Stories Have Good Endings
CD Recommendation
Anne's Schedule
Health Tips
Anne Art

Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information

Phone: 281-419-1775

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All Stories Have Good Endings

Houston Food Bank Day

Saturday I worked at the Houston Food Bank. It was a part of our outreach program for the Theosophical Society. It was about a 40 minute drive from The Woodlands. I arrived early, located another member, and we went inside. We were assaulted by the bustling activity of the first shift finishing up. There were sports teams, people doing community service, and little tables setup to expedite the process. The flurry looked like the concession stand at a football game.

Our friends were gathering in the parking lot, so we went back outside to be with our group. Then I decided to lock my purse in my car. I have a smart key, which has a mind of its own, and when I locked the car, it would immediately unlock itself. I tried numerous times and finally gave up and put the purse in a friend’s car. It was a clue, but I missed it. As always, the universe gave me plenty of time to figure it out.

We had a wonderful afternoon. We bagged rice. We filled two-pound bags with brown rice, sealed the bags, boxed them, sealed and labeled the boxes, placed them on a pallet, and finally wrapped plastic around the boxes on the pallet. I felt like Lucy and Ethyl working at the candy factory, only we were having a lot more fun. In three hours, our group, with some other friends, bagged and boxed 15,360 pounds of rice that will provide up to 12,800 Meals. Time to leave.

Surprise. When I got to my car, it wouldn’t start. At this point I got the clue. “Oh, yeah, the key– car wouldn’t lock. Light bulb.” It was the end of the day and the lot cleared quickly. Of course I had not eaten lunch since I left home at 10:30 AM. I was already on the edge of grouchy. I grabbed my pocket book stash – a Lara Bar. Thank God I travel like a gypsy – with supplies.


I called my husband and we strategized. We have one car, so he couldn’t rescue me. Our collaboration involved the idea of a tow truck, since we thought it might not be a battery, and an hour cab drive to The Woodlands or to the airport to rent a car. The rental places would be closed at Saturday after 5 PM. They were two people left in the lot and I scampered over for advice. They suggested I go inside. Yes, inside; there might be help inside. The lobby was deserted, but a lone man sat behind a counter. He suggested we call AAA, and he actually made the call. He then looked at me and said, “You can use my card. I have a premium card. They will tow you anywhere without charge.” I wanted to kiss him. They would be here in at least 45 minutes.

My mind ran away generating scenarios – it wasn’t the best part of town to be stranded in – getting a cab to The Woodlands and leaving my car until I could rent one and come back on Monday. Thinking about all the possibilities took my mind about 3 seconds. The mind can go down so much faster than it can go up, but I closed down the panicked internal inquiry and just let go. Life always exists in a flow, and I was sure that flow continued even in the midst of my car not starting! AAA came and the charging angel performed his magic. Fortunately that did the trick, and shortly I was on my way, after I hugged the food bank employee and shook the AAA attendant's hand.

Good Endings

All in all, I was lucky on several counts. And if you know me well, you will know that I consider myself very lucky. (Check out my article You Are So Lucky. The last time I had the car started by a wrecker service they blew out my electrical system, it was expensive to repair, and they would not take responsibility for the damage. I have a hybrid car, and in some ways it’s just different when it comes to getting it started. But this guy started it with no problems.

The last Theosophical Society meeting I attended had a quirky twist too. Upon my return, while traveling on I-45, a steel belted tire tread hit my car front and center. It flew up from the car next to me and there was no swerving because I was surrounded by cars. It knocked out the front grill on the car. Again I was lucky that it didn’t hit the front windshield because it was a big piece of tire tread.

I learned a long time ago that even though I live my life in a way consistent with my values and the principles I hold, I can’t always predict or control the way everything in my life works on a day-to-day basis. All I can really do is show up, pay attention, and live life fully! There is always a good ending to life’s stories; you just have to be willing to stay to the end. If things are going badly, you haven’t gotten to the end yet. And if you are willing, there’s always plenty of luck on the way. And with a little luck and plenty of good endings, life can always be easier.

CD Recommendation

If you like smooth jazz and chanting, try Kenny G and Rahul Sharma’s CD, Namaste. My friend Emilie told me I had to get it. She thought it would be soothing and help me deal with my Judy loss. Even though I didn’t find it soothing, I did find it to be invigorating. I like to play it when I’m exercising. As far as I can tell, movement is love; no movement, no life.

Listen to a song from the album by playing the video below.

Click to hear Kenny G & Rahul Sharma's Namaste

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Click to hear Anne's Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012, message Love is Not What You Think

Check out this 23 minute video Love is Not What You Think. It's taken from my Sunday message on November 18, 2012, to Unity Church of Brazosport, TX.

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Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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Anne's Schedule

Sunday, Dec. 16, 11 AM

Unity Webster, TX
"The Wisdom Of Jesus"
Unity Web Site

Sunday, Dec. 21, 6 PM

Officiating for Atwood – Ogle wedding,
Huntsville, TX

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If you would like Anne to speak to your group or organization, you may reach her at 281-419-1775 or contact Anne by email. Anne is also available for your network marketing telephone conferences.

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Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Contact Anne by email or click here to view information on her One Year Seminar.


The best way to predict the future is to create it. Click here to view article.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance..
– Oscar Wilde

I have all the living skills to handle grief, but it still sucks.
– Anne Sermons Gillis

Health Tips


For Colds and Cough

Massage the middle and index fingers if you have a cold. This moves  energy. You can stop a cough by rubbing the top part of your middle finger.

To Calm Your Nerves

Massage your ring finger, middle finger, index finger and the lower part of your thumb for distress.

Dressing Healthier

Dry cleaning fluids are toxic. Some of the chemicals used in cleaning can cause the thyroid to stop functioning properly. Some of the chemicals are also listed as carcinogens. If you have to dry clean anything, do not store your cleaning in the plastic sleeve and be sure to air out your dry cleaning before wearing it. If you reuse the plastic sleeve, turn it inside out so the chemicals can evaporate.

Along the same lines, unless you buy organic cotton items, the chemicals used in growing and processing cotton are toxic as well. Wash your sheets, cotton napkins, towels, and all cotton clothing items before wearing them. Organic cotton is my first choice, but organic clothing is expensive. However, I do love the few organic cotton clothes I have.

Anne Art

Smile, Anne Art by Anne Sermons Gillis


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