Here's Anne Sermons Gillis' 12/03/2019 newsletter, The EZ Secret: Tips on Living in EZ

Published: Tue, 12/03/19

The EZSecret Masthead

The Anne Report brings you up to date on Anne’s latest activities. The Main article, The Law of Attraction (LOA), explains how to use three easy steps to practice the LOA in your daily life. The Healthy Living article, DIY Air Freshener, provides a quick recipe for a healthy air freshener. In the Anne Talk, Give up the idea that life is hard, Anne encourages us to remind ourselves that life can be easy. In today’s Anne’s Prosperity Video, How to Manifest While Avoiding the Pitfalls, Anne provides some specific tips for effective prosperity manifesting. The Featured Product This Month highlights Anne’s fourth book, Words Make a Difference. Click to read What is EZosophy? Click to join Abundance Affirmations. Click for Shareables From Anne.

The EZ Mantra: “Everything can be EZ or at least EZier.” -- Anne Sermons Gillis

The EZ Secret Newsletter
      “Read What You Can, When You Can”

Living EZosophy, December 3, 2019
Published Weekly on Tuesday Mornings

In This Issue
In the Left Column: In the Right Column:
The Anne Report Healthy Living
Main Article Anne Talk
Quotes Anne Art
Featured Product This Month Anne’s Schedule
What is EZosophy? Anne’s Services
Anne Sermons Gillis
Contact Information:

Phone: 713.922.0242

Anne’s Websites:

Click to see Anne's Products.
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  The Anne Report

The Anne Report

Dear ,

We made it through Thanksgiving. There was never a doubt that I wouldn’t make it, but it does seem like an accomplishment, especially for those who served large meals to their families. We went to my friend’s home. We were the only “ones” with our political views, so all I had to do was express an opinion after someone made a statement, to keep anyone from saying another word. I appreciated that.

I find it tedious to talk politics all the time. I keep up with the headlines, but I’m happy to stay away from a hotbed topic. It’s easier to converse when someone shares my views, but when people start hating, judging, and name calling, on either side, I’m out. It’s not up to us to make people think the way we do. As the great spiritual teacher, Vernon Howard, once said, “Leave people alone.”

Back to Thanksgiving. I overate, took it easy, and had loads of fun playing with a three- and an eleven-year-old. We built LEGO structures, played with flash cards, and laughed more than I’ve laughed in ages. It was the real laughing-out-loud kind of laughing. The three-year-old could read and also do addition, into the four thousands. He discussed the temperatures with Jim. He actually read the app and wrapped his arms around his little body and said, “It’s going to be cold.”

And that’s it for the Anne Report.

  Main Article

The Law of Attraction (LOA)

“When you withdraw your attention from those things that are not pleasing, and you put your attention upon those things that are pleasing, those pleasing things begin to become more abundant, and those not-pleasing things become rarer. Until, eventually, those not-pleasing things cannot be part of your experience, because you will have eliminated your attraction factor from your vibration. What you think and what you get always matches.” Abraham-Hicks

Abraham, the contemporary Law of Attraction (LOA)* guru, offers good advice to the spiritual seeker, but, as with all wisdom, the LOA may not apply to every situation. There are many perspectives, of which the Law of Attraction is but one, that help us manage our lives. If a loved one dies, we grieve. We may need a grief counselor or a support group. We can’t be concerned about our vibrations at a time of loss. If we see injustice, we feel outrage, and perhaps become activists. But if the grief and the outrage stay past their usefulness, our vibrations begin to align with synthetic emotions. They are emotions that are no longer relevant to our life’s situations, but we hang onto them because they define us or give us a chemical boost. We hang on until something knocks us down or we realize that we are dying at our own hands. Once we commit to change, we find that the Law of Attraction points us in an upward direction that bypasses the common mistakes of helplessness.

