Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, for 7/29/2014

Published: Tue, 07/29/14

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"Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." -- Anne Sermons Gillis
The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, July 29, 2014
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Note From Anne Anne's Services
Stop Those Thoughts Schedule Anne
Quotes Anne's Schedule
Anne's Books Healthy Living
What is EZosophy? Anne Talks

Anne Art
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

By the time you read this I will have returned from the national Theosophical Conference in Illinois and will be in Charleston, SC to see my grans. My daughter told me not to bring my computer because I wouldn’t have time to look at it. I think I’ll take my IPad along anyway.

I have a new phone. It’s an LG G Flex. It’s called a phablet (a phone/tablet) because it is a phone and a mini-tablet. The screen is larger than most. It has an interactive screen saver. I show my screen saver to everyone. The first few days I had the phone, I played with my screen saver on and off all day. When it’s raining outside there’s rain on my screen saver and it looks like there’s water running down the glass on my phone. What was high tech yesterday is forgotten today. It seems like smartphones just came out, but iPhone users are becoming disgruntled with their small screens and that amazing device that came out a few years ago is not so amazing anymore.

In 2009 the sum of human knowledge doubled every 4 years. In April of 2012 knowledge was doubling every 12 months. Some predict we are on our way to having human knowledge double every 12 hours. Future shock is here. EZosophy is needed now more than any other time in human history.

We need to know that there is a way to navigate the terrain of the human condition in an EZier fashion. We need to believe in simplicity and not be taken down by the fast-paced flurry of contemporary life. I hope you will share the EZosophy philosophy with others because it is a message whose time has come. The eight word miracle mantra might be just what you need today, “Everything can be EZ or at least EZier.” Remember, there is always a solution, there is a way out, and it is always possible for your life to be EZier and EZier.


  Stop Those Thoughts

Click to learn about Alice Steadman's book, Who’s the Matter with Me? Alice Steadman wrote a book in the 1970’s entitled, Who’s the Matter with Me? I don’t remember all of her points, but the title reminds me that what we think about others can be hurtful or healing to our bodies. People can be caustic, rude, and insensitive; however, we can compound the hurt we feel when we continually think of others as hurting us.

When we carry a running internal dialogue about how we’ve been wronged, we suffer. We repeat the same words over and over and traumatize and retraumatize ourselves. Both our inner and outer conversations can be life denying. When we tell our story of injustice to anyone who will listen, we add more stress to the cells in our bodies. We can get vindictive, feel sorry for ourselves, and use others' behavior as a justification to stay irritated. It’s okay to tell a story once, and take some time to work through our feelings, but reiterating it for weeks, months, and even years moves the story from the healing category to the bitching category. I call it bitchcraft.

Transformative and healing thoughts go something like this. “I would like to move on from these thoughts and feelings. Even though I hurt, I remember that people who are emotionally hurt strike out. They put people down. They act sarcastic, and they can be critical. I can let my upset go because what others say to me is more about them than me. Let me think about some of the good things I like about this person.” Then think about anything good you can think about them and notice the burden of upset diminishing.

It’s even better if we have an internal boundary. An internal boundary is something we say in our minds when someone is being less than kind to us. The thought could go something like this. “Even though that person is upset with me, I don’t have to get upset. I have the power to feel safe even when others are angry or ugly to me. I am safe and centered in the presence of others’ upsets. This can be easier.”

When we continue to think disparaging thoughts about others, we harm ourselves. It doesn’t matter who started the battle; when we continue the upset, we’ve entered the war. Your body and nervous system will love the EZ approach to dealing with people who direct their upsets and shame onto you. Take time to deflect the rage, blame, and pain that others shoot your way and not only your life will be EZier and EZier, your body will be healthier.


"Every thought we have has an instant effect on some part of our body."
– Alice Steadman, Who’s the Matter with Me?

"Our cells, including glands, have recorded in them all of our past thoughts and emotions and experiences. Our daily thoughts play upon that recording and if we do not learn to erase the unpleasant memories, the 'tune' our body 'plays' is out of harmony."
– Alice Steadman, Who’s the Matter with Me?

