The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 12/18/2012

Published: Tue, 12/18/12

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The EZ Secret Newsletter
Volume 55: "Living EZosophy"
Published on Tuesday mornings

In This Issue...

Suggestions for EZ Holidays
Twas the Night ...
I’ll Light a Candle
Christmas Songs (Adapted by Anne Sermons Gillis)
Anne's Schedule
Anne Art
The End is The Beginning: 2012 Prophecy
More Anne Art
More Christmas Songs (Adapted by Anne)

Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information

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Suggestions for EZ Holidays:
Take the Drama Out of Christmas

  1. Don’t complain about what you have to do. Complaining suppresses the immune system. Complaining makes us victims. Just doing our tasks without the inner narrative gives us more energy and puts us in a better mood. Drop the drama. Most of us are addicted to our drama. We don’t want to let it go. Complaining is insane-ing, and even though it is low drama, it is drama nonetheless. Let it go.

  2. Get in a good mood before shopping. Psych yourself up. Expect to have fun, to easily find a parking place, and to find what you need with speed, ease, comfort, and joy.

  3. Be present. Look people in the eye when you buy something. Be engaging and really be wherever you are. Don’t spend all your time in your head, planning for the future. Speak to people you pass by. Smile. This is the way to participate in the ongoing web of well-being.

  4. Honor your departed loved ones. Set aside a special place to put the pictures of those who’ve left this plane, and set aside some time to feel them around you. Rather than miss them, honor them.

  5. Don’t spend more than you can afford on presents. If your funds are short, arrange to not exchange presents, or make your gift. I received a long poem of admiration from a friend one year. She had always had plenty of money, but a sudden financial reversal left her with a fertile imagination, but little cash. I loved that gift. It’s tucked away somewhere with my treasures. My husband and I do not exchange gifts, but we love the season.

  6. Do your holiday the way you want to do your holiday. If you want to, send holiday cards. If you don’t want to, don’t do it. If you want to send cards, but run out of time, send New Year's cards. Some years I don’t send cards. I sent New Year’s cards a few times and now I’m loving sending out cards, but if it becomes a drag, this ritual will go. One year I didn’t feel like having a tree, so I hung my ornaments on my furniture knobs!

  7. Don’t hurry. Hurry is a form of worry. Hurry has little to do with time. It is another form of drama. Slowliness is holiness. Break your addiction to hurry and give yourself the direct experience of leisure in each moment. When we are truly present, we find plenty of room in the vast expanse of being where we are. We can move our bodies, but when our consciousness is present, we escape the emotional bondage of time.

Happy Holidays. Have fun, and take it easy.

Christmas Bells

Twas the Night ...
(Adapted by Anne Sermons Gillis)

It was the night before Christmas and all through our centers
Anticipation was growing for us and our mentors.
Our consciousness was raised to an all time high,
’Cause we knew that the Christ mind would soon be nigh.
Our hearts’ lights were shining; our faces were cheery;
No room in the mind for thoughts that were dreary,

And all of a sudden there arose the mind chatter,
That said we were stupid and that we didn’t matter.
The voice of the ego had popped up again,
And said we were guilty and all born in sin.
It ranted and raved and caused such a fuss,
That we doubted our Christ minds to the point that we cussed.

On guilty, on sleazy, on dummy, on lazy,
The ego drove our minds till we felt sort of crazy.
Then depressed and deflated, we sat in a heap,
With all our enlightened thoughts going to sleep.

We started to pray, we started to ask,
For a different perception, for freedom at last.
Forgiveness was offered and innocence too,
And before we all knew it, our Christ minds renewed.
In one holy instant our knowingness came,
And we felt the presence of Christmas again.

©1984 Anne Sermons Gillis, excerpted from
Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic

I’ll Light a Candle

I’ll Light a Candle (Song), from her Beloved CD
Words and Music by Karen Drucker and John Hoy

I’ll light a candle in your memory,
though I don’t know who you are.
When I think about your family,
I will wish upon a star.

And I pray that they’ll find peace some day.
I pray they’ll make it through.
I’ll light a candle in your memory
to honor you.

I’ll light a candle for America;
may we feel peace inside.
We’ll hold each other closer
and wipe the tears we’ve cried.

I pray we’ll bond together.
And I pray that we’ll pull through.
I’ll light a candle for America,
for me and for you.

