The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 01/15/2013

Published: Tue, 01/15/13

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The EZ Secret Newsletter

Published on Tuesday Mornings
Volume 59: "Living EZosophy"
January 15, 2013: In This Issue...

The Death Teachings
Creating More Wellness - Conscious Breathing
Ode to Jesse's Cough
Anne's Schedule
Anne Art

Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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The Death Teachings

Most of you know that my good friend Judy died suddenly the day after Thanksgiving. Since then I’ve had two Facebook friends die and another friend had a massive brain aneurism. This is on the heels of three deaths in my family. It looks like death is my current teacher.

There are so many sides to death. Death of the body, immortality, and near death experiences (NDE). I read Raymond Moody’s book, Life After Life, on NDE, but it wasn’t a topic that fascinated me. My husband is into NDE, but for me, I’ve had so many other-worldly experiences, that I work to stay in my body and be present to life. Until now. It's funny how, when surrounded by death, one’s interests change.

Proof of Heaven

Recently a speaker mentioned the book Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife by Dr. Eben Alexander, MD. Kindle just makes it too easy to have books at my finger tips and, after reading the sample, I had to buy it. I figured if it wasn’t interesting to me, my husband would enjoy it. But it was interesting to me. I cried in several places. Alexander, the author, had a life-changing NDE. Two things were distinct in his experience: he didn’t know who he was, as in he didn’t even have a concept of “human”, and the part of the brain that makes one human was "flat" for a week. He was virtually brain dead for a week, and he not only survived his death, he recovered.

In his NDE, he wakes up in an underworld. Language, emotion, and logic were all gone. Eventually he gets to a higher, more heaven-like reality. Somehow he returns to the lower world and finds that when he focuses on heaven (or this love-filled space), he can bring himself back there. He undergoes extensive learning from a nonmental level. The three important things he learns are:

  • We are unconditionally loved for eternity;
    nothing can change that.

  • There is nothing to fear;
    everything is okay.

  • You can’t make a mistake.

Even though these ideas might seem impossible to believe – please, not Hitler – in the level of eternity, I believe they are the principles that rule the universe. There are no shades of gray. Everyone is loved unconditionally, regardless of belief or behavior, and fear is irrelevant to the vast love that permeates all levels of earth and heaven (consciousness).

Waking Up

Too often we try to make up for what we believe to be our deficits. We strive to be better people. This continuous striving and learning make us somber, serious people. We forget the joy of life and make life a burden. It is unnecessary to almost die to begin the ascension from fear and pain into love, ease, and safety. Being near death is a wakeup call, but for me, I think I’ll wake up now. We can wake up by taking our attention away from the fantasy world we create and focusing on the eternal truths of the present. Let’s allow the mind to become the receptacle of unconditional love, rather than a venue for horror. Byron Katie says, “Stress is a signal that you’re asleep. Question your thinking and wake yourself up.”

A woman is about to be married. As was normal for someone in this condition, her head was filled with thoughts, plans, and ideas for the future. She was walking through the forest and a lion jumped in the middle of the road. In that moment, where was her mind? Where was her past? Where are her thoughts and plans for the future?

The future is dependent on the past. The mind is a grave digger digging up bones from the past to chew on. So welcome the lion in your path. (Sorry I can’t remember whether this story came from Ramana or Papaji.)

Many of us live in a near death experience in our day to day lives. I don’t mean the extraordinary soul filling experience like the one mentioned above. I mean we are dead to life already. The only way to come alive is to wake up, snap the mind back to its home in the present, and immerse ourselves in the joy of living. We can’t start the next chapter of our lives if we keep re-reading the last one. Let's wake up, welcome the lion, and make our lives EZier and EZier.

Here is the Oprah interview with Eben Alexander, MD:

Creating More Wellness Through the Practice of Conscious Breathing

by Dan Brulé

I heard of Dan Brulé from my former coach, Phil Laut. Every year, Dan sponsored Phil’s money seminar. If he was a friend of Phil’s, I wanted to look him up. I signed up for his newsletter. Dan’s newsletter was impressive. He had a deep knowledge of breath work and an ability to bring words to life. I met Dan in 2007. He drug a scraggly group, including me, around India. Dan looks like a wild man, talks like a mystic, and lives out of a suitcase. He has some kind of sustainable community going in Baja, Mexico. Thanks, Dan, for allowing me to share this amazing article on breathing. Dan makes this easy enough for anyone to do.The New Year is a perfect time to start developing a practical and mystical relationship with your breath.

Click to

Ode to Jesse's Cough

Sunday at Creative Life Center, our leader coughed a number of times during his talk. Finally he mentioned his malaise and my mind went off into a little ditty.

Ode to Jesse's Cough

Bacterial expressions;
Bronchial sessions;
High on coughing;
Low on light.

Winter sneezes;
Slumber near;
Cozy blankets;
Stay at home.

Snuggle, snooze,
Relax, restore, refresh;
Vitality rest for a while until life reopens.
For now it's blessed rest.

Let life cuddle you.
Soon you'll bound, but be still now.
Be quiet and boundless.
Let here-ness wash over you as you re-source yourself.

Bless your sneezes and your wheezes;
Your body will do what it pleases.
Pleasures rises in this respite.
Let it be.

– Anne Sermons Gillis

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Anne's Schedule

Image courtesy of

February 17
"Communicating Love",
Unity Church of Christianity,
Webster, Texas
11 AM

April 27
"Buddha at the Gaspump"
Interview by Rick Archer

We will post a link when it is online.

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If you would like Anne to speak to your group or organization, you may reach her at 281-419-1775 or contact Anne by email. Anne is also available for your network marketing telephone conferences.

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In the midst, a Stillness...not of my creation. A gift within, to remind me always, I am not alone. A gift, indeed, best unwrapped daily, early in the morn.
-- Anita Jo Lenhart

Our truest, deepest self is completely free. It is not crippled or compromised by past actions or concerned with identity.
-- Eben Alexander

Our Good oversees every situation. Make a mistake and the universe uses it as an opportunity to make us shine.
– Anne Sermons Gillis

Everything can be EZ or at least EZier. It’s hard to struggle!
-- Anne Sermons Gillis

Anne Art

Anne Art

Anne Art

Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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