The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 01/01/2013

Published: Tue, 01/01/13

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The EZ Secret Newsletter
Volume 57: "Living EZosophy"
Published on Tuesday mornings

In This Issue...   

No Goals, No Promises, No Plans
JUST ONE LOOK Worldwide Even
Michael Mish's Version of Auld Lang Syne
The Gratitude Movie
Anne's Unity/Webster Message
Anne's Schedule
Pity Party Cancelled
Health Tip: Color Therapy
Anne Art

Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information

Phone: 281-419-1775

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Happy New Year Everyone!

No Goals, No Promises, No Plans


This title might startle you if you are on the road to success. Everyone knows that getting ahead requires perseverance and planning. Business bangs into our heads the ideas of goal setting. Yet, there are other matters of the soul and heart that require more of an un-doing than doing. While others plan for the New Year, maybe you prefer not being on the goal standard. Make your cause a BE cause. Don't be a goal digger. Being here now is the greatest show on earth. Even though goals serve their purpose, it is possible to live in an arena that doesn't require getting things accomplished in order to be okay. The okayness appears first, then the doing follows from that space. When our doing flows from a natural inner knowing, life flows easily and doesn't require the traditional methods to bring forth accomplishment. I refer to this as EZosophy--the art of easy living. When we experience ourselves directly, as we are, then regardless of whether the toast burns or our toe is broken, we come from the support of life rather than from the interference of the mind.

So here's the plan, stop making plans aimed at fixing yourself or bettering yourself. Make plans to be present, to listen, to relax, to stop pushing, and to allow things to be just as they are. This is the no-plan plan. I don't mean sit in a heap and do nothing. I simply mean stop seeking betterment and trying to fix yourself and your life. Struggle is caused by our making the way things are not okay. We can do things without struggle, make a to do list that supports us rather than strangles us, and give up the never ending shout of the ego that we are not enough and we don't do enough.

An "Ole Geezer"

Many of you know that my friend Judy died recently. I loved her and her passing was sudden. I used to joke that she was my one disciple. It was true that I was a teacher for her, but as another friend mentioned, the teacher learns more than the student. I met Judy during a series of lectures I gave on relationships. She told me that she was excited about attending the class. Her husband, who's now deceased, said, "Oh, that'' great, that will be really good for us." "Us," Judy replied? "You can't go." And he didn't. She came to listen, but more importantly she wanted me to be her friend. I didn't know this at the time, but her friend Shirley told me, "I remember when she met you. She told me she wanted you as a friend. I remember when she was courting you." Judy never told me that she picked me out. She told me often I was the most important person she met in her life. "I don't know what would have happened to me if I had not met you." I would kid with her by saying I was going to take excellent care of her because it is rare to get that kind of support and acknowledgment. You can see why I loved her! She was genuine; she thought I was an answer to prayer. If I blundered, she acted like Melanie Wilkes (from Gone With the Wind). She overlooked it or lifted me up. She would never think badly of me.

The Passion/Purpose Trap

One of Judy's concerns was that she never found her purpose or lived her passion. I told her all that hogwash tends to lead to longing. "Passion, purpose - watch that; it can be a real trap. Obviously that's not happening. Give up the longing, the regret. You are enough," I told her, "and your gift is not giving a product or legacy of words; you are the gift. Your life is the work. You don't need a plan to be who you are. Who you are touches so many." She was okay with that idea. She began to relax and appreciate that her life did have value. Of course, I supported this truth many times over the ten plus years we were friends, but as the years passed, she believed it more and more. She stopped seeking to a better person and evolved as she accepted herself as she was.

I wish she could have been at her memorial service. The room was packed. We even had to add chairs. Person after person addressed the crowd, recalling how much she meant to them. Shirley, her friend, stood to speak. "I heard Judy talk about Anne all the time -- Anne, Anne, Anne, but I want to say that all Anne was to Judy, Judy was to me. She was my teacher, my guide, my dear friend." And she was not the only one who considered her their mentor. Judy was the compassionate sage that held everyone's hand.

When I think about plans and goals and feel any urgency, emergency, or a pull to perform, I think of Judy. She didn't work for many years due to crippling arthritis and chronic pain - life was on her schedule. She might wear her pajamas all day. She called herself a geezer, and we laughed about what we called "geezering." "What you been doing today?" "Oh, just geezering."

