The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, from Anne Sermons Gillis, 03/12/2013

Published: Tue, 03/12/13

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Living EZosophy: Volume 67, March 12, 2013
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Law of Attraction Story
Anne's Services
Health Tip: Grains Schedule Anne
Quotes Anne's Schedule
Decompression Ask Annie G
>> NEW: Video Bits of Wisdom Anne Art
What is EZosophy?
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Law of Attraction Story

I had a near death experience when I was around four years old. It's hard to remember the details, but the experience unlocked something. From that point on I was curious about cosmology and ontology. I didn’t know those big words back then; all I knew was that I was probing into things that most people my age never thought about. I would look at the air and try to see molecules. I would sit in a tree and observe life.

I had grand dreams of making a difference. I wanted to change the world. When I was a junior in high school, as a part of a learning symposium, I wrote a paper on U.S. Latin American affairs and studied U.S. Latin relations. Those were the requirements for becoming a church delegate in a special conference for young adults. The conference was designed to help us understand government and to expose us to different cultures.

There were about 50 kids from around the country who made this special journey. My friend, Claudette Batts, and I caught the train from Rocky Mount, NC and headed north. We visited Washington, D.C. and New York City. In Washington we met with our Congressman and with our Senator’s aide. We toured the congressional and senatorial buildings and even had lunch in the congressional dining room. I looked around and tried to imagine who those important people might be. In New York City we met with U.N. officials and studied the process of world cooperation in government. This experience was a defining moment in my life.

Seeds of Ambition

The seeds of ambition were nurtured over the years through my participation in politics as a teen Democrat. My father was a member of the N.C. House of Representatives, so I was as a page when I was only 13. I campaigned for zero population growth in my early 20's. I started attending national and international gatherings for planetary healing.

In the early 1990’s I was one of the hosts of a small international event held in rural Texas. We decided to take a break from the business and I put together a spur of the moment talent show featuring conference participants. I was the master of ceremonies. Due to some intense mystical occurrence, I entered an altered state of consciousness. It was the realm of divine comedy. The show was magical; the boundaries and borders melted between participants, and we became a global family. The experience did not end at the close of the show. All night I lay awake, filled with waves of energy. It was ecstasy and humor rolled together. It was the light of comedy. It seemed like comedy heaven. It was obvious to me the place humor had in life. Humor isn’t a side note in life; it is an integral part of the symphony.

I was flying high, and in my zeal, I started a campaign to have a court jester type person in the U.S. House of Representatives. In my altered state, which lasted a few days, it seemed like a terrific idea. I wanted to perform in a comedic capacity for the President in a joint session of the Senate and the House. I vividly imaged that occurring. Congress would be in session, the air would be tense, and I could step in and dissolve the seriousness. When I came off my visionary mountain, I dropped the idea. Some things that seem to make sense when I am on a spiritual high, seem ridiculous when I re-enter the ordinary world.

A Manifestation

The next year I was working on a meeting to celebrate "The Year of the Indigenous" at the United Nations. It took place in NYC. I was instrumental in getting the funding for an ad hoc media center for the indigenous who were arriving from around the world. There I met a Senator’s wife who invited me to a conference in The Philippines. It was to take place in the congress building in Quezon City. I remember the excitement as I arrived. I wore a striking blue polka dot dress. The weather, the people – all so different and beautiful. I felt like a star. I even was able to visit to a friend I had met at the Texas conference the year before. There was a parallel conference to the “Indigenous in Youth for a Sustainable Planet” conference which included theater people from around the world. It was a cultural conference.

They put together a show to be held in the congress building. I was hanging around watching them practice when the group leader asked me if I would represent the indigenous of North America and do a performance. I responded affirmatively, but explained that it would be an offense for me to represent the indigenous, but I would do something appropriate to honor the American indigenous. I gave a dramatic depiction of how the early settlers depended on the indigenous for survival and how later we met them with a sword, decimating their people, lands, and culture. I asked for forgiveness and begged again that they show us the way to a sustainable planet. Somehow I wasn’t afraid; I was just out there – way out there.