What is the Law of Attraction and is it relevant in our lives? The Law of Attraction, often referred to as LOA, is a principle that states what we think about we bring about. Thoughts are causative. The LOA moves us from a victim of circumstances position to a creator of circumstances status.

Without having read anything about the LOA, when I was young, I practiced the LOA. I knew what I wanted from life. Admittedly, it was what society and my roles models trained me to want, but I devised my best model of a borrowed life plan. By day I would imagine myself living that life, and as I drifted off to sleep each night, I played my dreams and goals over and over.

Did you catch my three steps?

  1. I knew what I wanted – a husband, a child, travel, and a nice home. I came from a divorced home, and I was sure a stable, married, home life, with a little adventure, would make everything fit together in a better way.

  2. I lived as if I already had that life (outcome) – I pretended to pack for trips. I daydreamed about my “perfect future.”

  3. I pictured that life as I drifted off to bed. I could feel a wedding ring on my hand. I smiled myself to sleep in my wonderland of bliss.

By the time I was 25, I had all the things I’d dreamed, and even though the outer world was exciting and glamorous to me, I was not fulfilled. That’s when I dove beneath my dreams. There had to be something more meaningful than living the American dream. I didn’t have 40 acres and a mule, but I did have a lovely home and two late model cars. I traveled quite a bit, which was rarer at that time, and I had a husband and a darling little girl.

I learned that the first step in the process of manifesting is the most important. I can’t know what I want until I realize who I am. The me I’d made myself up to be, was the caricature of a person designed to be what I thought would please others or what they thought would bring meaning and satisfaction to life. No wonder the more I got, the worse I felt, but the more I discovered who I was, the less I needed the LOA. Yes, I use the LOA, but I don’t use it to control every aspect of my life. When I feel satisfied with my life, trying to get something to satisfy me, loses its glitter. When I need to make a tight flight connection, you best believe I’m picturing myself in my seat as the plane takes off. I use the LOA for all kinds of practical things. Once I needed a white coat. I wore it, in my imagination, and, as I was riding down the road one day, I felt a nudge to pull into a store. There it was, my white coat, in my size, for exactly the price I was willing to pay.

Step two, live as if, has two sides. It can sidestep us from the beauty and power of the unfiltered present moment, or it can bring a much-needed enthusiasm into a life of misery. The LOA can bring life to a dead plant, but it’s like a fire: it can warm our hands or burn the house down. We need a well-developed intuition to guide us when to use step two. I’ve heard some goofy sounding people glibly pushing away reality. They pretended their lives away and used their dreams as an excuse for not living in the real world.

Step three, using the drowsy moments to picture our goals before we fall asleep, doesn’t have any down sides. When I’m trying to manifest something, thinking of it usually relaxes me and I go right to sleep.

Much of the time, I’m content with what is or in releasing the situation: “Thy will be done.” When I need the LOA, my intuition reminds me that I influence the outcomes in my life. It’s time to go to work rewriting an old script or bringing in the new.

The Law of Attraction teachings run through religions, psychology, philosophy, and science. The use of the LOA is not limited to one creed or dogma. We don’t have to be initiated into a secret society or pay large sums of money to learn them. They work for everyone, and when we discover them and use them wisely in our lives, everything becomes EZier and EZier.

*In 1877, the term “Law of Attraction” appeared in print for the first time, in a book written by the Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky, in a context alluding to an attractive power existing between elements of spirit. (Isis Unveiled, page 340)


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  Featured Product This Month

Click to learn about Anne's new book, Words Make A Difference.

"Books are waiting to be written. Thus, it was my privilege to bring this book to the world. It brought with it such grace and love. Words Make a Difference sparkles with aliveness and blessing and delivers the perfect information under perfect timing. We are called not only to heal ourselves and those around us, we are destined to hold a vision for the world. This book commands us to be architects of a brave new future and lights a path for us to follow." Anne Sermons Gillis

Order Words Make a Difference from the website or call me at 713.922.0242 to order directly from me. The price is $16.95 plus $3.99 shipping, for a total of $20.94.

