Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 05/26/2015 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 05/26/15

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Anne's Note reminds us how to make traveling EZier. The main article, Living Life in the NOW, reminds us to live from the wisdom of right now, not from yesterday's dramas. Healthy Living shows how we can create a great-tasting banana smoothie. The Anne Talk is a meditation to help us let go. The Featured Product this month is all of Anne's products.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." – Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, May 26, 2015
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
A Note From Anne Healthy Living
Living Life in the NOW Anne Talks
Anne Art Quotes
Featured Product This Month Anne's Services
What is EZosophy
Anne Sermons Gillis
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Phone: 281-419-1775

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  A Note From Anne

Dear ,

Today’s world speeds by. My husband and I just returned from a nine day trip. We drove four and a half of those days. We saw beautiful vistas from Texas to South Carolina and North Carolina. I barely have my walking feet on after so much riding, but traveling can be fun, regardless of the popular mindset against it.

The easiest way to make traveling fun is to anticipate travel fun. From packing to sitting on a plane or being in a car, expect it to be easy and fun. I worked mentally for a few days before our trip, picturing it to be fun from start to finish. I washed our clothes early, I started packing two days before takeoff, and we left at 7:30 AM rather than our customary 8:30 AM.

We often have a Hard-a-holic attitude when it comes to travel, and it’s time we change our minds, especially about holiday or vacation travel. One might find traveling difficult when you do it for a living, but when we travel by choice, it is a privilege and should be treated that way.

With vacation time coming up, consider giving up your Hard Attacks and focus more on having an EZ attack. In order for the EZosophy Movement to grow, we have to utilize EZ skills with everything – packing, traveling, driving to work, listening to a person who drains you, and walking the dog. Life’s too short to live a life of drama.


  Living Life in the NOW

“I know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.” This thought embodies the kind of faith we have when we live from the heart. It’s a sense that life rises up to provide what we need, just as we need it. Life doesn’t store up things so we can pull from a collection of pre-made possibilities; it creates what we need on the spot. Life supplies information on a need to know basis and parts the Red Sea where we stand, not ten miles away.

Too often we live life steeped in stale choices. We are afraid to venture outside the prison walls. We ignore the escape routes that appear around every corner because we would rather cling to our cliffs of constriction than to spread our wings in the unlimited sky of being. We think it is a risk to make vast changes in our lives or to take the road less traveled, but dying on the vine of life is even riskier. Safety is important when being chased by a bear or in estate planning, but when we decline life’s freshness in an attempt to protect ourselves, we die over and over until we sink into hopelessness and depression. Our hyper-protection is like wearing a heavy coat in 98 degree weather. Under ego’s direction, we overprotect and subsequently suffocate, rather than flourish.

Life is full of peace and possibility. There’s just enough peace to keep us grounded and solid and the right amount of possibility to keep us engaged and creative. Our soul calls us to live a creative, open life, a life that fills out each moment as if it were savoring the sweetest fragrance. How do we embody this majestic moment? Can we meet life at its doorstep and move through its threshold into its ever present peace and power? Of course. This is our destiny - to wake up, and when we are ready, the alarm clock of life chimes without pause until we get up and start really living. We wake up when we realize that the perfect solution of yesterday is the anathema of today.

The following tips, ideas, and action steps provide a roadmap to our destiny.

