Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, for 07/16/2013

Published: Tue, 07/16/13

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The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy: Volume 85, July 16, 2013
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
Left Column: Right Column:
A Note From Anne Anne's Services
What I've Learned
Schedule Anne
Health Tip: Nasal & Sinus Congestion Anne's Schedule
Anne's Books Ask Annie G
Quotes Anne Art
Video Bits of Wisdom
What is EZosophy?
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

Anne's Websites:

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

The heat has abated a little in Texas and I’m headed for the National Theosophical Society's National Conference on Friday, July 19, 2013. It looks like you can watch free online this year at This is my second year attending and I’m expecting to have a super time. It was hot last year in Illinois, but few places rival the slime of Houston, Texas sweat and humidity. We’re number one. The good news is that it’s supposed to keep your skin looking younger. I don’t look a day over 64. Only three months to that magical age of 65. Since I rarely use allopathic medicine, it won’t be the boon for me that it is for others. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Have a great week and rely heavily on the simplicity of the Universe. Don’t let “It’s complicated” be your motto. Don’t look for betrayal, hold grudges, or expect to have a hard day today. Give up those heart attacks. Everything can be easier. Count on it.


  What I've Learned

We talk ourselves in and out of a good mood. Our thoughts strike our hearts like daggers and our momentary peace shatters.

I've spent my whole life picking up shattered peaces. At some point I wondered what was below the suffering. This marked the genesis of my spiritual pilgrimage. The journey led me around the worlds - the inner and outer worlds.

Here are a few things I've learned from this 50 year journey:

  1. We can't do it alone. We have to let others in at least part of the time. They heal parts that are too damaged to deal with on our own. They are like doctors for our souls. Who would want to perform open heart surgery on themselves?

  2. For most of the healing journey, though, we're on our own. Even if we are sick and go to the doctor, we don't live at the doctor's office. We go home and do the work it takes to get well.

  3. Everything we need in our hearts is instantly available. It helps to remember that the lies promised by the world of spiritual and material consumerism are really lies. They cannot deliver what they promise. We will not be able to buy better lives by making ourselves better people, whether it be by making ourselves perform spiritual austerities, improving our shapes, or by becoming billionaires.

  4. There are two levels of life - one is the infinite, transcendent part and the other is the imminent, right here, in the body, level of living. Our entire lives will be about balancing these two parts. We can flip from one level to the other in moments. When we are at the higher level, our human lives look almost comedic. When we operate in our humanity, the cosmic level seems out of reach and even lofty. Our mission is to make the levels work together simultaneously.

  5. Some people believe there is a cosmic destiny. Each person has a special and unique talent to give to the world and until you find this purpose and act on it, your life will be empty. If you are doing what you feel like is your life's purpose and you are fulfilled, then great. If you do not know what your destiny is, then make one up. Obviously it is ridiculous to go about pining about not being able to find out what you are about and languishing about not being able to contribute that gift. I think I've done what I was supposed to do in my life, but I made it up as I went along. Looking back, it does seem like destiny, but I entered each new choice with a shaky foot and the hope that it would all work out, and it did. Here's the rip: you can be on purpose and still not be happy. Don't you think Michael Jackson was destined to be a singer? How happy was he? Who we are contains the seed of happiness and tranquility, and what we do is another matter.

  6. We must learn to keep our minds quiet. If we live in a monkey mind world, we will miss most of the good stuff. I started by learning mediation, then breath work (pranayama - Conscious breathing patterns), and finally awareness practices. Ultimately my mind began to let go, into a more expansive pattern, sort of on its own. You can do what you want with this, but if you search the mystics, the masters, the gurus, and the peaceful, you will find mediation, breath work, contemplative prayer, and/or awareness practices. Just saying.

This about sums up what I've come to see, over the years, as truths. They are not perfect and not meant as laws of the universe. They are what I've found to be true. I started out as a lost soul, became a seeker, and a finder, and finally found that everything I've hunted for was right under my nose, made a lot of sense, and was relatively simple. That's how I became an EZosophist - by tending to the simple in life. Maybe you can find a little humor in my findings, some truth, and perhaps a sprinkle of guidance.

Take it EZ.


  Health Tip: Nasal and Sinus Congestion

I've dealt with sinus problems and stopped up noses most of my life. I used antihistamines when I was in my 20's, but as I've aged, I've drifted towards alternative health practices. They are better for my body than chemicals and often the healing is at my fingertips. I massage, stretch, move, and even make sounds. I do this in private and I recommend you do as well!

If your nose is congested, rub your nostrils up and down on the outside, using your right index and middle fingers on the right nostril and the left index and middle fingers on the other nostril. Press inward as you rub your fingers up and down in opposite directions. Do this several times. Then vibrate the tip of your nose with your fingers about 20 times.

How to Clear Your Sinuses

"Push your tongue against the top of your mouth and place a finger between your eyebrows and apply pressure. Hold it for about 20 seconds and your sinuses will begin to drain." Click link for source and a picture.

Also check out three natural ways to clear your sinuses. Make it steamy, use a neti pot, and drink plenty of fluids.

Also making the sound "N" helps clear the sinuses, but you usually have to do it several minutes before the sinuses start to clear.

