Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, for 2/25/2014

Published: Tue, 02/25/14

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"Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." -- Anne Sermons Gillis
The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, February 25, 2014
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
Left Column: Right Column:
A Note From Anne Anne's Services
Ease is EZ Schedule Anne
Quotes Anne's Schedule
Theosophical Society Healthy Living
Anne's Books Anne Talks
What is EZosophy? Anne Art
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

I am going through mind-o-pause. Today I forgot something important. Actually I would have had to remember it to forget. It was off my radar completely. I forgot I was supposed to teach a class. The great news is that I wasn't hard on myself; my concern was for the people who drove to a class and were stood up!

My other concern, which happens to people who are getting older, is wondering if I forgot because people do forget things - we are not perfect, or because I'm losing my memory. I will never know, but regardless of why it happened, it happened none the less.

I remember my mother telling me she forgot things. I would tell her that I forgot things too. Now I can understand her concern a little better. Her dementia was so bad by the time she was 72 that she went into a senior something. I say "something" because they don't call them nursing homes any more.

So if you don't get a newsletter one of these Tuesdays, you'll know I've lost it. This is a joke, because I'm sure if my editor Charles did not hear from me, there would be questioning e-mails. This I know for sure; life will not always be to my liking, but if I stay present, and stay present with whatever is happening, it will be a lot easier.


PS: This was written the week before because I am travelling for a few days. When I say today, I usually mean the day I wrote the piece.

PSS: I received an e-mail from the editor of Quest Magazine that they will publish my article on money. Yeah, I am so excited.

PSSS: Remember, as a kid, doing PS and PSS? I bet you haven't seen that in a long time!

  Ease is EZ

Today's world is so complicated that I've dedicated my life to helping myself and others find EZ (ease) amidst complexity and peace beyond stress. It's easy to focus on life's difficulties and even easier to manufacture drama.

There is a secret about ease and the secret is, "It's still here. EZ is everywhere." The complication in our lives cannot eradicate the EZ that holds life up. EZ is not found in situations; it's found in how we look at situations and in the very core of existence. And it's not just a surface ease; it is a deep, profound structure of life.

Every day my mind starts its drone. Problems, too much to do; I have to jerk myself back to an alternate reality. What our culture teaches is not the lesson I want to learn. I want freedom. I want a curriculum than relieves me from stress, delivers me from hardship, and releases me from old patterns.

The Principles of Hard

The story "Life is hard" is an operating system for life, but it doesn't have to be. I've identified the following as the characteristics of struggle, stress, and strain:

  • Struggle is the path of the ego. The ego is self-sin-tered.
  • The Ego's world is based on struggle.
  • Struggle is a concept and can be reversed.
  • Duality causes struggle. Right/Wrong, Good/Evil.
  • Struggle is a drug.
  • Struggle is based on perception.
  • Resistance to what is causes struggle.
  • Trying "to get" anything from anyone creates struggle. (Approval, attention, affection, love to be taken care of)
  • Struggle is victim centered.

Ego driven struggle is reaching epidemic proportions in our culture. We must avoid a pandemic. Embodying the following will ensure that you will not contract Hard Disease.

The Principles of Ease

  • The easy path is spirit centered.
  • Ease is always present and instantly available to everyone.
  • Everything we do or perceive can be easier.
  • Ease is more powerful than struggle.
  • Ease is appropriate to everything we do.
  • Easy thoughts produce easy results.
  • Ease is easy; everything we need for ease is readily available.
  • No person, circumstance, or situation can obliterate ease.
  • Ease is. We do not have to manufacture ease. Our part is to tune into the ease that is present.
  • Ease is our natural state of being.
  • Acceptance is one of the keys to ease.
  • Ease is nondual. Right/Wrong, Good/Bad. Where ease exists there is no opposite.
  • Struggle is based on hopelessness, helplessness, and futility.
  • Struggle and pain are not the same. Struggle is optional.
  • The ego is a false God.

Every day you will want to suffer. You will try to drag up old wounds and to blame others for how you feel. Let this be the day that you stop your mind in its tracks and stop trying to suffer about all the little things that consume your day.

Life is made of moment to moment tasks and we must give up our need to make it any other way. We can go on vacations to end life's maintenance requirements, but the vacation always ends. We return home and wash clothes.

Be the first one on your block to stop the hard-a-holic rock. Be a leader in ease and know that your life can become easier and less complicated right now.

EZosophy is a life changing, dynamic philosophy that can move you from struggle to simplicity. Become an EZosophist today. Your life depends on it.

Take it easy.



"When asked to write a word or two, my mind goes limp, my hand grows weak. What words dare hide? I am your master, yet you do not obey. You are like an impish child, yet I wait because I know you. You tire of silence quickly; you are my chatty one. Soon words, bright words, profound words, jovial words, will spin carelessly into tales. So sleep if you must, play hide and seek, be cagey, but when dawn breaks, my dears, you will greet the morn, and I, more clever than you, will write you down."
  – Anne Sermons Gillis

"Life can be bumpy, even when we live in the flow."
  – Anne Sermons Gillis

"Sometimes we lack the courage to follow our flow; to do what we know is right for us, or to act on our healthy impulses. Don’t be surprised. We can be frail. This is human and it’s not a problem unless we never follow our flow and continuously sabotage ourselves."
  – Anne Sermons Gillis

  Houston Theosophical Society

Anne Sermons Gillis currently serves as the president of the Houston Lodge of the Theosophical Society.

