The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 01/08/2013

Published: Tue, 01/08/13

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The EZ Secret Newsletter
Published on Tuesday mornings
Volume 58: "Living EZosophy"
January 8, 2013: In This Issue...

Emotional Emancipation – Freedom at Last
JUST ONE LOOK Worldwide Even
Bidding Farewell to Victimville
Anne's Schedule
The Gift Economy
The Letter Writer— A Movie Recommendation
Health Tip: Coconut Oil
Anne Art

Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information

Phone: 281-419-1775

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Emotional Emancipation – Freedom at Last

We each have an emotional ministry. When we administer inner love and kindness, our compassion pours into our relationships. Our ministry is strong and loving. When we fail to love ourselves and we judge ourselves harshly, the results spill into everything we do and determine how we perceive our relationships. Too often we fail to be with and for ourselves. We hardly even know ourselves.

I was 20 years old before I ever knew the exact color of my eyes. Not that I am my eyes, or my body, but I have eyes and a body. I had not looked at my eyes in the mirror except to glance at them, but I knew how every hair on my head behaved. I couldn’t change my eyes, but I could make my hair look like everyone else’s. I thought preferences were selfish, so I just went along with everyone. What kind of life ministry did I have? It went something like this, “If I help you, admire you, and do what you want, everything will be okay. I may not get what I want, if I even know what that is, but I won’t get in trouble. I’ll be invisible, except as a reflection of you, and I’ll be safe.”

Defining Ourselves

Most people live out desires implanted through needy parents and a crazy culture. We carry a fear driven legacy of separation and protection. We spend massive amounts of energy protecting ourselves from others when the real perpetrator lies within, and the perpetrator is a powerful but ill-informed story; not an entity.

The external world drowns us in high technology, while the internal world flits around trying to control and strategize. Most people can’t even sit still, much less meditate or calm the mind. Inside there’s a small nagging idea that says something’s wrong, but the nature of the complaint is relegated to the thought that more of something, whatever that may be, will solve the problem - more time given to a project, more consistency to our efforts, more stuff. So we amass, kill living systems, wear out our bodies - more, more, more. Few people escape to freedom. Are you a convicted felon? Probably not. But are you still doing time, subservient to that concept?

Dream or Reality?

Last night I dreamed I was walking. Since this was a dream, I thought I might as well walk beside the water, on a more attractive path. I was lucid; I knew I could whip up anything in my dream. With this thought a river appeared, so I walked by the river. All of a sudden it felt real. It didn’t seem like a dream anymore. I thought “If this is a dream, I can take my time walking, because it’s not real; I’m not time bound. But if it’s real, there’s time involved and I better not stroll. I must have to be somewhere.”

I somehow talked to two people about my dilemma. I explained that I thought I was dreaming, and then how I couldn’t tell if this was a dream or not. I told them about walking by the river and whether I should hurry along or leisurely stroll. They thought I was strange because, of course, we were in reality, not a dream. I was sure that I was dreaming before, but now the dream was predominately reality. Obviously I was living in reality and not in a dream. So I settled on the thought that I was in reality, not a dream. It was a decision I made, but the decision was not made with certainty – it was just a decision. I don’t remember the rest, but the dream points to how mixed up we can get about what is real and what is unreal.


I am an EZosophist. An EZosophist examines certain assumptions that keep us stuck in a reality of suffering, pain, and difficulty. Here are some of the false assumptions of the dream:

  1. Life is hard.
  2. I must suffer about it.
  3. My life will never change. I’m pretty much stuck and will never get out.
  4. I have to know all the answers.
  5. If I can figure out what is wrong, I can fix it. (How much time I’ve lost in figuring and fixing!)
  6. Enlightenment is not for me; it’s for masters or a few others.
  7. Now is not enough. It can always be improved.

These assumptions kept me stuck in my dream. These assumptions made my relationships difficult and kept my relationship with money and time screwed up.

