Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 11/21/2017 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 11/21/17

The Anne Report, Resurrecting Life After 30, reminds us that sometimes we need a little help from our friends or others, to make it through life's losses. The Main article, Life's Basics, describes three concepts that will make your life EZier. The Healthy Living article, Healthy Loving, suggests ways to guide our thoughts and words to enhance our health. The Anne Talk is Hardaholic Mantra. The Featured Product This Month is Words Make a Difference. Click to read What is EZosophy?

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." -- Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, November 21, 2017
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
The Anne Report Healthy Living
Main Article Anne Talks
Quotes Anne Art
Featured Product This Month Anne's Schedule
What is EZosophy? Anne's Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

Anne's Websites:

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  The Anne Report

Resurrecting Life After 30

Dear ,

I had a delightful time in Charleston. It's always sad to leave my grandchildren, and it's great to return to the home too. Each side of the coin of life is different, but both sides offer diversity and possibility. Too often we stay on one side of life and don't venture toward that which is new. Our brains get set into a pattern of familiarity and our greatest adventure becomes going to a new restaurant. Or we may go to Paris, but we approach the trip with the same irritation for packing or fear of leaving something behind that we always had. We take the personality we call ourselves to a new location, while continuing to act the same way we always acted and reacted.

A friend once said, "Most people are dead by the time they're 30." He was right. The thought haunted me. I've repeated the thought over the years, and some people perk up when they hear this, recognizing the wisdom and truth of the thought, while others chime in to disagree or they have no idea what I mean. That thought means that most people have settled into a predictable way of life that includes habitual emotional reactivity and thoughts by the time they are 30. I read recently that this occurs by age 35, but regardless, to be set in our ways and in our thinking and feeling realities, before the midway point of our lives, is tragic. That's what transformation is about - getting out of the conditioned personality we call ourselves and reaching into the unknown, to craft a life based on who we are. It means no longer living the habituated life of our patterns.

When seeking enlightenment, one of the instructions we run into around every corner is, "Wake up." Here's a wakeup call: "If we are not uncomfortable in some area of our lives, we are operating on familiar patterns and we are dead to life as it was meant to be." It's uncomfortable to stretch ourselves, but it's a necessary part of waking up. Are you dead? If you are, find out what it means to really live. If we are miserable in our lives, we are not living the life we were meant to live. We have power, and we can use our power to extricate familiar beliefs and prejudices, and when we do, we know the next step to take. Then suddenly the path appears before us and we begin to follow the mystery of life, not the madness or sameness of life. When we follow the mystery and live in the unknown, everything changes, and life becomes not only EZier and EZier, life becomes our personal original art piece.

  Main Article

Life's Basics

Three of life's most important essentials are Profundity, Practicality, and Silliness. Each contributes to our wholeness and enjoyment of life. They are like a three-legged stool. Take one leg off and the stool tips over.

Profundity – when we live with a deep understanding of how profound life is, we gather a sense of inspiration. Inspiration pushes us toward greatness, wisdom, and understanding. That which is profound is sacred, and that which is sacred is connected. When we understand the connectedness of life, we live with compassion.

We only enter into the profound nature of life itself when we are radically present. We each have defining moments that shift us from perceived reality into reality itself. Defining moments are profound, yet each moment is profound. Radical Presence guards each moment, and, when we are ready, we slip into that moment as if it were our favorite, well-worn tee shirt.

One of those moments occurred spontaneously, when I became the embodiment of gratitude. I was standing, while doing my regular household tasks, and I was filled with a deep satisfaction and appreciation of life. I recognized the energy: it was gratitude. While I had flirted with the ideas of thankfulness and appreciation, my thoughts were superficial and naive. This moment of clarity infused every cell of my body and tamed all thoughts. When Thanksgiving comes and we are asked to give thanks, I remember the moment when the very essence of Thanksgiving came alive in me. This is the power of profundity.

Practicality is the element in life that sustains us. It replaces childishness with the skills we need to survive and thrive. Practicality pushes us toward earning money, paying our bills, and providing food, clothing, and shelter. It keeps us from danger and makes our lives easier.

I spent a great deal of my thirties and forties "saving the world." I traveled on a dime and a prayer and went on amazing adventures. Practicality tapped me and said, "Time to repair your home and your life." It was a literal thing, because my house required major repairs and I needed to think about the future. I opened an IRA account, repaired my home, and set my life in order. These actions set the stage for the next phase of my life. I received guidance to sell my home and move to Texas. My life was in order and I was ready to go, when the time came.