We encourage our members to live a life in service to humanity, in stillness through mediation, and in study of ancient wisdom.

"Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions."
   --The Theosophical World View

Meetings are held on the first and third Saturdays at 10 AM Central Time in Houston, Texas.

For more information visit The Houston Lodge or visit our national organization at

  Anne's Books

Standing in the Dark by Anne Sermons Gillis
Standing in The Dark
EZosophy book by Anne Sermons GillisEZosophy
Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic by Anne Sermons Gillis
Offbeat Prayers

Click here to see all three of Anne's books

Click to learn about Standing In The Dark, for KindleWhat people are saying about Standing in the Dark:

"Standing in the Dark, by Anne Sermons Gillis, isn't just another positive thinking book. It's a book about the difficult times in life and what we can do to make it through them. It does, however, give us positive ways to make life easier. It's a short book, but it's one that may just turn your thinking on its head, which will probably be the best thing that's happened to your thinking in a long time. It's about how to bring more ease into a life that isn't easy all of the time. Anne discusses six main areas of life: Ease, Mission, Health, Relationships, Money, and Loss."
  – Charles David Heineke

Now available on Kindle. Click for details.

Click to learn about EZosophy: The Art and Wisdom of Easy or at Least Easier Living, for KindleWhat people are saying about EZosophy: The Art and Wisdom of Easy or at Least Easier Living:

"Although most conscious people understand that life doesn't have to a struggle, the "how to" has been missing... until now. Anne's book makes it "easy."
  – T. Harv Eker - Bestselling author and Founder of Peak Potentials Training

Now available on Kindle.
Click for details.

Click to learn about Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic for KindleWhat people are saying about Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic:

"I love your book. It is filled with much wisdom, humor and heart. Really beautiful."
  – Alan Cohen author, Enough Already, mentions Anne and EZosophy on page 99

Now available on Kindle.
Click for details.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
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  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar.

  Schedule Anne

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Click to Schedule Anne

  Anne's Schedule

All times below are Central Time.
February 26 & March 5, 2014
Wed., 10:00 – 11:50 AM

Lone Star College ALL Program
Montgomery Campus
3200 College Park Drive
Conroe, TX 77384-4500

March 7 and 21, 2014
Fri., 10:00 – 11:50 AM
"Alive, Awake, Aware"
Lone Star College ALL Program
Montgomery Campus
3200 College Park Drive
Conroe, TX 77384-4500

  Healthy Living

Body Talk

For three or more days I felt out of sorts. I had a lot to do, but not enough to send me into overwhelm, yet I was in overwhelm.

Then I saw my chiropractor. He's a personal friend who's retired. Even though he no longer practices, he still treats his friends (for free! And he's a wonderful healer). He straightened my hips and aligned my atlas. He said I would start feeling much better because my energy was blocked and now it could flow again. I immediately started feeling better and within an hour the change of mood was significant.

When the body is out of whack, the mind is out of whack. Sometimes it's tough to tell which one is in distress first – does the body influence the mind or does the mind influence the body. It seems more like a circle than an either/or situation. The mind and body are so connected it's tough to tell where one stops and the other begins.

Once I was at another chiropractor and as he worked on my back, I felt a shot of energy and felt an amazing sense of well-being.

If you are feeling emotionally vulnerable or not quite yourself, you may want to check out your body alignment or get some energy work. Energy medicine is fairly new in the west. If you go to a chiropractor or any energy healer, get a recommendation from a friend, because not all practitioners are equal. If you have not tried any of these alternative healing practices, now might be your time. Get a little gutsy and try something new. Your body will appreciate it.

  Anne Talks

I received a call from a man who told me he heard me on the Money Masters Video series. He took a clip out my speech, one where I told people to picture what they wanted and feel it. He added some promotional material about me and here’s the product. (1:45) Thank you, Donald E. Wells, Jr., for your support. Here’s the even shorter jazzy version: The Maui Now Experience with Anne Sermons Gillis." (1:05)

Part 3 Interview by Dennis Tardan: “What do I see in the future?” This is a part of an interview that occurred 7 years ago. I think that when it was made, I had recently returned from a 5 week trip to India. Dennis Tardan read my EZosophy book, called, and asked if the could interview me. He drove up from Victoria, Texas and we had a good time talking. Since then he’s probably interviewed me 4 or 5 times. Thanks, Dennis, for your support. (7:41)

Hardaholic Mantra: EZosophy With Anne Sermons Gillis. (1:07)

  Anne Art

Anne ArtClick for larger image.

Anne ArtClick for larger image.

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Editor/Publisher: Charles David Heineke of