Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 07/03/2018 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 07/03/18

Happy July 4th, 2018

The Anne Report, Inner-Dependence Day, encourages us to declare our own inner-dependence. The Main article, Trust and Relationships, shares Anne's perspective on the value of trust in our lives. The Healthy Living article, ­Start Your Day with a Boost, Not a Bang, emphasizes the importance of how we begin our day. The Anne Talk, EZosophy: More Machines - Momagenes, talks about times to do more and times to go more, or not. The Featured Product This Month highlights Words Make a Difference. Click to read What is EZosophy? Click for Abundance Affirmations. Click for Shareables From Anne.

The EZ Mantra: "Everything can be EZ or at least EZier." -- Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter

Living EZosophy, July 3, 2018
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
The Anne Report Healthy Living
Main Article Anne Talks
Quotes Anne Art
Featured Product This Month Anne's Schedule
What is EZosophy? Anne's Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 281-419-1775

Anne's Websites:

Click to see Anne's Products.
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Click to visit Anne's Newsletter Archives.

  The Anne Report

Inner-Dependence Day

Dear ,

Tomorrow is July the fourth, the time United States celebrates its independence from England. While searching for freedom from certain kinds of oppressions, our ancestors braved harsh travel and faced the unknown, looking for a better life.

Fireworks, parades, and picnics highlight this day, but freedom includes, but is more than, what we can and cannot do with our bodies and our ideals. True freedom comes from within. People such as Victor Frankl were able to maintain an inner sense of freedom and dignity even though they were confined in concentration camps. They survived and went on to thrive.

This Declaration of Inner-Dependence is excerpted from my book, Words Make a Difference.

Declaration of Inner-Dependence

I, a spirit of the United States of Consciousness, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for myself and others, and for posterity, do ordain and establish this Declaration of Inner-Dependence.

I, __________________, am inner-dependent. I am fully dependent on the source within to provide me with a sufficiency of all things necessary to live a passionate, joy-filled life. When I settle my mind and release the thoughts that drag me down, I am immersed in the deep, quite place of fulfillment. I declare that this inner space is non-failing and all-providing. I am a part of this grand intelligence, and I choose to live my life in accordance with its provisions. I depend on the substance within to care for my every need. The unfailing spiritual activity within me provides goodness and mercy in my relationship with self and others, my financial affairs, and in my career, body, mind, and feeling nature. I accept the inner presence as my instant, constant, non-ending abundance of all good things. God is the Source, and the I Am of me is the re-source. I am like my creator, Source and Re-Source.

Furthermore, I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal in spirit, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Furthermore, I know myself to be the creator of life, liberty, and happiness in my world, and, as an inner-dependent, I know that I am richly blessed by everything, everyone, and every situation. So Be It!


  Main Article

Trust and Relationships

Trust is the foundation for all our relationships, including our relationship with ourselves and our Higher Power. Without trust our lives teeter on shaky foundations. We must trust that life is doing the right thing and that it has a direction that is beneficial and in perfect order. If we don't have trust in life's foundation, we will be forever searching for a truth we believe does not exist.

There are many kinds of trust. We can trust some people to tell us the literal truth, but we can't trust them with our hearts. We can trust others to get us safely from one place to another, but we can't trust their ability to handle money. We can trust some businesses to deliver a dividend, but we can't trust them to protect the planet. These conditions are situational and require discernment, but without trusting that life itself is good, we spend our lives building a fort to protect us from a nonexistent enemy.

We need to know who and what we can trust and use discernment in our lives and relationships. Blind trust is crazy. The trust that comes from deep inside, intuitive trust, provides our best guidance.

What is trust and how does it work?

  • Trust is knowing that there is a guidance system moving through all things, especially my life, and that this force is benevolent.
  • Trust is the faith that life is an open love affair and not a dead-end experience.
  • Trust is being willing to sit still and remain silent, without trying to run our friends', families', and acquaintances' lives.
  • Trust is being willing to jump into life full throttle, knowing the universe will stand behind us in our outrageous passion, providing resources, support, ideas, and chance encounters that bring our contributions into full expression.
  • Trust is letting go of the personal mind and its chatter because we know there is a greater mind that can run the universe much better than we can.
  • Trust involves looking beyond circumstances and appearances, into the very center of well-being.
  • Trust ensures a relaxed body. When one trusts, the need to control dissipates, leaving the body supple and calm.
  • Trust releases us from feelings of urgency.
  • Trust creates feelings of belonging.

Even though we cannot trust our behaviors to be perfect or to always be congruent, we can trust that who we are is perfect, consistent, and congruent and that the universe is trustworthy.

The movie, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, sums it up: "Everything will be all right in the end. If it's not all right, then it's not yet the end." We may not be able to see the rightness of life in the moment, but life is always right and as it should be. This concept is not to be used to support denial; the idea of trusting what is means that below the unpredictable, the unacceptable, and the unknown, is something vaster, that has our backs, and it's good.

Excerpted from Anne's book, Words Make a Difference.



Anne Quotes

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Click the image to see a larger view.

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Click the image to see a larger view.

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Click the image to see a larger view.

  Featured Product

Click to learn about Anne's new book, Words Make A Difference.

"Books are waiting to be written. Thus, it was my privilege to bring this book to the world. It brought with it such grace and love. Words Make a Difference sparkles with aliveness and blessing and delivers the perfect information under perfect timing. We are called not only to heal ourselves and those around us, we are destined to hold a vision for the world. This book commands us to be architects of a brave new future and lights a path for us to follow." Anne Sermons Gillis

Order Words Make a Difference from the website or call me at 713-922-0242 to order directly from me. The price is $16.95 plus $3.99 shipping, for a total of $20.94.