Redefining Ourselves

I wish I could write out a list of new ideas to replace the old assumptions that could fix the problem of suffering. The list might be helpful to a point, but ultimately the action that removes the suffering is our ability to live fully in the present, without having to figure out everything in advance. Constantly having to know how and why sustains the burden of suffering, while letting go and allowing the present to be what it is, is the way of ease. What we see may not be what we want to see, but when we judge what’s in front of us, we suffer.

Maybe it sounds like I’m suggesting being a slug, a non-doer, and a hippy, but what I am suggesting is letting go of how the mind functions, rather than trying to fix the content of the mind. When the mind is present, life is easier, and our efforts go toward life, not toward battling life.

When we talk about living in the present, what does that mean? Does present mean living in this moment – a time-bound concept, or is it something else? Maybe the question to ask is, “What is always present?” rather than “What is happening now?” And the only thing that is always present is who I am. If I strip away my false identity, my roles, my thoughts, and my emotions, am I still there? With all the old definitions and assumptions gone, can I know who I am? It gets tricky here because I can’t know who I am – knowing is a concept from the mind. There’s an awareness that is much greater than the mind, and it is a mind, but not the mind familiar to us. It’s that infinite mind, awareness, that experiences who we are.

Just Look

Is there a technique to experience who we are? There’s not, but it seems as if we start with a technique, the technique disappears as we learn to rest in who we are. John Sherman puts it well when he says “Just stop and take a millisecond to see what it feels like to be you. And do this often throughout the day.” This looking will set you free. Don’t try to figure this out. Just do it. If you have tried everything else and you still suffer, just look, look at yourself. If that is too vague for you, you can start with the thought, “I am here”, then feel yourself being here. Do it often throughout the day. Ramana says we can continue to ask ourselves, “Who am I?” and freedom will follow. He calls this inquiry Vichara.

Most articles end with a conclusion, but this one ends with a suggestion. Find out who you are, feel your location in consciousness. Do it now, do it often, and you will find freedom. You are always here. Just take that look. If you do, I promise you that your life will be easier and easier.

JUST ONE LOOK Worldwide Event

Click to learn more about the JUST ONE LOOK Worldwide Event on Jan. 13, 2013

Remember, John and Carla Sherman's JUST ONE LOOK Worldwide Event happens this coming Sunday, January 13, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (California Time;  UTC/GMT -8). That's 1 to 2 PM CST.

I'm definitely planning to participate, and I strongly encourage you to consider doing so. I believe you'll be glad you did.

All over the world, everyone who has tried the looking will stop whatever they are doing for just a moment and look at themselves.

The meeting will be broadcast live on their YouTube channel.

Sign up to attend the event and receive updates about the Just One Look project. It's open to all and is Free of charge.

For more information, please email or call the RiverGanga Foundation at +1 (805) 649-1600.

Bidding Farewell to Victimville
by Michael Lightweaver

I met Michael in the 1980’s. Our friendship put me in touch with people from all over the world and opened many doors, especially those of international travel and working on global transformation. Michael started a group called Light Link, which he later renamed Network 2012. We were wild-eyed kids certain of each one’s ability to make a difference.

Recently he handed over the reins of an international consciousness school he’s been running for years. For more information on Michael or his Mountain Sanctuary, click The following is an excerpt from his farewell address and is used by permission from Michael.

Your life is defined and your future is determined by your prepositions: To and For. Our lives are a continual procession of experiences; some of them are pleasant and many of them are not. How you respond to these define your life. Most people live with the idea that things happen TO them. They see themselves as victims of circumstances, or other people, groups, or institutions, which are to blame. They live in ‘victimville.’ With this victim mentality they have given their power away and have become dependent slaves to others' actions or opinions. Their well being is held hostage by the actions or opinions of others. They believe that they can only be happy when the other person or group changes – which very seldom happens. They are trapped in the matrix.