And we will light the world with our love;
I know we will light the world with our love,
with our love.

I’ll light a candle for humanity,
or the good that’s yet to come,
as we overlook our differences
and join now as one.

I pray we’ll come out stronger
in this world I’m dreaming of.
I’ll light a candle for humanity
to be a world living in love.

We will light the world with our love;
know that we can.
We will light the world with our love,
every day, in every way.

We will light, we will light the world with our love.
I know that we can!
I know that we will light,
we will light the world, with our love.

I’ll light a candle for humanity,
for the good that’s yet to come,
as we overlook our differences
and join now as one.

And I pray we’ll come out stronger
in this world I’m dreaming of.
I’ll light a candle for humanity
to be a world living in love.

I'll light a candle.
I'll light a candle.
I'll light a candle.

Click to watch and hear I’ll Light a Candle (Song)Watch I’ll Light a Candle on

Christmas Songs
(Adapted by Anne Sermons Gillis)

Joy to the World (tune of Joy to the World)

Joy to the world, the time has come, to have a little fun.
We frowned and frowned, our smiles are upside down.
We’ve been too serious, we’ve been too serious,
We’ve been, we’ve been, too serious.

We came to earth to have some fun
and laugh and sing and dance.
We brought our light to bring delight and not be serious,
and not be serious, and not, and not be serious.

We lost our way, forgot to play, and acted like adults.
We worked and worked, forgot life's perks.
We been too serious, we've been too serious,
we been, we've been, too serious.

We choose today to come alive
and joke and laugh and play.
We pledge our light to shine so bright.
And not be serious, and not be serious,
and not, and not, be serious.

Happy Mind (tune of Jingle Bells)

A day or two ago I thought I’d lost my way.
But then my ego disappeared, and I began to play.
I heard my happy thoughts and felt a great big smile,
and then my ego jumped back out
and acted sort of wild.

Oh, ego thoughts, ego thoughts, ego ain’t the way,
to have fun in a safe, healed mind
that does not want delay.
Oh ego thoughts, ego thoughts, ego ain’t the way,
to have fun in a safe, healed mind
that does not want delay.

Playing with my friends on this most important day,
I feel my courage jump right in and I just want to say,
I like you very much and hope you always know,
that I’ll love you no matter what,
through wind and rain and snow.

Just happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy every day.
I make choices with my mind in a very helpful way.
Just happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy every day.
I make choices with my mind
in a very helpful way.

It Came Upon My Mind to Clear
(tune of It Came Upon A Midnight Clear)

It Came Upon My Mind to Clear
Those pesky thoughts of doom;
to cancel all the shame and guilt,
and give God’s love more room.

A good thought here and a good thought there;
an affirmation or two;
and I can join with my Holy mind,
and keep love shining through.

Let joy ring out in all my thoughts,
and then my mind will sing,
and peace within will come at last,
and I can have my wings.

I thought my mind was doing fine.
I loved my inner child.
I loved my neighbor as myself,
and had stopped acting wild.

But then the bottom fell out.
I acted like a jerk;
projected fear and blame on friends,
and focused on their quirks.

The ego thoughts were rampant;
the holy thoughts were gone;
and I forgot my sacred self,
felt lost and all alone.

I wanted to find a way
to restore love and light;
to sing with angels' heavenly choir,
and sleep real good at night.

I prayed, affirmed, and asked for peace
in every way I could,
then love came down and pulled me back
and transformed ego’s shoulds.

A flash of light, the sound of joy,
came flooding into my mind,
and love’s pure innocence took my thoughts,
and I was no longer blind.

The love of God had pulled me out
and taught me how to sing.
It kept me safe and far from harm,
clutched tightly in angels' wings.

A sane thought here, a sane thought there,
the holy mind marched on.
Now I can rest and feel God’s love
’Cause I have found my home.

There’s peace inside where stillness lies,
there’s joy deep within,
and I am blessed many ways,
with abundance, health, and friends.