There were thousands of people in the audience, including diplomats, ambassadors, cabinet members, the heads of the military, indigenous datas (a data is an indigenous leader), the members of the House and Senate and the President. One of the datas I'd met in NYC had just been elected the first indigenous, and we met on several occasions during my stay. He was instrumental in helping me set up relations for a group I was working with. The connections, the synchronicity – they were all off the charts.

My appearance in Congress as a court jester was not exactly as I had pictured it, but the key ingredients of my vision were there: performing in the Congress, a joint session, and a Presidential attendee. For me it was a powerful demonstration of the mind and heart in unison to create and manifest a dream. It seems that in wanting to make a difference, I was the one who benefited the most. This was one of many extraordinary experiences that have taken me from pillar to post of life’s adventure.

Just to add to the story, my friend, who had international prominence, told me I needed some impressive pictures and news stories in my PR kit. She had her picture on the front page of The Sun, a tabloid in England. I thought, “Why can’t I have my picture on the front page of an international newspaper?” This little adventure birthed a picture with the President, the international delegates (and you could really see me) on the front page of all the major newspapers in the Philippines. So goes my “Law of Attraction” story. We called it manifesting in those days, not the LOA, but thinking, creating, allowing, and receiving were the same then as they are now.

My take on attracting is different now. I see the world in such a different, nonfragmented way. Getting the world to line up to what my personality wants takes me away from the rare beauty of the present. I use the law of attraction sometimes, but my focus is more on enjoying what is than trying to bring what is not into my life. There’s not a right or wrong way to do life, but I think there’s a maturation that leads us away from things and events and toward the unspoiled, uninterrupted, pristine reality of life. Life is a precious, always present, gift that requires seeing beyond the surface and into the depths.

  Health Tip: Grains

This is not the most popular idea, but I’m going to share it because I believe it to be true. Grains are not good for humans. I eat them from time to time, but all in all, I don’t think our digestive systems are set up to properly digest grains. I’m not just talking about white rice and white flour. I’m saying even brown rice and whole grain bread are not that compatible with the human body.

I have a friend whom I consider a health genius. He’s been telling me for years that grains are not that good for humans. It’s taken me five years to come around to his way of thinking. I was adamantly opposed to the idea when he brought it up. Once I went on a detox program and I left all grains out of my diet. I was amazed how easily I dropped five pounds and felt terrific. When I looked up grains to see if anyone else agreed, I came up with this piece: How Grains are Killing You Slowly (

You can eat what you want, when you want, but I like to be informed about what I’m choosing to eat, and when I can eat the things that most support my aliveness.

Have an apple, have a pear,
Eat tomatoes anywhere.
Snack on walnuts, graze on greens,
Forget the grains and eat those beans.
You may find when grains are few,
Your health is better: that's my view.


"There are two ways of spreading light ... To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
-- Edith Wharton

"If you're not impatient, you don't have to be patient."
– Bentinho Massaro

"Your mind will brown nose you. It will apply pride where humility would fit best. Once you get in that superior position, it attacks and brings you down. Nothing you do is right or enough. Without vigilance, a sense of humor, and deep resolution, you will be condemned to this internal flip-flopping."
– Anne Sermons Gillis


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Click the image to read the rest of the article.

My sister Lois is truly amazing. She lives in a unique Alice in Wonderland world. Her creativity is off the charts. She is my go to person when I can’t think of an ending for an article. We talk frequently, and from time to time she sends little notes of inspiration.

This note was written on 4-19-2004. I ran across it today in my mementos drawer. Obviously I had shared that I was depressed. I really don’t remember it, but I’m glad her little note memorializes my state of dis-union.