  • We must hold ourselves accountable to each moment, never wasting it or letting it drain away. Boredom is a coverup for anger. When you are angry or irritated, find the source of your discontent. Allow yourself 20 minutes or more to break through your defense systems. Sit quietly and ask the Universe (God) for help in uncovering old wounds. Stay radically present, feel the sensations in the body, and let life’s healing energy wash away your emotional pollution. When we stay put in our discontent, without making it wrong and just observing it, healing appears.
  • Practice deep awareness. Just for today, when you walk, notice the pressure as your foot touches the floor. When seated, notice the pressure on the bottom of your foot. Directly experience this pressure throughout the day. This focus takes you from the head into the body and gives you entry into a softness that transcends the mind’s habitual thought trails.
  • Practice kindness of perception. View others and world situations though the lens of compassion. Make a list of your 10 greatest hotspots. You may be a political junkie who puts down others who hold an opposite point of view. You might feel fear and panic when you think about climate change and how it will affect the future. You might go off on what you think is an oppressive government or believe there are lazy bums sucking off the government. You may be an elitist about food and put down people who eat junk food. You might frequently feel abandoned. These hotspots are made up stuff (MUS). You made up the hotspots as a way to make yourself feel safe, superior, or to feed your addiction to emotional drama. You don’t actually make up the events; you make up the drama. When one of your hotspots comes up, repeat this, “I chose to no longer be under the tyranny of this thought or feeling.  It is not worth my peace.” When you encounter ignorance, intolerance, prejudice, or unkindness, don’t use these as fuel for angry righteousness or oneupmanship. Don’t get pissed off; get peaced off. Living though hotspots creates emotional prisons, stress, and ultimately destroys the body through illness. Live life from your softspot, not your hotspot.

We crave the peace that passes understanding, overlooking that it exists right now. It is the underlying softness that guides us at all times. When we are not at peace, we can be assured we are at the effect of our past beliefs and wounds. When we are willing to overcome our self-manufactured obstacles to peace, life provides us with the courage and tenacity to rise up. The going might seem difficult at points, but when we go on a road trip to Florida, we don’t turn around when we encounter a traffic delay or a detour; we find a way around, or wait until traffic clears, and keep going.

Keep going toward peace and joy and go around the drama, and life will not only be EZier and EZier, it will become the container of both your passion and your contentment.


  Anne Art

Anne Art - Click image for a larger view.
Orange Flower
Click image for a larger view.

Anne Art - Click image for a larger view.
Click image for a larger view.

  Featured Product This Month

Click to learn about Anne Sermons Gillis' products.

Click graphic above to learn about Anne's Products.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the graphic above to learn more.

NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

Banana nana bo bana

When I travel my health standards go incognito. This trip was no different. There were smash cakes for the twins' birthday along with an adult cake. I had never heard of “smash” cakes but I know now that they are the rage for baby parties. And they weren’t the standard store bought variety; they were made with real ingredients, whipped into to a gastronomical delicacy. I ate cake after every meal. My bread intake skyrocketed; chips, popcorn – this was wild eating for me!

Click to view Anne's grand twins.
Anne's Grand Twins

When I return from a trip, I alter my eating habits and drink a couple of meals a day -- juice, eat raw fruits, and eat a small, nutritious dinner. This goes on for about a week or until I feel thinner and healthier.

As I write, I’m sipping on one of my liquid concoctions designed to help me detox. It’s reasonably healthy and tastes great.

Banana Smoothie

  • 12 ounces of coconut water
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 1 banana
  • 1 small apple (remove seeds and fiber and leave skin on, if it is organic)

Blend. Let sit for 10 minutes so chia seeds can absorb the liquid. Easy to make and very tasty. I prefer mine room temperature, but if you prefer cold and frothy, use chilled ingredients and a frozen banana. You can presoak the seeds in the coconut water or just let your drink sit after making.

Chia seeds seem to be the fair haired child of nutrition experts these day. For more information of the benefits of chia, see this link.  What else can you do with chia seeds? The many uses of chia. They can be used as egg substitutes, you can make your own chia pet, and much more.


  Anne Talks

Click to listen to Anne's message, Relax, Don't be Serious, Let Go Meditation.

This week's Anne Talk is Relax, Don't be Serious, Let Go Meditation. It is a meditation that Anne gave at the Unity Church of North Houston on May 3, 2015. You'll enjoy this short break in your day. Time: 4:32


"While complication may appear impressive in the imagination of understanding, it’s not nearly as profound as the miracle of simplicity."
— Matt Kahn

"Re-mind yourself to live in intentional ease."
— Anne Sermons Gillis

Good thought medicine for worry.
"Things that were previously destined to go wrong have reversed and everything is going to be all right."
— Anne Sermons Gillis

  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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Editor & Publisher: Charles David Heineke of