Click for the Kindle version on Amazon for $5.99.

 Click to hear Anne talk about Words Make a Difference.
Click to hear Anne talk about Words Make a Difference.

"Some people use affirmations to reprogram the mind. Certainly we have reams of questionable material in our subconscious mind, but I prefer to think of the affirmations in the book as commands for more compassionate living, openings to greater possibilities, and templates for a brave new world." Anne Sermons Gillis

  Anne's Books

Click to learn about Anne's books.
Click to learn about Anne's books.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click to learn about EZosophy.

NOTE: If you are viewing this on a cell phone, be sure to scroll to the right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

­Start Your Day with a Boost, Not a Bang

I often write about the start of the day because this time of day is when we plant the seeds from which our day will grow. Reading the news and having a cup of coffee may get us going, but probably not in the right direction. If we want a peaceful day, we will want to save the news for later and, as for coffee, I don't drink it. It's not a bad thing to do, but it surely puts your adrenals on notice. Here's some info from one source: "Coffee stimulates the adrenal glands, which means that every time you drink coffee, you're activating the body's fight-or-flight response. But, instead of releasing adrenaline so the body can react to a true stressor, the adrenals are releasing this hormone in response to your coffee consumption."

These opinions from Words Make a Difference offer an alternative:

The thoughts we think when we arise set the emotional course for our day. We can dread the day or set sail on a more pleasurable course. Thoughts of despair are habitual. Dreading the day is a fatal mistake. Dread is a magnet for gloomy experiences. It's a filter that darkens everything we view throughout the day.

Yet there is a stillness that lines all reality. Meditation offers a direct path to this stillness, yet we can use ideas and thoughts to lead us through the storms and into the stillness.

How would you feel if you woke up to words of beauty, words of grace, and words of infinite blessing? Probably a lot better than if you start your day mentally with your to do list. These thoughts can assist you in finding the treasure in the start of your day.

Affirmations to start the day:

  • Today is a good day.
  • I expect miracles and magic today.
  • I am responsible for my thoughts about today.
  • Today is my perfect day because I choose to create it as perfect.
  • Today is a turning point. Miracles meet me wherever I go.
  • I give and receive blessings wherever I go.
  • I find a peace so deep and still that I am no longer disturbed by the world.
  • Today, I am in the right place at the right time.

Excerpted from Anne's book, Words Make a Difference.

If you have any healthy living tips for the newsletter, send them to me at

  Anne Talk

Dr. Money: Love Yourself

Clck to watch Anne's video, EZosophy: More Machines - Momagenes.

In EZosophy: More Machines - Momagenes, Anne talks about times to do more and times to go more, or not. Time: 2:12

  Anne Art

Click the image to see a larger view.
Click the image to see a larger view.

Click the image to see a larger view.
Click the image to see a larger view.

  Shareables From Anne

The World's Best Weight Loss Secret

Thought Freedom

40 Days to Abundance

  Abundance Affirmations

Click to Join Anne's Abundance Affirmations Facebook Group.
Join Anne's Facebook Group

This group is a place to post uplifting affirmations and thoughts about prosperity and abundant living. Let's create a right relationship with money so that we feel comfortable about money. Let's use money as it's meant to be used, and not as a way to accumulate power or to fill a void. We don't need money to buy more stuff. We need it to create a world that works for everyone. We want to cast off old beliefs of lack and reclaim our natural state of abundance.

  Anne's Schedule

All times here are Central Time
unless otherwise specified.

Friday, August 10, 2018
Workshop: 9:00 AM-3:00 PM EDT
"Reducing Stress by Connecting With the Body" 5 CE credits $50.00
Bring Your Lunch or Purchase for $11
Location: "The Cottage," 122 Alicia Drive, Summerville, SC
Must Register by August 7, 2018
Click for Flyer & to Register Online

To Register by Mail, send Name,
Address & Contact Info to
Anne S. Gillis, c/o Elizabeth Wann
574 Chimney Bluff Dr.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Make Checks Payable to Anne S. Gillis
Refund Requires 48 hrs. Notice

Friday, August 17, 2018
Workshop: 9:00 AM-3:00 PM EDT
"Handling Life's Biggest Challenges:
Body, Relationships, & Money"
5 CE credits $50.00
Bring Your Lunch or Purchase for $11
Location: "The Cottage," 122 Alicia Drive, Summerville, SC
Must Register by August 14, 2018
Click for Flyer & to Register Online
To Register by Mail, send Name,
Address & Contact Info to
Anne S. Gillis, c/o Elizabeth Wann
574 Chimney Bluff Dr.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Make Checks Payable to Anne S. Gillis
Refund Requires 48 hrs. Notice

  Schedule Anne

Call or Email Anne Now to Schedule Her for Your Meeting.

You may reach Anne by phone at 281-419-1775. Click here to contact Anne by email. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Contact Anne to book your event:
281-419-1775 or

  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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If this newsletter inspires you or touches you in some way, please consider donating to help keep the EZ message going out to the world. Donations may be sent to:

Anne Sermons Gillis
52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

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Or call Anne at 281-419-1775 or 713-922-0242 and she can take any credit card over the phone.

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Edited and published for Anne Sermons Gillis by Charles David Heineke.