The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 12/25/2012

Published: Tue, 12/25/12

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The EZ Secret Newsletter
Volume 56: "Living EZosophy"
Published on Tuesday mornings

In This Issue...

Christmas Greetings
Anne Art
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Anne Sermons Gillis
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Christmas Greetings

Merry Christmas from Anne Sermons Gillis

I wrote this last year at holiday time, and I don’t think I can say it better this year.

Making holidays difficult and rushing through life are not on my to do list. Savoring the moments, the holiday songs, cooking a few luscious dishes – these are the things I love. Seeing friends, drinking in the beauty of each moment – how fun. Recently a New York Times article said that the people who are happiest are those who don’t think a lot – those who keep their minds still. I laughed when I heard that – the mystics have known for eons, but when the truth hits the New York Times, my insides tingle.

Holidays bring a certain delight, and yet life in its fullness is so amazing. Life itself is a permanent gift.  Kirtana’s song, Deathbed Song, states, “If I had the chance to do it over – I would open each day like a present. Tender toward whatever came my way, every texture, joy or pain, searing sun or healing rain… for I have seen the face of my beloved.”

Maybe the words I’ve written strike a chord and you feel uplifted as you contemplate the ever-present peace of the season, but maybe not. We all have times when life seems unapproachable and we feel like a round peg trying to fit into a square hole.

If you are feeling a little down and out during today, try picking one of the flowing items that feel right for you and do it:

  1. Call three great friends and wish them a happy holiday. Tell them how much the friendship means to you and that you remember the time that (shared event). This creates emotional intimacy - which is like an inner hug.

  2. Take a shower and change clothes. Wear something that’s comfortable, clean, and that you enjoy wearing.  It will change your mood.

  3. Go for a brisk walk, and if you meet someone on your walk, speak to them. One day I walked in a park and passed out flyers for an upcoming event. It was awesome to connect. I had one man say, “Do you have time to listen to this poem I’ve just written.”  And I did. I ended up talking with several people and two of them actually came to the event.  I ran into several of the same people in other parts of town – on more than one occasion. We are so connected. When we just stop and make those connections a little more real, we can feel the magic.

  4. Have a tea ceremony. Make yourself a cup of hot tea – calming tea if you have it. Make it in a cup you really like. Sip your tea. Be fully aware of each sip, the feel on your tongue, the taste, and the heat. I’ve created ceremonies for myself and gone all out. Once I did a self blessing and self marriage ceremony. I dressed in white lace and went into nature and pledged me to me, along with blessing myself. Ceremony takes the ordinary and brings it to life. Life really needs no help, but I think we can use a little nudge so as to open our attention.

Here’s wishing you a happy day today. Merry Christmas, if you are a Christian, and Merry Today, if you are not celebrating a specific holiday. Regardless of the value today or any day holds for you, we always have the ability to enjoy more and suffer less. Every day is the day to let go of our self-constructed need for difficulties. Ego Driven Suffering is not honorable, as we often make it out to be. I spoke with a young man the other day who told me why he hates the holidays – he had a detailed story. Later I heard him speaking to someone and he said almost the same words to the current listener. There was nothing new or fresh about his moment. He was not at work, suffering the things he was complaining about; he was at a party with friends and family. I’m not poking at his behavior to be one up on him, but it is easy to see my own behavior when it’s reflected through another

Let’s be conscious and not suffer over things that are not truly difficult. It makes life so much easier. And remember the eight word miracle mantra, “Everything can be E-Z or at least E-Zier.”

Anne Art

Merry Christmas from Anne Sermons Gillis

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More Anne Art

Merry Christmas from Anne Sermons Gillis

Anne's Schedule

February 17
“Communicating Love",
Unity Church of Christianity,
Webster, Texas
11 AM

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The only way out of ignorance and out of this dark night of the soul is to be aware of your own being, aware of your own awareness. In that moment when you are aware of your own awareness, everything stops. Time stops. Suddenly you are beyond time and beyond space, and a door opens which makes you part of the whole.
– Rajneesh/Osho

The terrible headlines we read every day are graffiti on the wall of human consciousness.
Alicia Leslie

Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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