The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 01/29/2013

Published: Tue, 01/29/13

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The EZ Secret Newsletter

Published on Tuesday Mornings
Living EZosophy: Volume 61, January 29, 2013
In This Issue...

Shifting From Me-ness to We-ness
Gonna Take Us All
Jeff Who Lives At Home: Movie Recommendation
Anne's Schedule
I Am A Coconut Nut
Anne Art

Anne Sermons Gillis
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Shifting From Me-ness to We-ness

For years I loved to help out, and, I admit, helping out can be a good thing, but often it can show the inability to have a personal life or it arises from not being able to say, "No." At some point, I stopped that kind of helping. I'd traveled the world to make a difference and maybe I helped, but much of what I was doing was coming from the wrong place. I stopped traveling and started thinking about finances and retirement. It was time to stop playing world hero and to start taking care of business. I moved from the romantic to the practical. I needed that. I looked deep inside to discover how to live on a day-to-day basis. What lifestyle would support me? Could I have more freedom and pay my bills? I eventually closed down my ministry in Memphis and moved to Texas.

Even though the story is not completed by any measure, there is good news to report. I experience more and more freedom and I can pay my bills!

As for a better way of giving back, life is a good teacher. It moved me into a new way of helping. No longer was helping a contrived activity; it was sharing. Rather than being depleted, I was energized through helping.

Service as Cooperation

There is a new paradigm arising in the area of service. It consists of people who have a collective longing for a higher good. We are silently called, and we move together as a force of transformation. Through this calling, there's a mutual action of giving and receiving from peers, not an exchange between haves and have-nots. As an indigenous elder put it, "If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."

People are equals. I give to others, and I receive from others. Our wisdom, knowledge, and creativity create a communal web of well-being and vitality. We sense that we are not alone, and we stand with countless unnamed others in the uplifting of the human species. The group operates from compassion, community, patience, tolerance, and generosity. We are a powerful force aligned with this amazing revelation of energy, insight, and growth.

As a human species we are not done. The animal kingdom, the minerals, the water – none of it is a done deal. It is moving, unfolding; and not only do we sense it, we are smack dab in the middle of it. Doubt if you must, but who can forever fight against life's current? We are called by something bigger than our egos toward this higher good. No one is left out. All are called.

In a world that touts the idea that we are alone and have to keep one hand on that bootstrap to keep it from falling, it is imperative that we look beyond the appearance of individualism and into the heart of the ever-nurturing, sustaining power of the wholeness and oneness of life.

Gonna Take Us All

Jon Fromer, a musician and TV producer, made a tremendous contribution to our working together for an advanced humanity. Jon passed away on January 9 (Read More). His work is his legacy, and his song, Gonna Take Us All, pulls us toward oneness. Thank you, Jon, for your life’s contribution.

Click to hear the song Gonna Take Us All


By Anita "Jo" Lenhart of
The BodhiVoice© Connection

Grief descends at dusk, whispering of loneliness. I will not listen.

Tucks itself into the chest, settles down to smother. I will not notice.

Anita "Jo " Lenhart of

Blankets all 'til the lungs cannot move and the heart cannot feel. I will mistake this for life as usual.

But by the Grace of God, I remember to Breathe.

I feed the rain of tears with my sternum's rise and fall and ride the storm of feelings until all is swept away with breath.

Weeping shall endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning.

Jeff Who Lives At Home:
Movie Recommendation

Click here to learn more about the movie, Jeff Who Lives At Home
Click here to learn more about the movie
Jeff Who Lives At Home

I love the idea that all events have meaning and life fits together in a significant, mystical way. Last year my step daughter came to Houston. Her partner was motorcycle racing and we made plans to see them. It was a coincidence that his race was on the same side of town where I had my dentist appointment. Then her partner broke his foot and had to go to the doctor. The plans changed a little but we were still only blocks from their doctor's office and we stopped to visit. If this was a small town, that would no big deal, but this was 56 miles away from when we live.

This year she’s returning and we are going to pick her up. Weird. We have to be very near where’s she’s staying. I’ll be speaking on that side of town. After I speak we’ll just cruise on over and pick her up. So this has happened not just one time, but two years in a row.

Synchronicity Strikes Again

The plot thickens. We are taking care of our friend’s pets while they are out of the country. They have two chickens, two miniature donkeys, two donkeys, two horses, five dogs, and one cat. I told my step daughter she could help us feed the animals and she got excited. “Oh, I love donkeys. I’ve really been wanting a miniature donkey lately.” I’ve never even met anyone who wanted a miniature donkey and here we are taking care of donkeys just at the time she comes to visit us.

If you are into synchronicity, you’ll want to see Jeff Who Lives At Home. The movie starts out slow, with a guy who seems like a worthless pothead, and concludes by tying up every loose end in the show, weaving together every event, whether tragic or comedic, and delivering a heart warming conclusion that brought me to tears. This movie points to the idea that we are given signs every day and that today is the most important day in the history of the world.

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Editor: Charles Heineke of TheDoorway

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February 17
"Communicating Love",
Unity Church of Christianity,
Webster, Texas
11 AM

April 27
"Buddha at the Gaspump"
Interview by Rick Archer

We will post a link when it is online.

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I Am A Coconut Nut

I may be the biggest coconut fan in the world. I keep a jar in my kitchen and one in my bathroom. A few weeks ago I recommended using coconut oil in your hair. Here are a few more uses I’ve had for coconut oil.

Coconut Medicine

My friend Tony is a sun worshiper. He says we absolutely need vitamin D, that the body does not manufacture it unless we get in the sun, and the D we take in tablet form or eat is not the best way to get our D vitamins. Yesterday I went out in the sun, in my bathing suit, for the prescribed twenty minutes. It was warm enough--maybe 72° F. When I came in after my sun stint, my chest and the upper part of my arms were itching and red. I was sunburned. Just for a try, I slathered some coconut oil on the affected area. Within half an hour all the pink disappeared. Amazing. Today I put on my bathing suit and spent 30 minutes working in the backyard. No burns. The weather was spectacular. Hopefully my bones are loving this, and I admit that I am loving it too. I love nature and the warm weather. It’s called the South.

Coconut Makeup Remover

In addition to being a sunburn salve, I’ve found that coconut oil makes a great natural mascara remover. No question, I am a coconut nut.

Coconut Recipe

Recently I concocted a white sauce using coconut oil instead of butter. I heated 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with 1 teaspoon of Bob’s Red Mill Guar Gum in an iron skillet until the guar gum dissolved, then added one cup of coconut milk and about a tablespoon of organic “Better Than Bouillon Vegetable Base.” Next I added 2 cups of fresh sliced mushrooms and ½ cup of cubed tofu. It was a winner. You can leave out the tofu and use it as a sauce for steamed asparagus. I used the tofu version as an entree over steamed spaghetti squash.


Love’s the only house for all the pain in the world..
-- Tom Douglas

You gotta make your own kind of music, sing your own special music, even if nobody else sings along..
-- Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil

Anne Art

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Click to see this Anne Art larger