Silliness is almost the opposite of practicality. That's why we need it. It holds practicality in balance and fuels our lives. Silliness is a great gift. It dissolves the somberness of life. Silliness is the refreshment of life. Adults are trained in seriousness. This solemnity not only takes away energy, it stifles our imagination and vision.

Once I had an experience of a unique realm of consciousnesses. My personality dissolved and I went into what I call "The Comedy Zone." It was the place where humor emerges. It was euphoric and wonderful. For days after my experience, everything that came out of my mouth was funny. It is true, "In my father's house are many mansions." One of them is filled with silliness.

Profundity, Practicality, and Silliness serve us well. When we apply them liberally in our lives, our lives become EZier and EZier, and, in this world of layered complication, EZ is the medicine that brings peace and calmness. Happy Thanksgiving.


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Update: The main article, Our Amazing Minds, in the 11/07/2017 issue, included a guided meditation, You Are The Placebo, by Dr. Joe Dispenza. The video for that meditation was removed from Youtube, and the one available there has ads which disrupt the meditative experience. The link above is a CD of the meditation available from


Anne Quotes

"Compassion erases judgment."

"Forgiveness releases you from the harm of self-righteousness, resentment, and jealousy."

"Go gently into every expression of life. Meet each moment, new and fresh, forsaking all prejudices, judgments, filters, beliefs, and forms."

"Discover what is now. Be still, and let life reveal itself to you."

  Featured Product This Month

Click to learn about Anne's new book, Words Make A Difference.

Finally, a book of affirmations, action plans, and deep insights into the human consciousness that transforms and heals the soul,the local and global community, and the planet. Travel with Gillis on a journey through deep psychology, metaphysics, and nondualism.

We are responsible for a world that works for everyone and, as a collective assembly of souls, we cannot rest until greed no longer need. We are called to plant the seeds of blessing along the path to liberation. Revolutionary words call us to a world-wide renaissance of cooperation and community.

The following are excerpted from Words Make a Difference.

The following affirmative statement is a seed to be planted in our minds. May it sprout, grow, and eventually blossom into more and more good in your life and in the world.

The Good Generator

Deep within me resides a good generator. The generator works twenty-four hours a day for the good in my life. The generator offers Good on Demand (G-O-D). My awareness of G-O-D allows good to penetrate my world. Regardless of what I say or do, the G-O-D is working in my life. It is better for me to focus on G-O-D than to worry about lack and negative future outcomes. I can drag my problems around or hand them over to G-O-D. Not all things are good, but good comes from all, and as I surrender all, my life is renewed.

Good is my advocate. The dynamic flow within constantly creates and manifests my highest good. I can relax, knowing that the all-sufficiency is abundantly supporting my life and my affairs. I focus my mind on my heart center. My heart is a light-filled miracle factory of abundantly good activity. I focus on my heart light and my heart light penetrates my mind, body, and life. Due to a radical shift in perception, I am free to experience the dynamic flow of good in my life. I extend this good to my friends, family, and to the world. I can see the G-O-D generator working in every aspect of life. So be it.

Affirmations of Good

  • Life is good. It abounds with opportunities for my well-being.
  • I am filled with a sense of ongoing, never-ending good, which includes peace, love, humility, and wisdom.
  • I live the good life.
  • My good meets me around every corner.
  • I have good luck!
  • I am good through and through.
  • Good things come to me on a regular basis.
  • Good things consistently happen to me and through me.
  • I carry good and generate it toward all situations, all beings, and all life.
  • Goody. Goody.
  • I embrace my good. I claim it.
  • There’s always more good.
  • Even though I have made mistakes in my life, I still can accept my good.
  • My good needs me.
  • I am good to go.
  • My good hunts me down.
  • It’s safe and okay for me to have a good life.
  • My parents approve of me having a good life (This thought is to replace any beliefs you have that your parents didn’t want the best for you, and maybe, if they were wounded, they didn’t, but at a soul level, they only wanted good for you.)
  • I am filled with the immense presence of good.
  • I am a good magnet and a good generator.
  • Good for you. Good for me.
  • Everything and everyone is uplifted into more and more good.
  • Pura Vida.