  NEW: Video Bits of Wisdom

A while back I recorded a series of 21 short inspirational videos on a wide range of topics. Most of them are under 2 minutes. I'll be spotlighting a different Video Bit each week in this space, with a link to it below this message. When you go to that page, click the Play button to start the video.

This Week: "Take a Joy Break"
Click Here for This Week's Video Bit

Click to visit Anne's Video Bits page
Click the graphic above to see all of the Video Bits.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
What is EZosophy?
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  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar.

  Schedule Anne

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Click to Schedule Anne

  Anne's Schedule

April 27, 2013
"Buddha at the Gaspump"
Interview by Rick Archer

We will post a link when it's online.

May 26, 2013
"Celebrating Life"
11:00 AM
Unity of Webster, Texas

  Ask Annie G

Dear Annie G,

How do you respond when someone attacks you? More specifically, I was at the hospital looking at my phone when one of the medical personnel yelled at me, “You aren’t listening to me.” I didn’t even know she was talking to me. It took me by surprise. What would be a good way to handle that kind of situation?

Corrie, Nacogdoches, TX

Dear Corrie,

I am sorry to hear of your vituperous encounter. It is always disconcerting, even startling, when someone barks at us. Yelling is anger in action. Emotions are catching, and when someone yells at you, it’s easy to catch on fire.

The first line of action for any kind of emotional assault is to take a deep breath and exhale. The best response I’ve come up with in volatile situations is to ask a question, such as “Were you talking to me?” and when they answer, I would say, “I didn’t realize it. I was engrossed in reading something.” It’s important to not match their energy, regardless of how you say what you say.

Drop the Drama

Drama drags you down. Don’t make their drama linger in your life. I would get away from them as soon as possible and center myself. Don’t try to string together angry, righteous stories in your mind of how much a victim you are and what a bad person they are. That would be a continuation of their drama. Can you forgive them? If you can drop the story and get the fiery emotions out of your body, then you won’t contribute to your stress levels, because you have handled it when it occurred.

Some Practical Examples

There are many ways to handle this situation. You can set a boundary. You respond in a calm voice, “I didn’t know you were talking to me. I am not five years old. You are not my mother. Don’t talk to me like that. Now what were you saying?”

You can listen to the person until they run out of steam. Look them directly in the eye as they speak. Be sure your body language is upright, not recoiled in a defense position.

Another time when someone barked at me, I looked in her face and spoke the highest truth I could think of in that moment, “Ouch, that hurt.” She stopped abruptly, looked at me, and said, “I am so sorry.” It was a gamble, but that was the first response that popped into my mind.

I was in a relationship which was more about practicality than anything else. My partner yelled at me one time and said some very harsh things. I retreated to my office and went into a meditation. I asked my inner voice what I needed to do. I expected to hear an upbeat answer about forgiveness or gentleness, but I heard a forceful reply. “Don’t put up with this shit.” I walked downstairs and read him the riot act. “This kind of treatment does not work for me. Don’t ever do that again.” That night I had a vivid dream that directed me to break up with this man. Our time was over. We had an amicable breakup, and I’ve never looked back.

The Primary Principle

Compassion is always called for, but sometimes it takes a while to reach compassion. The rule of thumb is to take care of your feelings first, and then you are in a better position all the way around. Once you soothe your feelings, it is easier to have compassion for the other person. If you find yourself not handling an encounter well, drop your self-judgment and resolve to handle it differently the next time.

The more immersed in the infinite love of being we are, the easier it is to give compassion. When we are devoid of love, benevolence takes a back seat, and we tend to become re-actors rather than loving people.

Ultimately there is no one way to handle any situation in life. The more in touch we are with our inner guidance, the easier it is to spontaneously react to situations as they come up.

Make it Easy,


NOTE: Send your questions on life, health, food, spirituality, and relationships to Annie G.

  Anne Art

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Editor: Charles David Heineke of TheDoorway and TheDoorwayBlog

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