Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 06/26/2018 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 06/26/18

The Anne Report, More Wacky Adventures, shares some more of Anne's exciting encounters. The Main article, The Shero's Journey recounts Anne's adventurous spiritual journey. The Healthy Living article, Food For Thought, encourages us to be sure that we have a healthy relationship to eating. The Anne Talk, Dr. Money: Love Yourself, reminds us that money is a tool we can use to express the love we intrinsically are. The Featured Product This Month highlights Anne's fifth book, The Living Book. Click to learn about all of Anne's Books. Click to read What is EZosophy? Click for Abundance Affirmations. Click for Shareables From Anne.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." -- Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, June 26, 2018
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
The Anne Report Healthy Living
Main Article Anne Talks
Quotes Anne Art
Featured Product This Month Anne's Schedule
What is EZosophy? Anne's Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

Anne's Websites:

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  The Anne Report

More Wacky Adventures

Dear ,

Last week I wrote about my kayaking misadventure. I have never had so many reactions to a post. People called, commented on Facebook, private messaged, and emailed. Some people loved my adventure, while others were worried. I'm glad I didn't post about the time I was free falling under water while diving. Sometimes it's hard to tell how fast you are going down underwater, especially in clear water. The dive master grabbed me, and we had to do a decompression ascent. If he had not, my blood would have boiled! There was the time in Mexico when my friend and I were followed by a thug, but we outsmarted him, and that reminds me of the time I was robbed at gun point. While getting slightly lost on a kayak trip brought a few seconds of panic, they were nothing compared to some other situations. I held a huge python around my body to help me cure the fear of snakes, and jumped off a high cliff into the water, with several other dare devils, when I was in my twenties. I traveled across Mexico with a girlfriend, through the mountains. We could see the wrecked buses on the side of the mountains – the ones that didn't make it. I climbed a mountain in the foothills of the Himalayas when I was 60. I ingested LSD in the 70's, which was given to me unknowingly by the Hell's Angels. Don't ask. I went to a presidential inauguration alone, without a ticket, and stood at the gate until I found someone who had an extra ticket and got in! I met John Denver in Rio de Janeiro, and he played guitar while I sang in the bar of the Hotel Gloria. I went to the Philippines and performed before the president and several thousand other people, including all members of congress and heads of the military. I've vision-quested and slept alone under the stars. I delved into the inner realms of my psyche and traversed astral realms. When I look back, some of the things I did even scare me!

Now the only daring thing I do is post silly pictures on Facebook and produce a few crazy videos. So, if anyone thinks getting lost on kayak trip was a big deal, I guess I haven't shared enough. And that's it for the Anne Report.


  Main Article

The Shero's Journey

What is clamoring to get through? What thought, what song, what sweet life wants to live through us? Is there a mysterious talent or project lurking in our hearts, that begs for expression? Yes, that which needs to be expressed lurks in every corner of existence, waiting for its chance. But sometimes it's not what we want it to be. We want a fancy, noticeable, see me, I'm special kind of talent, but love's expression is humble and barely perceptible to the egoic mind. It is compassion toward an insect or the untangling of the life-strangling thoughts that dim our light. It's the relentless force of good, not a do-or-die kind of expression; it's a soft light on the horizon that lights our path to the next moment. It is that which tempers sarcasm and births tolerance.

Self-realization is the realization of two things: what we seek is ourselves and we already are ourselves. We don't have to change to be who we are. We are already that. It's a strange kind of realization that plays hide and seek within our conscious mind.

I've taken many spiritual journeys. Most were internal, but there have been retreats and times I've travelled across the world in search for enlightenment. There is something about traveling that is ego stripping. Sometimes it awakens our enthusiasm and innocence, qualities that douse our need to control. For years I took trips to quench my spiritual thirst. The most fulfilling trips brought me to the same conclusion: the trips were never necessary. I could stay home and experience the sweetness of life in the ordinary, not just in spiritually identified activities. My changing attitudes took root slowly, as I found the need to find that unidentified something receding. The longing stopped. I could read a mystery novel or a human-interest story. I could keep up with, yet not drown myself in, the news. I could take political action without losing the centering blessing of life.