Treat yourself to these magical thoughts of good and allow your life to open up to greater and greater states of good. Substitute “me” for a loved one or direct your good thoughts and affirmations toward all people and circumstances. Affirmative thoughts of good wash the mind and open the heart to our good. And that’s a good thing!

Order Words Make a Difference from the website or call me at 713-922-0242 to order directly from me. The price is $16.95 plus $3.99 shipping.

Click for the Kindle version on Amazon for $5.99.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the graphic above to learn about EZosophy.

NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

Healthy Loving

Our health is our responsibility, and the words we tell ourselves have a tremendous effect on our bodies. Every cell in our body has a natural intelligence that responds to our outlook on life. If we believe that life is hard and there is little to look forward to, our cells go to work to get us out of the situation, but not in a good way. The subconscious mind starts killing us off, cell by cell, organ by organ, and system by system. If we think life is an inconvenient series of mishaps and all we can do is get by, we suffer a slow, steady, physical and mental decline. When we live in chaos and mayhem, the deterioration is swifter. We head to the finish line of life with fervor. It’s all unconscious, but by now, we know that most of our power is in the subconscious decisions that live themselves out in our lives.

We have more power than we know, and when we are ill, we need to ask some important questions, if we want to reclaim the path of healthy living:

  • Why don't I want to be here?
  • What am I trying to get out of?
  • What do I think I am guilty of?
  • What are my most depressing thoughts about being alive and growing older?

These questions can be addressed through contemplation or journaling. The answers give us clues as to why our bodies are creating illness or degeneration. We need to take our worst fears and most life denying decisions to the Source and surrender them.

The following life-affirming statements are powerful words for our bodies. They are body love-tion. We were created to be super humans, but we slumber in ill health and believe our bodies will slowly and systematically destruct. We need to flood our conscious and subconscious minds with thoughts of miraculous health and well-being, so as to nourish our cells with new thoughts, words, feelings, and beliefs. Whatever we nourish, flourishes.

Radiant Health Affirmation

I step into the universal template of well-being and let my body renew itself, restore itself, and rejuvenate. I turn back the hands of time, and my cells return to an earlier, healthier time. I feel the restoration of life at a cellular level, as all beliefs and attitudes harmonize for radiant help. I relax, knowing fully that my body is healing and whole-ing itself. I know that my body brilliance is alive within, and I tune into my natural health and will to live a healthy and fulfilling life. I affirm that every atom in my body responds with an affirmative choice for life. There is a wellspring of love passing through me, blessing every part of my physical and nonphysical body. My mind is at peace and works in gentle ways, bringing only thoughts of love and approval into my body. I am free to be happy, knowing it is safe for me to exist and to be fully alive. Therefore, each micro-particle of my body relishes in relaxation, renewal, and rebirth. I am the embodiment of my cellular cell-a-bration of life. I attract all the resources, ideas, and attitudes that keep my body radiant and healthy. I give thanks for the radical renewal of my body. I am at peace, and I rest in resplendent health. And it is so.

With the holidays starting Thursday, with Thanksgiving, it's good to remember that our health is more valuable than our appetites. It's best to eat right and eat light, but whatever we chose to eat, let's do it with a light and life-affirming attitude. "Everything I eat turns into health and nourishes my body."

If you have any healthy living tips for the newsletter, send them to me at

  Anne Talks

Hardaholic Mantra


Today's Anne Talk is the Hardaholic Mantra. Time: 1:06.

  Anne Art

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NOTICE: Here are two shareables from Anne. Feel free to pass them along.

The World's Best
Weight Loss Secret

Thought Freedom

  Anne's Schedule

All times here are Central Time
unless otherwise specified.

Sunday, November 26, 2017
10:30 AM Service, "Living in Ease"
Unity of the Bay Area
1911 Hwy 3 S, League City, TX 77573
Phone: 281-554-2450

Sunday, December 10, 2017
10:30 AM, "Holiday EZosophy"
Centers for Spiritual Living, Clearlake, TX
18096 Kings Row, Suite D
Houston TX 77058
The Center opens at 10 AM for community, in the Common Room.

Click here to Schedule Anne.

Call or Email Anne Now to Schedule Her for Your Meeting.

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775 or click the button below to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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Anne Sermons Gillis
52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

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Or call Anne at 281-419-1775 or 713-922-0242 and she can take any form of credit card over the phone.

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Edited and published by Charles David Heineke of