Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 06/17/2022 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Fri, 06/17/22

Anne’s 8 Word Miracle Mantra: “Everything can be EZ or at least EZier.  Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Lesley Michaels’ New Book coming on July 26, 2022

Special Announcement Edition

This is a special announcement edition of Anne’s newsletter to let you know about a special event.

You will continue to get her regular newsletter occasionally.

Scroll down to learn about Lesley Michaels’ new book, On the Shoulders of Mighty Women: A Modern Feminist’s Guide to an Equitable, Diverse World.


Anne Sermons Gillis
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Announcing Lesley Michaels’ New Book,
On the Shoulders of Mighty Women

Hi ,

Just checking in. I hope you are having a great summer. Though the heat is intense (it is a feel like temperature of 111 degrees as I write this), we all know that external circumstances are tricksters. The real temperature to access is our internal temperature. It is in the inner world and our self-talk that determine what we see in the outer world. When asked who could be considered holy, Buddha replied that a holy one is one who lives in the present moment.

Click to learn about or pre-order the Kindle version of Lesley Michaels’ new book.

Though living in the present moment grounds the emotional turmoil of living, and may deem us as holy ones (not my words, but Buddha’s), it helps remember that being broken is natural. And this is the title of my chapter that appears in Lesley Michaels’ upcoming book, On the Shoulders of Mighty Women: A Modern Feminist’s Guide to an Equitable, Diverse World.

I met my friend, Lesley Michaels, in the 80’s, when she spoke at my spiritual center in Memphis. In her new impassioned book, On the Shoulders of Mighty Women: A Modern Feminist’s Guide to an Equitable, Diverse World, she offers her best, and the best from other women. You can get a glimpse of Lesley through this compelling video, with the title of her new book: ON THE SHOULDERS OF MIGHTY WOMEN, A Modern Feminist’s Guide to an Equitable, Diverse World.

The following is an excerpt from my chapter in this life-affirming book.

“I am relatively accomplished. I am the author of five books, I have traveled the world, and I have gone for the gusto. I have been a role model for some, a mentor to others, and even envied by a few. My accomplishment list is long, but my failure list is longer. Tough times come, but through some fortunate twist of fate or perhaps due to my personal tenacity, I learned to stand tall even through emotionally crippling times. Being broken is natural, but not letting our light shine, despite our brokenness, is a tragedy.”

You may want to check out Lesley’s podcast, Women We Should Know Podcast, featuring many accomplished women. Here’s the podcast interview she did with me: Women We Should Know: The Path of Ease with Anne Sermons Gillis on Apple Podcasts. Below is her YouTube interview with me.

Click to watch Lesley Michaels’ YouTube interview with Anne.
Click the image to watch Lesley Michaels’ YouTube interview with Anne.

Lesley Michaels’ new book is coming out on Kindle on July 26, 2022. You can pre-order the Kindle version now, at the link below. The hardcover and paperback versions are due in August.

Click this link to pre-order your copy of the Kindle version of her book today: On the Shoulders of Mighty Women: A Modern Feminist’s Guide to an Equitable, Diverse World.

NOTE: This title will be auto-delivered to your Kindle on July 26, 2022. “When you pre-order the Kindle version, you are not charged until the item is delivered to your Kindle device.”

I invite you to check out Lesley’s website:

I hope you will stand in solidarity with this amazing woman and support her through the purchase of this book. If you do, you will be giving two gifts: one to Lesley and one to yourself.

Have a great summer. Hugs, happiness, and love,
