Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ, for 01/27/2015

Published: Tue, 01/27/15

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Anne's Note reminds us to Make Life EZ. The main article is a chapter from Anne's forthcoming book, Magic Words. Healthy Living is a recipe for Ginger Honey Lemon Tea. In the Anne Talk you can watch Anne's grans laughing and kissing. The Featured Product is Anne's book, Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." – Anne Sermons Gillis
The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, January 27, 2015
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue

In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Note From Anne Healthy Living
A Chapter from Magic Words Anne Talks
Anne Art Quotes
Featured Product This Month Anne's Services
What is EZosophy Schedule Anne

Anne's Schedule
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

I’ve had a great week, but things didn’t go so smoothly to whole time. Jim, my husband, flunked his medical test last week, so he had to go through the whole thing again yesterday. The tests were more complicated than he thought and he didn’t respond well, so we had to drive to the medical center again and do a rerun. The same thing happened before and he had to redo another test. Thank goodness I’m an EZosophist because otherwise I might be tempted to suffer.

Life can be bumpy even when we are in the flow. It looks like life is a classroom and our individual lives are lived in the lab. When we were in school, the lab was the place where we figured out how things were put together or how to combine things to come up with an explosion or gas. Remember – some experiments didn’t turn out right, but we didn’t flunk the class. Jim didn’t really flunk a test; they never got to the place where they could run the tests. That’s why they were rescheduled, but he is doing what he needs to do and allowing the testing and retesting to unfold.

Thanks for the emails of support. I appreciate the good thoughts and prayers, and I am sure that your kindness is making life EZier and EZier for Jim and me.


  A Chapter from Magic Words

I learned about affirmations when I was young, loved them, and, when I wrote my first metaphysical article in 1982, the topic was affirmations. I always wanted to write a book using affirmations as a theme, but when I finally got around to writing books, I thought the idea was old hat. Regardless of how old school affirmations might be, I have affirmations and affirmative statements popping up in my head frequently. They come almost like an outside voice speaking to me and they soothe and inspire. I found writing original affirmations is not only easy, it is fun. So I’m writing my fourth book on affirmations and I’m excited about it. I’ve been slow birthing this book, but it is taking shape.

Today I’m sharing the chapter on “Technology.” The chapter you're receiving is in the middle of the book. The chapter first points out the problems we face with technology and then offers supportive affirmative thoughts to help us deal with technology. If you have any thoughts that might be helpful to me, please contact me. If you have any affirmations that would fit in, please send them as well.

Some of the following statements are not actually affirmations; they are denials. The thought, “There is nothing to fear,” is a denial. I am fairly loose in the way I talk about affirmations. If the thought is not couched in positive terms, it might be a denial. I do not fulfill letter of the law when I write affirmations. I write with an intention that allows the free flow of ideas.

Below is the first part of the Technology chapter from my new book, Magic Words. Click the link at the end of this part to read the entire chapter.

Magic Words
a forthcoming new book
by Anne Sermons Gillis

Technology Chapter

Technology brings great advances. We routinely talk with others on the other side of the planet, and look into their eyes on Skype or FaceTime. Video chatting used to be science fiction, but now it’s old news. Laser printers were great, but remember mimeograph machines? Now scientists can actually print human organs. We can take credit cards on our smart phones and electronically sign on the dotted line at the point of sale. It’s business on wheels.

Technology is no longer for the geeks; it’s for the grandmas and pets. It’s for cyclists and national parks. It's for farmers and beer makers. It’s for divers and drivers. Don’t let me drive anywhere without a GPS – forget the old fashioned printed Google map. Technology is used in war, by the weather man or woman, by astrophysicists, and by mom. Surgeons use lasers and probes, send isotopes round and round the human body, and give sight to the blind. If Jesus walked the earth today, he might have been blind-sided by the lack of a career!

