The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 02/05/2013

Published: Tue, 02/05/13

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The EZ Secret Newsletter

Published on Tuesday Mornings
Living EZosophy: Volume 62, February 5, 2013

In This Issue:
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
Goodwill Generator Anne's Services
Life's Résumé Anne's Schedule
Have You Danced Today? >> NEW: Ask Annie G
Health Tip: Movement Quotes
Dear Abby Quotes Anne Art

Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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Goodwill Generator

(Note: The following affirmative statement is meant as a seed to be planted in our minds. May it sprout, grow, and eventually blossom into more and more good.)

Deep within me resides a Goodwill Generator. This generator works 24 hours a day for the good in my life. The generator offers Good On Demand (G-O-D). My awareness of my G-O-D allows good to penetrate my world. Regardless of what I say or do, the G-O-D is working in my life. It is better for me to focus on my G-O-D than to worry about lack and negative future outcomes. I can either drag my problems around or I can hand them over to G-O-D. Not all things are good, but good comes from all, and as I surrender all, my life is renewed. Good is my advocate. The dynamic flow within constantly creates and manifests my highest good. I can relax, knowing that the all-sufficiency is abundantly supporting my life and my affairs. I focus my mind on my heart center. My heart is a light-filled miracle factory of abundantly good activity. I focus on that light as it penetrates my mind, body, and life. Due to a radical shift in perception, I am free to experience the dynamic flow of good in my life. So be it.

Life's Résumé

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Click image for a larger view.

Have You Danced Today?

By Anita "Jo" Lenhart of
The BodhiVoice© Connection

[Note: I met Jo when I was the minister at Connection Church in Memphis. She thought that we were a little weird, but her attraction to the open and fun-loving spirit at Connection kept her coming back. She eventually served as our board president. Jo is one of the most talented women I've ever met. She can sing, dance, drum, write, direct, and produce. Jo is the true embodiment of creative expression. From the mental to the physical, her dedication to life is immeasurable.
– Anne]

Click to learn more about Anita "Jo" Lenhart at, shine, for thy Light has come! Let every cell dance, vibrate, and sing! The dance starts with Breath! When stuck in traffic, in a line at the store, in the waiting room, wherever – celebrate! It's a chance to do Conscious Breathing! Breathe and feel the internal dance of Joy in the million, trillion cells! Each one is a universe and, if fed with breath, they will dance for you and with you. There is no such thing as "wasted time," when you dance with the Spirit of Breath within you. (A simple pranayama: 6 counts in through the nose, hold 4, exhale 8 through the mouth. Be gentle.)

Health Tip: Movement

When some people hear the word exercise, their eyes glaze over. People are busy; they're in a hurry. They know exercise is something they should do, but most people don't like to exercise.

I like to reframe the idea of exercise to movement. When we move more, we are more flexible and healthier. Repetitive movement is not natural to our bodies. Exercise seems mechanistic – like trying to force my body into health. I try many different forms of movement as I go through the day.

It's vital to your health to keep moving. Here are some easy things you can do to incorporate movement naturally into your daily life:

  • When your wash dishes, don't stand in one place. Move around and sway your body.
  • Stand up every 15 minutes. Some companies are now putting in standing desks, so their employees don't have to sit all day.
  • Stand and gyrate your body when watching TV.
  • Massage your hands while sitting down watching a movie or TV.
  • While driving, move around when you are stopped at an intersection.
  • At the store, use a hand basket instead of a cart, if you don't need a lot of things. You will use more muscles.
  • Take the stairs whenever you can.
  • Park your car further away from your destination.
  • Invite a friend for a walk rather than to lunch.

Try the Hand Jive for some movement, fun, and coordination training. I know it is repetitive movement, but it's a blast. Then teach it to your friends. Play together. When's the last time you played. When's the last time you did any of the five things you love to do the most? Just asking!

Dear Abby Quotes

On January 16, 2013, the first Dear Abby columnist, Pauline Phillips, commonly known as Abigail Van Buren, passed away. Her work has been carried on by her daughter, Jeanne Phillips, who is also known as Abigail Van Buren.

Abby's advice helped a generation to keep their lives in perspective. Enjoy these pearls of wisdom from her.

A church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.

Loneliness is the ultimate poverty.

True, a little learning is a dangerous thing, but it still beats total ignorance.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who walk into a room and say, "There you are" and those who say, "Here I am."

If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaires.

The less you talk, the more you're listened to.

A little eye candy to brighten your day
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Editor: Charles David Heineke of TheDoorway

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Anne's Services

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Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Contact Anne by email or click here to view information on her One Year Seminar.

Schedule Anne for Your Meeting

If you would like Anne to speak to your group or organization, you may reach her at 281-419-1775 or contact Anne by email. Anne is also available for your network marketing telephone conferences.

Anne's Schedule

Click to Schedule Anne

February 17
"Communicating Love",
Unity Church of Christianity,
Webster, Texas
11 AM

April 27
"Buddha at the Gaspump"
Interview by Rick Archer

We will post a link when it is online.

Ask Annie G

[Note: As I was reading Abby's obituary, I thought, "I'd like to write an advice and answer column." The same day I received an e-mail from my friend, who's also a newsletter reader, with a question. I thought "Why not write that column in my newsletter?" In the 1980's my friends called me "Annie G." I always liked that name, so I'm bringing it back. This following was written in response to the "I Am a Coconut Nut" piece in the 1/29/2013 newsletter.]

Dear Annie G,

Thanks for the information about coconut oil. I love it, but in the cold weather it is hard. How do you handle it when it's hard? Any suggestions? I just haven't been using it in the winter. When it's warm, I put it on my skin, in my hair, cook with it. It is great.

Liah in Airzona


Great question. I used to be the same way. I practically stopped using my coconut oil in the winter. One day I discovered when I put a little hard dollop in my hands and rubbed my hands together, it's like magic -- the oil melts and is perfect for putting on my body and hair. If it's too hard to get out with my finger, I use the flat end of my toothbrush scoop it out. I then use it on my hair and on my skin that way. As far as in cooking, when it's hard, I heat it in a little pan and pour the needed amount in a measuring cup.


NOTE: Send your questions on life, health, food, spirituality, and relationships to Annie G.


It's one thing to feel you are on the right path, but another to think yours is the only path.
-- Paulo Coelho

Stand on your tiptoes at the edge of each moment. Be steady. Stay present. This is life.
-- Anne Sermons Gillis

Give up to grace. The ocean takes care of each wave 'til it gets to shore.
– Rumi

Anne Art

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