While I might need to limit worldly activities, I didn't have to exclude them. There was a time when I didn't watch television. I've fasted one day per week, spent one day a week in silence, and I camped alone in nature frequently. I stargazed and danced with the moon. My life was a personal monastery. I cherish those times, but there came a point when I realized that having a glass of wine and even arguing with someone didn't define me. Who I am is untouchable, and what I am emerges itself through every thought and breath. This presence is not only seeking expression through me, it is already expressing through me, as me.

My sister Jo was brilliant. She was somewhat of a misfit because her 160 IQ set her apart from the ordinary. She was my mentor and saw my relentless search for meaning and expression. She guided me, "Anne, anyone can experience self-realization, even a housewife." As a housewife and college student at the time, I believed that spiritual mastery was off-limits. I couldn't follow a spiritual teacher around the world. I knew no one who was ardently seeking. I was a nobody. Who was I to ask life's most daring questions? My sister mailed me an article from the local paper about Maharishi. She knew I wanted to learn to meditate. The article talked about meditation and shared the basics of Maharishi's technique. Being young and naïve, I made up my version of his process, and ventured into inner realms. The unexplainable became the norm as I glided past the rational mind. I thank God for these times because I no longer have the discipline to meditate for hours daily and sleeping alone under the stars is no longer my thing.

Today, I'm not sitting in the foothills of the Himalayas, in southern India, or in the audience of a spiritual giant. I am sitting under a canopy in a camping chair, and that same sweet song is singing. The same illuminating presence is here. It doesn't require India or incense. It doesn't need sacred words; it just needs me. Me, without needs, agendas, plans, and desires; it just needs me, and that is enough. There is no secret that has alluded me. There is no locked door to crack open. There is a mystery, but it was solved before it arose. There is no miracle that can't get through or healing that needs to take place. Everything is okay, and the Supreme Okayness not only has my back, it is my back. It's set up, made on our behalf, for our highest good, by our source of being. And I think I'll leave it at that.



Anne Quotes

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  The Living Book

Click to learn about Anne's newest book, The Living Book.

Suppose someone told you that you could change your life radically, for the better, if you spent just three minutes a day doing inner work? Would you believe it? Maybe not, but wouldn't it be worth an investment of three minutes a day to try it?

The Living Book offers just this. Devote three minutes a day to this process and your life will become a living testimony to the seed principle. A tiny seed can grow into a mighty tree, but it must be planted. Plant your daily seed for three short minutes and notice both subtle and miraculous changes in your life. In addition to the daily practice, one can use the process when they are stumped or afraid or angry. This process transforms anger into love. When we plant seeds of light into our thoughts and emotional bodies, we move into higher frequencies of well-being.

Learn more about The Living Book, by Anne Sermons Gillis.
Paperback $4.95 plus $3.00 shipping. PDF Download $0.99. Kindle Book $2.99.

  Abundance Affirmations

Click to Join Anne's Abundance Affirmations Facebook Group.
Join Anne's Facebook Group

This group is a place to post uplifting affirmations and thoughts about prosperity and abundant living. Let's create a right relationship with money so that we feel comfortable about money. Let's use money as it's meant to be used, and not as a way to accumulate power or to fill a void. We don't need money to buy more stuff. We need it to create a world that works for everyone. We want to cast off old beliefs of lack and reclaim our natural state of abundance.

  Anne's Books

Click to learn about Anne's books.
Click to learn about Anne's books.

What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click to learn about EZosophy.

NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

Food For Thought

We must eat to survive, but there's still room for enjoying our food. When we combine wonderful tasting food with health, we've hit the jackpot.

Unfortunately, for some, food is an unhealthy sport. I am bothered by crazy recreational eating. Amarillo, Texas is the home of The Big Texan Restaurant. If you eat a 72-ounce beef steak, along with a shrimp cocktail, baked potato, roll with butter, and salad, in under an hour, you get your meal free and a place in their Hall of Fame. In the earlier years, the 60's through the 70's, only four or five people ate those whopping amounts in one year. But in 2017, 93 people ate that 4,500-calorie meal in less than an hour.

Why are there hot pepper eating contests? A ghost pepper contest left one man with a hole in his esophagus. Another contest sent a man to the hospital. He ate the Carolina Reaper, considered the hottest pepper in the world, and ended up with a thunderclap headache that lasted for days. Hot pepper use has been linked to sudden constriction of the coronary artery and even heart attacks.