Life is paradoxical and setting goals may be just what you need, but if you push yourself, if you are always too scheduled, if you are missing the sweetness -- you may just need to geezer a little more this year. You may need to un-do more than you do and get off the goal standard. When you get rushed, just put too much on your plate, or indulge in the idea that you are worthless -- if you luxuriate in guilt, it is high time to call off the drama-based self indictment and let yourself off the hook. Think of Judy -- she learned to effortlessly lean into life and so can you. You can be a geezer whether you are young or old --“ no one expects anything from an "ole (or young) geezer". Happy geezering, and Happy New Year.

JUST ONE LOOK Worldwide Event

Click to learn more about the JUST ONE LOOK Worldwide Event on Jan. 13, 2013

John Sherman's work is most important. I consider him a mentor and a brother. He, along with his wife Carla, conduct webinars, publish literature, and hold retreats. Their project, Just One Look, culminates Jan. 13. Read about his work and what you can easily do on Jan. 13 to take a look at yourself.

I'm definitely planning to participate and I strongly encourage you to consider doing so. I believe you'll be glad you did.

Sunday, January 13 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (California Time) UTC/GMT -8 (CST 1 PM to 2 PM)

All over the world, everyone who has tried the looking will stop whatever they are doing for just a moment and look at themselves.

The meeting will be broadcast live on their YouTube channel.

Sign up to attend the event and receive updates about the Just One Look project. It's open to all and is Free of charge.

For more information, please email or call the RiverGanga Foundation at +1 (805) 649-1600.

Michael Mish's Version of Auld Lang Syne

Michael Mish Music

Listen to Michael Mish's version of Auld Lang Syne and see why it was #2 on the US's national mp3 charts for 2 weeks in 2000. It's beautiful. After the song comes the dessert – be sure to listen all the way through. Thanks, Michael, for letting us share this: You might remember that Michael's music from the movie Conversations for God. It is awesome. Check it out. Used with permission.

The Gratitude Movie

Open your heart to the gift of life. This video is life affirming and heart opening.

Click to watch The Gratitude Movie
Click the graphic to watch the movie

Anne's Unity/Webster Message

Anne Sermons Gillis speaks at Unity in Webster, TX on "Jesus Christ in Me." Check out this YouTube audio.

Anne Sermons Gillis speaks at Unity in Webster, TX on “Jesus Christ in Me”

Products for Easier Living

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Anne's Schedule

Image courtesy of

February 17
"Communicating Love",
Unity Church of Christianity,
Webster, Texas
11 AM

April 27
"Buddha at the Gaspump"
Interview by Rick Archer

We will post a link when it is online.

Schedule Anne for Your Meeting

If you would like Anne to speak to your group or organization, you may reach her at 281-419-1775 or contact Anne by email. Anne is also available for your network marketing telephone conferences.

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Contact Anne by email or click here to view information on her One Year Seminar.

Pity Party Cancelled

The 9th Annual Pity Party has been cancelled due to internal committee conflicts. This is our second notice to alert you of the changes. You are advised to suck it up until next year and enjoy your life. All pitying is suspended until arrangements are made for the proper venue and timing. Timing is everything, and your time will come. We will inform you when it is your time. You are further instructed to cease all griping, worry, and judgments. No bitchcraft is allowed on the premises.

Just a moment. We are receiving a transmission from headquarters. I can't believe it! What a transmission. "In lieu of this year's pity party, your ship has been approved and NOW is your time. So look in the harbor because your ship has come in. Until further notice, celebrate everything."


Be willing to go out on a limb. If that's where life takes you, then it's the safest place to be.
-- Sarah Young

You will be on top again. It just might not be the same mountain.
-- Anne Sermons Gillis

Most people live down to our lowest expectations and up to our higher expectations. The way we see people encourages them up or down The way we see others is a result of our self-esteem, not a result of their behavior.
-- Anne Sermons Gillis

Health Tip: Color Therapy

Color affects us. The colors we wear, the colors on our wall, and the colors that surround us - our bodies react. You can make a color flashlight by covering the end of your flashlight with a colored film and shining it where you want on your body or meditate on the color. Perhaps you could contemplate a color on your computer screen using Paint to make your color focal point.

Here's an interesting article on color and how it affects children as they grow, along with colors for living and learning.

Also check out this article on color psychology:

How about spirituality and color?

Anne Art

Anne Art

Anne Art

Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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