Click for the Kindle version on Amazon for $5.99.

  What is EZosophy?

What is EZosophy? Click here to find out.
Click the image to learn more about EZosophy.

NOTE: If viewing this on a cell phone, scroll right to see the other column.

  Healthy Living

DIY Air Freshener

I was sitting quietly when, unexpectedly, I was assailed by a chemical odor. I asked my friend, “Do you smell chemicals?” By then I was using my sweater as a filter and coughing. She replied, “It smelled bad in the bathroom. I just sprayed some Febreze.”

I am surprised that people still use chemical air fresheners. Whether it be the spray variety or the plug-in version, they are health hazards. True, I used them 30 years ago, but today I’m aware of how toxic they can be. Known toxic chemicals that can be found in air fresheners include camphor, phenol, ethanol, formaldehyde, and artificial fragrances (which contain their own mix of toxic chemicals). These chemicals can cause symptoms like headaches, rashes, dizziness, migraines, asthma attacks, mental confusion, coughing and more. Children and pets are more at risk than adults.

I have a wonderful diffuser in my bedroom that puts out wonderful fragrances. Just a few drops of my favorite essential oil and some water and then plug in and that’s it. Natural fragrance. I would prefer a bad odor than a toxic coverup, but what about a clean coverup? Another idea - make your own air freshener.

Lemon Air Freshener

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

  • 2 to 3 drops of any essential oil (your choice) Sweet orange, lavender, tangerine, even peppermint

  • 2 cups of hot water

  • Add a sprig of lavender or rosemary

Mix in spray bottle and it’s good to go.

If it turns cloudy, it’s best to make a new batch. Let’s create a healthier and healthier environment for ourselves and our families.

If you have any healthy living tips for the newsletter, send them to me at

  Anne Talk

Give up the idea that life is hard

Click to watch Anne's video.

Today’s Anne Talk is Give up the idea that life is hard. Anne encourages us to remind ourselves that life can be easy. Time: 3:03

  Anne Art

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  Anne’s Prosperity Video

How to Manifest While Avoiding the Pitfalls

Click to watch Dr. Money's video.

Today’s Dr. Money Prosperity Video is How to Manifest While Avoiding the Pitfalls. Anne provides some specific tips for effective prosperity manifesting. 10:21

  Abundance Affirmations

Click to Join Anne's Abundance Affirmations Facebook Group.
Join Anne’s Facebook Group

This group is a place to post uplifting affirmations and thoughts about prosperity and abundant living. Let’s create a right relationship with money so that we feel comfortable about money. Let’s use money as it’s meant to be used, and not as a way to accumulate power or to fill a void. We don’t need money to buy more stuff. We need it to create a world that works for everyone. We want to cast off old beliefs of lack and reclaim our natural state of abundance. Anne, AKA Dr. Money, posts a nightly goodnight for the prosperity team, and everyone who watches them becomes a part of the prosperity team.

You can also join the Prosperity Team by watching Anne’s Dr. Money channel.

  Shareables From Anne

Share these links with others.

The World's Best Weight Loss Secret

Thought Freedom

40 Days to Abundance

EZosophy Vows

Vows of Seriousness

Anne's Conscious Carols

  Anne’s Schedule

All times here are Central Time
unless otherwise specified.

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  Schedule Anne

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You may reach Anne by phone at 713.922.0242. Click here to email Anne. Anne is also available to officiate at weddings and funerals.

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  Anne's Services

Need a Coach or a Rent-a-Friend?

Interested in getting ongoing support? Try life coaching with Anne. Anne offers both short-term and long-term coaching. Contact her for details. Click here to contact Anne by email or Click here to view information on Anne's One Year Seminar and other training too.

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Anne Sermons Gillis
52 W. Tallowberry Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

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Edited and published weekly for Anne Sermons Gillis by Charles David Heineke. Visit Anne at