Let me be blunt: As long as you live in victimville, you will never be free. Why? Because you have given the keys to happiness to someone else.

Then there are those rare individuals who understand that everything – pleasant or unpleasant – is happening FOR them. We are here on the planet to learn and grow, and we directly or indirectly – both individually and collectively – create those situations, circumstances, and experiences that help us to grow. It’s called curriculum. These people understand that our outer world and experience are a reflection of our inner world, and if we want to change the outer, we start with the inner. These people understand that we are powerful beyond our wildest imagination, but it requires courage and persistence to assume personal responsibility for our lives rather than blaming our parents, partners, friends, colleagues, government, or “them” – whoever they may be. This is freedom. This is waking up to the matrix that has tricked you into believing that you are a victim. This is this truth that will set us free.

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Anne's Schedule

Image courtesy of

February 17
"Communicating Love",
Unity Church of Christianity,
Webster, Texas
11 AM

April 27
"Buddha at the Gaspump"
Interview by Rick Archer

We will post a link when it is online.

Schedule Anne for Your Meeting

If you would like Anne to speak to your group or organization, you may reach her at 281-419-1775 or contact Anne by email. Anne is also available for your network marketing telephone conferences.

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Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Contact Anne by email or click here to view information on her One Year Seminar.

The Gift Economy

I first heard of the gift economy from a Texan named Genevieve Vaughan. She was the spirit of the gift economy. I attended two retreats at her lovely Texas goddess ranch and a parliament on women that she put together. I never thought it would catch on, but I was wrong. Our lives and our visions stand on the shoulders of so many unknown angels.

The following is an article (see link below) about an upwardly mobile young man, Nipun Mehta, who got off the track of financial success and now lives the gifting economy. It's exciting that we are finally measuring the quality of our lives by happiness and inner peace.

In Mehta's words"
“All this, though, starts with a simple thing – be kind today,” he says. “Even if just for a moment, that’s how the whole pattern emerges, and then one fine day, you wake up and realize that you’re swimming in the spirit of gift economy.”

Here's the article about him:

The Letter Writer—
A Movie Recommendation

I watched The Letter Writer movie Friday night. It is a must see if you want to be uplifted. It's on Netflix and is a pick for the Spiritual Cinema Circle. What a powerful film on the difference we can make in others' lives. It's about a young woman and an old man whose lives intersect. He writes anonymous letters and sends them to random people he finds in the phone book. The teenager receives one of the letters, tracks down the writer, and the ensuing relationship enriches their lives as well as others' lives.

The young woman is a musician who receives one blow after another. Rather than being doomed for the rest of her life, she experiences an outpouring of transformative grace. The movie ends with her singing. Some of the lyrics are: "Angels are hiding in the bones of humans, helping all these miracles along. Angels are hiding in the motions of humans.” You can hear the full song at

Click to watch The Letter Writer Movie
Click the graphic
to watch the movie trailer


When lost in the turmoil of thoughts, light the torch of gratitude. Even the smallest appreciation - for the unexpected cookie in the box lunch - may suddenly illuminate the trail which leads back Home.
-- Anita Jo Lenhart

Proceed inside so quietly that even thought is too loud.
-- Papaji

Embracing generosity is the key to liberating people from greed and redefining wealth.
-- Nipun Mehta

Enlightenment does not bring love; love is what brings enlightenment.
– Unknown

Health Tip: Coconut Oil

If you have dry or kinky hair, try a dab of coconut oil. Rub it on your palms then rub it into your hair. It helps calm the frizzies and gives your hair a nice sheen. Use sparingly so your hair won't be greasy.

Coconut oil also makes a great hot oil hair treatment. Massage the oil into your scalp and hair. Wear a plastic shower cap for about an hour, and then shampoo. You'll love how your hair looks and feels.

Try oiling yourself down before your shower. Your skin comes out soft and moist. I keep a jar in my bathroom.

Anne Art

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Click for a larger image

Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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