The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 01/22/2013

Published: Tue, 01/22/13

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The EZ Secret Newsletter

Published on Tuesday Mornings
Volume 60: "Living EZosophy"
January 22, 2013: In This Issue...

Daily Breath Practice
Anne's Schedule
Anne Art

Anne Sermons Gillis
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The other night I awakened several times with the little finger on my left hand hurting like hell. I would leave off the pejorative, but when I just say “it hurt”, that cannot convey the all-pervasive pain I felt. I couldn’t believe such a small finger could take up almost all my attention.

I thought of my friend Judy and how she lived with crippled hands and suffered with arthritis. Then it hit me–this was arthritis. That may or may not be true, but that was my momentary reality. Whatever it was, the pain was debilitating.

Spiritual Healing

I have been a student of New Thought philosophy for years. New Thought was started by visionaries who believed in mind over matter, and when it comes to our bodies, it means we can heal them. Over the past 40 years I studied and used all kinds of mind/body healing techniques. One dramatic healing always boosts my faith.

Charles Fillmore, one of the co-founders of Unity (along with his wife Myrtle), had a withered leg that was 3½ inches shorter than the other leg. A skating accident broke his hip and left him with a withered leg. He had to walk with a cane or a leg brace. Inspired by his wife’s healing of tuberculosis, he was able to heal his leg to the point that walked with only a slight limp. He regrew his leg. This took years of mental, physical, and emotional work, but he pulled it off.

Now it was my time. I’ve done this many times. I’ve flattened a fever of 106 degrees and made an instant recovery. I’ve healed a sore throat on the spot, and I’m in the process of making a calcium spur dissolve. It’s more than half gone. I’ve also worked on healing an illness and seen no response. I mean, giving it all I’ve got, and I’ve seen no movement in my condition. But I always go the way of mental spiritual physical healing first.

If this was the onset of arthritis, I wanted to reverse it. I visualized, prayed, spoke silent affirmations, made healing sounds, did emotional clearing, breath work. I actually put my pinky in my mouth to warm it. I said over and over to my finger, “I love you. I love you. I love you”. I saw the disease flowing out and healing light flowing in. I worked intensively for over an hour and the pain disappeared. Several times throughout the day I checked my hands. I noticed that the fingers on my left hand were warmer that the ones on my right hand. Even today, two days later, my left hand is noticeably warmer than my right hand, and I am right-handed.

Healing Ourself

I know we can heal ourselves. The problem is that we can’t heal ourselves all the time. I’ve seen people who understand the metaphysical healing principles chide themselves because they cannot heal themselves, and they judge others who cannot heal themselves either. I have a thought I keep close. “All illness is a healing in progress.” I believe that our body and mind work together to restore health. When the body is beyond repair, a hidden aspect of our spirit takes over the healing process. The healing takes place somewhere in our hearts or spiritual nature. We might not be able to detect it, yet everything flows toward healing, but, and it’s a big but, sometimes death is the healing.

When it comes to health or illness, I don’t want to make having an illness wrong. I will to do whatever I can to heal my body and then let go, without being attached to the outcome. And if I don’t heal, I want to feel okay about whom I am, and I don’t want to reject my body, regardless of its status.

What do I do when I cannot heal an illness? I enjoy my time of rest. One day a friend called and asked me what I was doing. I responded, “I am enjoying a cold.” What”, she replied. “I went to a lot of trouble to create this cold, it’s not going anywhere, and so I’m relaxing and enjoying it.” I responded. No blame, no shame.

Think Health

It is important to think of ourselves as healthy. I have several little physical challenges, but I consider myself a healthy person. I notice when I consider myself old and rickety, I begin feeling weaker and my self-esteem plummets. Regardless of our physical situation, it’s best not to identify with the illness; identify with health. My finger provided an immediate challenge to work with, but the practice of health is an ongoing responsibility.

Daily Breath Practice

Click to purchase the Breath of Life recording in MP3 or CD formatHave you ever wanted to develop a daily breath practice? Pranayama is the art of breathing in a specific patterned breath that allows you to breath energy. The Breath of Life CD guides you through two breathing processes. One process is an effective morning wake up breath with self massage. It gets you going, energizes you, and helps you feel clarity and focus. You will be ready to go after just a few minutes of vigorous breathing. The other breath is a 10 minute detoxification and calming process. With a few added breathing tips, this CD allows you to develop an effective daily pranayama practice. Enhance your life force with conscious breathing.  You can purchase the Breath of Life recording in MP3 or CD format. Click for details.

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Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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Anne's Schedule

Image courtesy of

February 17
"Communicating Love",
Unity Church of Christianity,
Webster, Texas
11 AM

April 27
"Buddha at the Gaspump"
Interview by Rick Archer

We will post a link when it is online.

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Freedom–The Mandela quote below appears on the wall of the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, South Africa:

To Be Free is Not Merely to Cast Off One’s Chains, but to live in a way that enhances and respects the freedom of others.
-- Nelson Mandela

Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.
-- Karamchand Gandhi

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
– Albert Einstein

Anne Art

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