The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 11/27/2012

Published: Tue, 11/27/12

The EZ Secret Newsletter
Volume 52: "Living EZosophy"

In This Issue...

A Tribute to My Friend, Judy Conroy
What a Wonderful World
Anne's Schedule
Silly Poem

Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information

Phone: 281-419-1775

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A Tribute to My Friend, Judy Conroy

Click to see a larger photo of Judy Conroy

I’m sitting at my computer wearing an old comfy wool sweater. It was given to me by my best friend Judy. Her now deceased husband gave it to her years ago. It came with about 30 moth holes, which I’ve darned. I just finished a small bowl of plain yogurt with flax seed oil. I stopped taking fish oil because Judy convinced me of the dwindling fish population and the unsafe toxins in fish. She brought her Hippocrates Health Institute magazine so I could see for myself why I shouldn’t take fish oil capsules.

Everywhere I look, everything I do is linked to her. I have shoes in my closet from her (we have the same size feet), all kinds of clothing, thousands of Judy tidbits stored in my brain, but Friday she died suddenly. She was in Virginia visiting her daughter for Thanksgiving and she had an abdominal aorta rupture. That was it.

She knew my life. It was as if she memorized it. If I had a new shirt, she knew. If my hair looked good, she commented on it. If I moved anything in my house, she knew. When I threw away the broken clock that sat near the TV she asked, “Where is the clock?” This was not a big clock; it was a tiny, who-would-ever-even-notice-it kind of clock. Today I called to get an appointment for a haircut. We go to the same hairdresser. She had her hair cut last week. She urged me, “You need to get your hair cut; it’s so much easier for you to handle short hair.” There’s something deeply intimate about knowing someone that well. She drank me in with her heart, mind, and soul, and in that acknowledgment of my existence, I stood taller and more assured in my life.

I write my newsletter on Monday. When I am unsure of what I’ve written or I think something is especially good, I call and read the piece to her before it goes out. She loved my last two articles. When I receive her stamp of approval, I know my writing is world-ready. Last Monday’s article meant so much to her. She said, “I’m having chills. This is so relevant to my life.” Here is the section that really turned her on.

“Some people are trapped in hopeless lives. Their lots are miserable, but for most people reading this, you live in a place where your need for food, water, clothing, shelter, and physical safety are covered. We are privileged, and even though we suffer great depths of psychological pain, we most likely have the ability to move away from pain, hopelessness, and despair. So the next time you head for the Hopeless Hangout, think again. Do you really want to go there? Do you want to wallow in this familiar spot that hides you from your life? Do want to live your life as a hopelessness maker or a hopelessness breaker? Life is available to you now. Give it a chance.”

(Here's a link to that Hopelessness article from last week.)

She said, “I’ve been hiding. I thought my life was an open book; I now I realize it wasn’t.” Judy lived with crippling rheumatoid arthritis. She lived with chronic pain. Her last few weeks were miraculous. She met a man in September and was entering the throws of male/female infatuation. Our relationship reached a new level of closeness. Her pain levels dropped, everything was flowing her way, and she was living out loud. No hiding. She said to me last week, “I used to want to die. I was in so much pain, I wanted to leave, but now I have so much to live for. This fluttering in my abdomen might be serious; it scares me, but I WANT TO LIVE. I have so much to live for.” She knew something was wrong and was working on getting a doctor’s appointment, but all the offices were closed for Thanksgiving, and she wanted to go on her trip. She would take care of it when she returned. I had thought several times during the past few weeks how much she meant to me and kept thinking, “You better not leave me.” We were so connected.

Looking back, one can see the miraculous unfolding of a highly orchestrated life supporting exit from the planet. She had spent quality time with her family members and many of her close friends in the proceeding weeks. She was thrilled about life. She glowed. Some people die inch by inch, but Judy just dove into death’s deep waters, and when she surfaced, it was on the other side of the lake. Now I have to let that daily relationship go. She was a soul mate, a Buffalo heart (one who has compassion for everyone, and who cries for others), and a true friend. I dedicate this issue to her - Judy Martin Conroy. I love you and miss you down to my toenails. We had a truly epic relationship.

What a Wonderful World

Sung by Louis Armstrong

Click to see and hear Louis Armstrong sing What a Wonderful World
Click the graphic to see the video

Judy wanted this song played at her memorial, and I wanted to share it with you here.

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Anne's Schedule

Saturday, Dec. 1, 6 PM
“Memorial, Celebration, and Pot Luck
for Judy Conroy”
Creative Life Spiritual Center
5326 Spring Stuebner Road
Spring, TX 77389
Everyone is invited.

Sunday, Dec. 16, 11 AM
Unity Webster, TX
"The Wisdom Of Jesus"
Unity Web Site

If you would like Anne to speak to your group or organization, you may reach her at 281-419-1775 or contact Anne by email. Anne is also available for your network marketing telephone conferences.

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It's essential to tell the truth at all times. This will reduce life's pain. Lying distorts reality. All forms of distorted thinking must be corrected. – John Bradshaw

We all belong. We are all connected. – Donald Wells

I love living. It's INFECTIOUS! – Will Smith


Click to see the image larger.

What do I hope people say about me when I’d dead? "I think she’s moving."

Silly Poem

By Anne Sermons Gillis

Writing poems can be fun;
Pick some words and let them run.
Stand aside, a thought is near;
Poems make them oh so clear.
A word, a thought, a sentence, a line
Make the writer feel sublime.

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Products for Easier Living

Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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