Sniff a little peppermint  or eucalyptus oil.

I've been trying some of these tips as I am writing this. I didn't even know my sinuses were clogged, now they clearing. I've been using the nose rubbing method for years, and when I start to get a cold, it's out with the neti pot. Hope you are clear and bright, but if not, give some of these a try.

Reader Response to Annie G column (July 9, 2013)

Dear Anne,

While reading your weekly post I went to the list of GMO's - I am horrified - not for myself, but for my grandkids!!! OMG!!! (which, oddly, is the reverse of GMO).

Hope you have a good week.

Linda McQuinn

  Anne's Books

Standing in the Dark by Anne Sermons Gillis
Standing in The Dark
EZosophy book by Anne Sermons Gillis
EZosophy Book
Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic by Anne Sermons Gillis
Offbeat Prayers

Click here to see all three of Anne's books

What people are saying about Standing in the Dark:

"If as you said, it is not a positive thinking book, then, however, it is a positive being book, because positive has its own rewards. You wrote very eloquently, and gracefully about very hard to cover topics. More than that, your shadow is a light unto us, Anne, and your night is like a day. I thank you."
  – Veronica Nannee, Houston, Texas

"Someone asked me how you could be spiritual and live in the world. Your book spells it out perfectly."
  – Helen Hutchison, Nacogdoches, Texas


"Bricks and mortar sing no audible tune; the heart opens only to the human chant of being."
  – Gandha Baba

"Dwell in the moment. It will treat you right."
  – Anne Sermons Gillis

"Are you happy? Are you playful? Where is your joy? How much seriousness is enough?"
  – Anne Sermons Gillis

  Video Bits of Wisdom

A while back I recorded a series of 21 short inspirational videos on a wide range of topics. Most of them are under two minutes. I'll be spotlighting a different Video Bit each week in this space, with a link to it below this message. When you go to that page, you'll need to click the Play button to see and start the video. This concludes this series of Video Bits.

The Last Video Bit: "The Opposite Is True"
Click Here for This Week's Video Bit

Click to visit Anne's Video Bits page
Click the graphic above to see all of the Video Bits.

NOTICE: Coming Next Week -- CD Spotlight

We're starting a new series next week featuring one of Anne's CD's each week, like we've been doing with the Video Bits. Look for it here next Tuesday.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
What is EZosophy? Click the graphic above to find out.

NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

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  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar.

  Schedule Anne

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Click to Schedule Anne

  Anne's Schedule

September 11 & 13, 2013
Wed. & Fri., 10:00-11:50 AM CDT

Lone Star College
Montgomery Campus

Conroe, TX 77384
Offered as an ALL Class

October 1, 8, & 15, 2013
Tuesdays, 1:00-2:50 PM CDT

"Alive, Awake, Aware"
Lone Star College
Montgomery Campus

3200 College Park Drive
Conroe, TX 77384
Offered as an ALL Class

Recorded Interviews:

Click here to hear a recording of Keith Anthony Blanchard interviewing Anne Sermons Gillis on June 3, 2013.

Click here to hear a recording of Dennis Tardan interviewing Anne Sermons Gillis on May 30, 2013.

Click here to listen to a recording of Rick Archer interviewing Anne Sermons Gillis on April 27, 2013.

  Ask Annie G

Dear Annie G,

I never seem to have fun. What's wrong with me? I do the same things over and over. I am in a rut. Help me.


Dear Desperate,

The first step toward happiness is to accept things just as they are. I suspect you feel guilty for not being happy. Guilt-soaked pronouncements keep you in a rut. Your decision that there is something wrong with you is the first nail in your unhappy life. Work with this thought. "Even though I am stuck in a rut and never have any fun, I am okay and lovable just the way I am." Think about this truth every time you start lecturing yourself about your life.

The first step in having a happy life is to feel good about yourself. Something in you created this kind of life to keep you safe, but even though you may be safe from harm, your life is really on hold - like an LP record repeating the same lyrics over and over.

If you actively work to like yourself, cut out the criticism, and drink in some fresh ideas about yourself, life will bring you new experiences that get you out of your rut. Even if you don't start doing new things, when you shower yourself with affection, you will feel happy. I know of a saint who never traveled more than 25 miles from the town where he was born. He became a powerful spiritual force and his teachings are as popular today as they were when he was alive. You don't have to travel or do exciting things to create happiness. Happiness is already here. You have to get your negative self talk out of the way so you can tune in.

I have a couple of CD's that might help. One is the "I Love You" affirmation CD and the other is the "I AM" affirmation CD. They are designed to help you feel good about yourself and happy in your life. You can find them on my Products & Services page.

You are a valuable person. Until you know and feel your value, your life will never be as it could be. I'm on your side. Please make that change. Your life is meant for grace and grandeur. Go on. Let it happen.

Thanks for asking.

Annie G

NOTE: Send your questions on life, health, food, spirituality, and relationships to Annie G.

  Anne Art

Click the image to see it larger.
"Lady Bug"
Click the image to see it larger.

Click the image to see it larger.
"Red Rag"
Click the image to see it larger.

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Editor/Publisher: Charles David Heineke of TheDoorwayBlog.

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