We live in a perpetually recurring new world. Technology has provided benefits that would have been considered miracles just 50 years ago. But, and that's a huge honking “but,” technology doesn’t give more time, which is what one would expect from labor saving devices. It sucks time.

Before computers, 2/3’s of the country wasn’t hunched over a typewriter seven days a week. We weren’t screen-glued, eye-strained folks; we were outsiders. We went to ball games, and kids played hide and seek on the sidewalk, not on their cell phones. We are becoming slaves to the same devices that provide opportunity and pleasure. We have to maintain printers, phones, iPads, and computers. We have become a country of skilled unpaid laborers because so much of our computer work is done outside a paying job.

We even have a new class of people--technophobes. How funny; now old people are our counter culture. Maybe they are the wise ones who get others to do what they can’t or don’t want to do.

To read the remainder of this chapter, click here to be one of the first to read the entire Technology chapter of my forthcoming new book, Magic Words.


  Anne Art

Anne Art - Click image for a larger view

Anne Art

  Featured Product This Month

Click to learn about Offbeat Prayers for the Modern Mystic: Making Life Easier Through Innovative Prayer By Anne Sermons Gillis.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the graphic above to learn more.

NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

Ginger Honey Lemon Tea

Want a little healthy warmness on a chilly winter day? Want a raw, easy-to-fix, healthy raw drink? Try ginger honey lemon tea. This combines three powerful healing foods.

Lemon, even though we think of it as an acid food, is metabolized as an alkaline food. It strengthens the immune system and gives this drink a little zest. It zaps free radicals. Ginger is a tonic that helps with digestion, reduces flatulence, reduces nausea, and, when applied to the skin, helps with healing burns. Ginger is not recommended for pregnant and breast feeding women. Local honey is good for preventing allergies and it tastes great.

cup of hot tea


  • One cup boiling water
  • Fresh ginger root (about an inch) grated
  • 2 teaspoons of local raw honey (unpasteurized) or more if desired
  • Juice from ½ lemon (if you weigh over 140 pounds, consider using the whole lemon)
Mix ingredients in water and let sit for about a minute and it’s ready to drink. This is a natural raw drink and it’s a great way to start your day. And it’s yummy.


  Anne Talks

Click to watch
Click the image above to watch
the rest of the video online.

This week I have a special video for you. It is heartwarming, and even though I am not in it per say, my heart is in it all the way. Enjoy my grans.


Comforting Thoughts

When I feel limited, I often imagine what the voice of love would say to me. Then I just write down what I would like to hear and consider it a note from my Higher Power. The thoughts I offer today are some of those thoughts.

“The Face of Love”

In the face of anger, I am the voice for peace.
In the presence of grief, I am the light of comfort.
In times of confusion, I provide clarity.
In the midst of lack, I am the abundant life.
In a place of greed, I am a sense of nourishment.
I am never-ending, unconditional love presenting myself as compassion, comfort, abundance, clarity, nourishment, and peace.
I am above and below, within, and all of what appears outside – infinitely, present and with you, as you, always.

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Anne Sermons Gillis
52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

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  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers options for both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar.

  Schedule Anne

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

  Anne's Schedule

All times here are Central Time.
You must register with Lone Star College to attend these classes.

Wed. & Fri., Feb. 18 and 20, 2015
10:00 AM-Noon, “Synchronicity”
Lone Star College ALL Program
Montgomery Campus

Wed. & Fri., Apr. 8 and 10, 2015 10:00 AM-Noon, “EZosophy”
Lone Star College ALL Program
Montgomery Campus

Tue. & Thu., Apr. 14 and 16, 2015 1:00-3:00 PM, “Alive, Awake, Aware” Lone Star College ALL Program
Kingwood Campus extension
in New Caney (LSC-EMCID Center)

Wed. & Fri., May 6 and 8, 2015    10:00 AM-Noon, “Alive, Awake, Aware”
Lone Star College ALL Program
Montgomery Campus

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Editor & Publisher: Charles David Heineke of