©1984 Anne Sermons Gillis, excerpted from
Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic

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Anne's Schedule

Sunday, Dec. 21, 6 PM

Officiating for Atwood – Ogle wedding,
Huntsville, TX

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You are blessed when you are content with just who you are – no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourself proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.
– Mathew 5:5 “The Message”
   by Eugene Peterson

I am not interested in the authenticity of historical facts. I am interested in the authenticity of wisdom, in the power of love, and in the generosity of spirit.
– Anne Sermons Gillis

Some free lunches cost more than they are worth.
– Anne Sermons Gillis

Anne Art

Christmas Tree, by Anne Sermons Gillis
Art by Anne Sermons Gillis

The End is The Beginning:
2012 Prophecy
World Meditation for Global Peace and Harmony

Some people say that the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012. We've all heard the apocalyptic scenarios. Some believe the Mayan calendar ended last year. These experts included leap year adjustments in their calculations and claim their timing is more correct. However, there is no definitive information on the exact date, what the Mayans intended, or what kind of role we might take as the human drama continues to unfold. Even though the 21st may not be the fabled day of radical shifting, it is certainly the day of the winter solstice. This is the longest night and the shortest day on earth, and some point during the day, the days will start to lengthen. People have been celebrating this day for centuries. So why not join the party.

The First World Parliament on Spirituality is currently meeting in Hyderabad, India. They have requested that people meditate daily for global peace and harmony, but especially on December 21, from 5:30 - 6:30 AM CST. It's a time of day most people don't have plans, especially if you live in LA!

If you chose to join this global outreach of healing prayer/meditation, may I suggest you begin your quiet time by envisioning the human family circling the globe with hands joined; imagine the animals, birds, fish, all species, joining as one family - try to feel the connection with all of life. Include the air, earth, waters, mountains, and the sun. Our lives are dependent on a cooperative interplay between all living things. Given this perspective, send thoughts of well-being, peace, and harmony to life in every form.

Imagine a still pond with a single drop of water falling into the stillness, sending out waves in a circular direction. See each drop of water as a blessing. Alternate between dropping harmony into the water, and then peace. Do this for the bulk of your meditation, prayer, or contemplation. End your time with blessings for your special interests, such as those who are hungry, those who are passing over at this moment, animals, those in prisons, the trees, your friends and family.

The above is merely a suggestion. People often don't know what to do for an hour if they don't have a mantra or a specific meditative discipline. Do what works for you, even if you just awaken for a few minutes and send love. Have a great day, whatever you choose to do.

More Anne Art

Art Anne Sermons Gillis
Art by Anne Sermons Gillis

More Christmas Songs
(Adapted by
Anne Sermons Gillis)

Hark, the Harried Angel Sings
(tune of Hark the Herald Angels Sing)

Hark, the harried angel sings,
"Two more days and I’ll have wings.
If I’m good and help you out,
I’ll get wings without a doubt.
If I’m nice and do not fuss,
If I help clean up the dust,
If I make my presence bright,
I’ll be one of God’s true lights."
Hark the Harried angel sings,
"Two more days and I’ll have wings."

Hark, the harried angel sings,
"I’m so tired of doing things.
I’m so tired of being good.
I am tired of all those shoulds.
I just want to take a rest.
I just want to be the guest.
I am tired of all this stuff.
I am feeling mighty rough."

Hark, the harried angel sings,
"Two more days and I’ll have wings.
I gave up my heavenly chores.
It won’t be hard any more.
I gave up being nice.
I gave up the heavy price.
No more sacrifice for me.
I am feeling very free."
Hark, the Happy Angel sings,
"Now I have my holy wings."

Silent Minds (tune of Silent Night)

Silent Minds, Holy Minds,
Thoughts of Light, Give us peace.
Heavenly states of consciousness,
Innocent states of love and bliss,
Christ is born in our hearts,
Christ is born in our hearts.

Abundant states of consciousness;
God, our source, gives us all;
Life and health and peace of mind;
Joy and fun and plenty of time.
We are blessed by our source.
We are blessed by our source.

We are love. We are peace.
We are light. We are joy.
We are gifts of Love itself,
Bearing light and sharing wealth.
Christ is present within.
Christ is present within.

Make Up Your Mind
(Tune of We Three Kings)

Change your thoughts;
yes, turn on the light.
Keep the faith and things will be right.
Inner knowing gets you going
Toward the truth that sets you free.

Ego’s world can get you down,
Kick your butt, and make you frown;
Keeping you waiting, eradicating
All the good that you have known.

Take your mind and let it be
Filled with great prosperity.
Christ’s love shining,
No denying, life is full of mystery.

©1984 Anne Sermons Gillis,
excerpted from
Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic

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Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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