"Emerson says, 'If you would see a person's soul, look at his body.' The body is a visible picture of what you think of your world. Suffering shows that you are out of harmony with some part of it."
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, quoted by Alice Steadman, Who’s the Matter with Me?

  Anne's Books

Standing in the Dark by Anne Sermons Gillis
Standing in The Dark
EZosophy book by Anne Sermons GillisEZosophy
Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic by Anne Sermons Gillis
Offbeat Prayers

Click here to see all three of Anne's books

Click to learn about Standing In The Dark, for KindleWhat people are saying about Standing in the Dark:

"Standing in the Dark, by Anne Sermons Gillis, isn't just another positive thinking book. It's a book about the difficult times in life and what we can do to make it through them. It does, however, give us positive ways to make life easier. It's a short book, but it's one that may just turn your thinking on its head, which will probably be the best thing that's happened to your thinking in a long time. It's about how to bring more ease into a life that isn't easy all of the time. Anne discusses six main areas of life: Ease, Mission, Health, Relationships, Money, and Loss."
  – Charles David Heineke

Now available on Kindle. Click for details.

Click to learn about EZosophy: The Art and Wisdom of Easy or at Least Easier Living, for KindleWhat people are saying about EZosophy: The Art and Wisdom of Easy or at Least Easier Living:

"Although most conscious people understand that life doesn't have to a struggle, the "how to" has been missing... until now. Anne's book makes it "easy."
  – T. Harv Eker - Bestselling author and Founder of Peak Potentials Training

Now available on Kindle.
Click for details.

Click to learn about Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic for KindleWhat people are saying about Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic:

"I love your book. It is filled with much wisdom, humor and heart. Really beautiful."
  – Alan Cohen author, Enough Already, mentions Anne and EZosophy on page 99

Now available on Kindle.
Click for details.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the graphic above to find out.

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Anne Sermons Gillis
52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

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  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar.

  Schedule Anne

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Click to Schedule Anne

  Anne's Schedule

All times here are Central Time.

Wed. & Fri. Sept. 17 & 19, 2014
10:00 AM-Noon, “Synchronicity”
Lone Star College ALL Program
Montgomery Campus
3200 College Park Drive
Conroe, TX 77384-4500

Wed. & Fri. Sept. 24 & 26, 2014
1:00-3:00 PM, “Alive, Awake, Aware”
Lone Star College ALL Program
Kingwood Campus
20000 Kingwood Drive
Kingwood, TX 77339-3801

Wed. & Fri. Oct. 29 & 31, 2014
1:00-3:00 PM, “EZosophy”
Lone Star College ALL Program
Kingwood Campus
20000 Kingwood Drive
Kingwood, TX 77339-3801

  Healthy Living

“You Are What You Eat”

Most people have a sweet tooth. The following recipe is so absolutely delicious, you will flip out. Anyone who has tasted it asks for the recipe. It’s raw, scrumptious, and relatively easy to make if you have a food processor. Even though it is high in carbs, these carbs are much healthier than those in typical desserts.

Raspberry Date Nut Torte

2 cups walnuts
2 C raisins
Topping: 1 c dates
2 oz lemon

Put dates (cut them in little pieces first) and nuts in a food processor and process until it looks like dough. There will be oil on the side of the processor. Press into your torte pan or pie pan.

Process dates (cut them in small pieces) and lemon juice until creamy. Put on top.

Top with raspberries. I have used blackberries too but blueberries don’t work too well because the flavor gets lost.

Enjoy this dish because raspberries are in season. I know you’ll love this as much as I do.

  Anne Talks

Click to view the Breathing video by Anne Sermons Gillis

Breathing. Short one minute video. Move pointer to the right to display the video player and press the Play button.

  Anne Art

Anne Art - Click image for a larger view
Click image for a larger view

Anne Art - Click image for a larger view
Click image for a larger view

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Editor/Publisher: Charles David Heineke of

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