While not all overeaters and crazy eaters eat 72-ounce steaks or Carolina Reaper peppers, most Americans eat too much. We all have overdone it at meal times, on holidays, or with certain comfort foods, but our nation is in overweight crisis. There’s too much overdoing going on. Something is wrong – deeply wrong. Every woman in my family dieted constantly and talked about their weight – from my mom to my great aunts. Food, dieting, and eating were a focus in everything we did.

One poll of U. S. women between 25 and 40 found that 75% of the polled women eat, think, and behave abnormally around food. This is referred to as disordered eating. 10% of American young women report symptoms of binging, purging, and anorexia nervosa, which are considered eating disorders.

It is hard to maintain a healthy diet when we use food to fill up the holes in our souls. I suggest people who enter a hot pepper contest, and risk their health for a $600.00 prize, or those who would eat a 72-ounce steak, with all the trimmings, have a poor relationship with food.

What does it take for us to develop a healthy relationship with food? Here are some things to consider. Take some time to reflect on these questions and write down your answers.

  • What is missing in my life?
  • How do I feel about my body? Do I hate it?
  • What do I feel guilty about?
  • What feelings am I pushing down?
  • What am I running from?
  • Do I get enough personal contact with people?
  • Am I starving for love?

These questions allow us to discover the causes of addictive eating. It's a first step; we need a strong support system to help us change emotionally based patterns and habits. Over Eaters Anonymous is one of the best programs available to address eating addictions and disordered eating. Most large cities have groups. Find a group. For those who don't live in a city, there are online meetings. Check out the online group. These groups are for anyone who overeats, binges, and purges, or those who undereat. It is for the those who have any problems with food, even if they are the perfect size and in good health.

These startling statistics about our relationship with food point to one conclusion – we are starving from the heart. It's not imperative that we figure this out, and maybe we can't figure it out completely, but we can take notice and act, so that we can have healthier lives and healthier bodies. When we do, we turn on our passion, and our lives become EZier and EZier.

If you have any healthy living tips for the newsletter, send them to me at

  Anne Talk

Dr. Money: Love Yourself

Clck to watch Anne's video, Dr. Money: Love Yourself.

In Dr. Money: Love Yourself, Anne reminds us that money is a tool we can use to express the love we intrinsically are. Time: 3:10

  Anne Art

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Click the image to see a larger view.

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Click the image to see a larger view.

  Shareables From Anne

The World's Best Weight Loss Secret

Thought Freedom

40 Days to Abundance

  Anne's Schedule

All times here are Central Time
unless otherwise specified.

Friday, August 10, 2018
Workshop: 9:00 AM-3:00 PM EDT
"Reducing Stress by Connecting With the Body" 5 CE credits $50.00
Bring Your Lunch or Purchase for $11
Location: "The Cottage," 122 Alicia Drive, Summerville, SC
Must Register by August 7, 2018
Click for Flyer & to Register Online

To Register by Mail, send Name,
Address & Contact Info to
Anne S. Gillis, c/o Elizabeth Wann
574 Chimney Bluff Dr.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Make Checks Payable to Anne S. Gillis
Refund Requires 48 hrs. Notice

Friday, August 17, 2018
Workshop: 9:00 AM-3:00 PM EDT
"Handling Life's Biggest Challenges:
Body, Relationships, & Money"
5 CE credits $50.00

Bring Your Lunch or Purchase for $11
Location: "The Cottage," 122 Alicia Drive, Summerville, SC
Must Register by August 14, 2018
Click for Flyer & to Register Online
To Register by Mail, send Name,
Address & Contact Info to
Anne S. Gillis, c/o Elizabeth Wann
574 Chimney Bluff Dr.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Make Checks Payable to Anne S. Gillis
Refund Requires 48 hrs. Notice

  Schedule Anne

Call or Email Anne Now to Schedule Her for Your Meeting.

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775. Click here to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Contact Anne to book your event:
281-419-1775 or

  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.


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Anne Sermons Gillis
52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

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Or call Anne at 281-419-1775 or 713-922-0242 and she can take any credit card over the phone.

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Edited and published for Anne Sermons Gillis by Charles David Heineke.